
First Casino-Resorts Law Presentations Launched in Kinmen

作者: 譯者:蔡湜梵;校正:Patti Jernigan。


MOTC has authorized an organization to host a draft casino-resorts (1) law presentation at National Quemoy University (NQU) on April 15. The attendants have provided both positive and negative comments in reference to the casino industry issue. The project host Xu, Xiao-Po (徐小波) stressed that "It's up to the locals to decide whether the casino-resort should be built in Kinmem."

Lai, Bing-Rong (賴炳榮), the Section Chief of Department of Highway and Railway, MOTC, said that since the casino-resorts law is still in the drafting stage, the purpose of this presentation would be to give the public a clear view of the law and its details so that they can better understand and feel comforted about the setup of casino-resorts. The government will also use this opportunity to receive advice from outside sources at the same time.

During the presentation, the project host Xu said that the global financial crisis has triggered (2) the rising position of Asia, and with the occurrence of the redistribution of wealth, has thus placed the world into a new era. It is time for Asia to shine and Taiwan should not be excluded from this, nor should Kinmen. The casino industry can help to increase both career opportunity and tax revenue, and therefore, it will be beneficial in terms of the economic development at both local and national levels.

Chen, Yu-Zhen (陳玉珍), executive secretary of the Council Speaker, said that NT$2 billion in tax revenue and the creation of 10 thousand jobs seem trivial and can't be commensurate (3) with the great impact that the casino industry might bring to Kinmen. TGM Chairman Hossein Asadi said that the infrastructure development of Kinmen still has room for improvement, and the overall conditions are not as conducive (4) as conditions in Penghu. He suggests building a casino in Taiwan instead. In addition, many attendants from the media have also mentioned the negative impact that the casino industry could have on Kinmen. While it is still questionable whether the import of a casino-resorts industry could actually do any good for Kinmen, prospective (5) negative influences, such as the fluctuation (6) of specific stock price and the overheated real estate market, have already emerged.
縣議會機要秘書陳玉珍表示,博弈對於地方的衝擊很大,若只能為金門增加廿億稅收、一萬個就業機會,恐怕誘因不足。外商阿沙迪(Hossein Asadi)認為,金門的基礎設施不足,需加強,條件也比澎湖差,建議在台灣本島開放。與會多位媒體人也在會中發言,認為博奕可能對金門帶來負面影響,並批評引進博弈能否帶來利多令人存疑,但卻已經造成炒股、炒地等負面的衝擊。

Lai, Bing-Rong said that after two years of careful elaboration (7), the development idea of a national tourist resort with small ancillary (8) part of a casino was proposed by the CEPD. The casino would make up only 5 percent of the government's plan. Lai emphasized that it's up to the decision of Kinmen local residents whether to set up a casino-resort or not. He stated that the concession (9) fee collected from the licensed casino can be invested into infrastructure development to promote the prosperity of Kinmen.

●1. casino-resorts-(n)設有博奕的觀光遊憩區。原本博奕(賭博)就字面的解釋應該譯為gambling,casino則是以提供娛樂為主的場所,且兼具有賭場。目前我國開放博奕的方向採觀光為主、博奕為輔,為避免誤導,因此譯為casino-resorts。另,中央通訊社英文新聞也採同樣的翻譯方式。
●2. trigger-(vt)原本當名詞,是槍砲的扳機,當動詞用則是觸發、引發的意思。
●3. commensurate-(adj)等量的;相稱的。常見用語是be commensurate with。
●4. conducive-(adj)有利的;有益的。
●5. prospective-(adj)預期中的;未來的。
●6. fluctuation-(n)波動。
●7. elaboration-(n)精心製作。
●8. ancillary-(adj)補充的;輔助的。
●9. concession-(n)特許;特許權;專利權。

