
Jinning's Oyster and Wheat Cultural Season Flamboyantly Entered the Stage

作者: 譯者:Wilson Chou;校正:Patti Jernigan。


Oyster and Wheat Cultural Festival activities took place on April 16th at the "Peace Memorial Park" in Lin-Cuo Village, Jinning Township. With an estimated 3000 people participating in the activity, the entire traditional settlement was bustling (2). Magistrate Li, Wo-Shi expects this cultural celebration to spread into other towns, integrating with tourism and pushing forward the sustainable development of local industries.

The main purpose of this activity was to develop local industries and market a unique "Kinmen experience," implement bioenvironmental (3) education, and promote Kinmen's culture. All these efforts can be traced back to the "Oyster Culture Festival" held in Jinning Township back in 2003. This year, thanks to the input of resources by the county government, the festival was expanded with wheat culture added, and topics such as folklore customs, green energy, and environmental protection combined.

Magistrate Li pointed out in the opening ceremony that this activity is related to the agricultural development of Gunningtou, as well as to lingering (4) memories of childhood shared by villagers. This year's theme integrated oyster and wheat, and emphasized the local culture of Jinning's own town of Guningtou. Several special features were enjoyed this year, including the spectacular view of the wheat field, the tasting of the wheat wine (provided by Kinmen Kaoliang Liquor Inc.), and the creative oyster dish intended for the cultural and creative industry. It is hoped that the oyster girl's fashion show, which originated from the innovative ideas of the youth, might enable Kinmen to create its own fashion design.

●1. flamboyantly-(adv)炫麗地。
●2. bustling-(adj)熙熙攘攘的;奔忙的、活躍的。
●3. bioenvironmental-(adj)與生態環境有關的;或指環境中對生物有害因素有關的。
●4. lingering-(adj)逗留不去的。這裡指的是,縈繞在腦海裡的回憶。

