
"The Quest" Makes Its Debut: Kinmen Fellows Deeply Moved

作者: 譯者:Wilson Chou;校正:Patti Jernigan。

落番金門首映 鄉親感動落淚

"The Quest"-a documentary film produced and funded by the administration office of Kinmen National Park on Kinmenese overseas immigrants in Malaysia made its debut (1) on May 6th in Kinmen. Director Peter Tang depicted (2) and reminisced (3) the hardship-stricken (4) past of Kinmen ancestors in Southeast Asia through various scenes and photographs. He managed to vividly present the history of travail (5) and struggle of the Kinmenese to an audience of Kinmen fellows who were deeply moved and many brought to tears after watching this movie.

When giving his speech, the Governor of Fujian Provincial Government Xue, Cheng-Tai stated that almost all Kinmenese have relatives who had been through such an arduous (6) past. He believed the commitment made by those overseas fellows to give feedback to their homeland may arouse the empathy (7) of the 23 million Taiwanese. Director Peter Tang commented that when "The Quest" had premiered (8) in Malaysia in March, it had aroused the empathy of overseas Chinese. Local Chinese newspapers there continually presented a special report on the documentary for over a month, and Chinese TV stations featured special reports for over two weeks. Such a bang (9) showed how apparent and impactful overseas Chinese's effect on Southeast Asian societies can be.

This documentary was accompanied by a musical piece, "Fan Shu Qing" by Kinmenese musician Li, Zi-Heng. "The Quest" was nominated for Documentary of the Year when the Taipei Film Awards were announced in the Taipei 2011 Film Festival on May 4th.

●1. debut-(n)初次登台;首次露面。
●2. depict-(vt)描繪;描寫。
●3. reminisce-(vt)追憶、回想。
●4. -stricken-(adj) 通常前面加上名詞,指被~侵襲的。此處是指遭遇「困難、艱困」打擊的。
●5. travail-(n)艱難、痛苦;或指分娩時的陣痛。
●6. arduous-(adj)艱鉅、費力、困難的;(山勢)陡峭的。
●7. empathy-(n)移情;同理心。
●8. premiere-(vt)首映。
●9. bang-(n)原來是擬聲字,指撞擊、敲擊後的聲響。此處指巨大影響、轟動。


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