
Cycling Life Activity: A Thousand Circle the Island

作者: 譯者:Ginger Jernigan;校正:Patti Jernigan。

鐵馬樂活遊 千人全島走透透

Despite cloudy skies and a slight drizzle (1), the "Kinmen County 1000 Bikes Cycling Around the Island" activity commenced with more than one thousand bicycle-loving participants on May 1st. Kinmen County Government Chief Secretary Lu, Zhi-Hui, led participants in the "Weight-loss pledge (2)," encouraging residents to participate in regular exercise and cycling, riding off together into good health and fortune. He also persuaded residents to set a goal of losing a total 2.8 tons as a community.

In his speech at the event, Lu emphasized that Kinmen is very suitable for cycling, hence the government is promoting cycling as an exercise. The government even provided 500 completely new "Public Bicycles" (six-speed), to be made available for tourists. Hopefully, the cycling event will promote a cycling lifestyle, and encourage the island to whole-heartedly work towards becoming a low carbon, physically-fit island.

●1. drizzle-(n)毛毛雨。
●2. pledge-(n)誓言、保證。

