
Magistrate Li Urged the MAC to Address Cross-Boundary Fishing from Mainland China

作者: 譯者:Ginger Jernigan;校正:Patti Jernigan。


County Magistrate Li, Wo-Shi went to Taiwan on the 16th to hold a meeting with MAC official and vice chairman, Liu, De-Xun (劉德勳), urging the MAC to address the cross-boundary fishing and its derivative (1) problems. He also took advantage of the opportunity to ask for assistance from the MAC, hoping that the issues of increasing tentative (2) cities in China for individual travelers to visit Taiwan, and allowing transition of these travelers via Kinmen, can be negotiated through the Taiwan Strait Tourism Association and the Cross-Strait Tourism Exchange Association on both sides. With this new policy, Magistrate Li hopes that it can boost Kinmen's tourism industry.

Magistrate Li pointed out that on January 13th and 14th of this year, mainland fishing boats were discovered to have illegally crossed the boundaries. In addition to interference with public function(3), they also involved unlawful gathering of a large number of fishing boats in our fishing port, invasion (4) of Kinmen's fishing resources, and leaving local residents threatened and fearful. Magistrate Li appealed to the MAC to address (5) the cross-boundary fishing issue, and negotiate with mainland China through relative channels.

Regarding the opening up for individual travelers from mainland China to Taiwan, County Magistrate Li hoped that in addition to Bejing, Shanghai and alleged tentative cities revealed by the media, other cities in Fujian can be listed and their residents be allowed to visit Taiwan.

●1. derivative-(adj)衍生的。
●2. tentative-(adj)試驗性的。
●3. public function-公共的職能,亦即公務。interference with public function就是一般刑案中的「妨礙公務」。
●4. invasion-(n)侵佔、侵略。
●5. address-(vt)這裡做動詞使用,指的是對付~問題,或滿足~需求。

