
NQU, NTSU, and BSU Sign Exchange Agreements

作者: 譯者:Ginger Jernigan;校正:Patti Jernigan。


On the 27th of May, National Quemoy University, National Taiwan Sport University, and Beijing Sport University signed a Letter of Intent (1) for Academic Exchange and Cooperation. Under the principle of equality and equal benefit, this agreement aims towards substantive (2) academic exchange, and research cooperation in the up-coming three years.

Li, Jin-Zhen (李金振) of NQU said that BSU is one of the important universities in Mainland China, as well as one of the leading universities holding the most medals won during the Olympic Games, and having fostered (3) world-renowned (4) scholars and experts, coaches and athletes, and senior management. He also mentioned that NTSU is the cradle for athletic talent in Taiwan. Li emphasized that NQU is honored to be able to establish partnership with these two renowned schools.

On his first visit to Kinmen, BSU president, Yang, Hua (楊樺), praised Kinmen's scenic and ecological environment, clean roads, and beautiful campus. Yang said that after the signing of the Letter of Intent, the cooperation among the three schools will be conducted and the relationship across-strait will be enhanced accordingly (5).

NTSU president, Gao, Jun-Xiong (高俊雄), has been to Kinmen on many occasions, including the annual Liao-Luo Bay Long Distance Swim. He pointed out that Kinmen has been playing a pivotal (6) role in the leverage (7) in the cross-strait exchange. He noted that they are looking forward to promoting the exchange between teachers and students, and cooperative research. He is also anticipating that students and faculty among the three schools will join together as a team to participate in the long distance swimming challenge that will be held at Liao Luo Bay in the end of July this year, and once again place Kinmen at the focal point (8) of the world.

●1. Letter of Intent-合作意向書。是正式簽訂合約之前的草約。
●2. substantive-(adj)真實的;實質的。
●3. foster-(vt)培養、促進。
●4. world-renowned-(adj)世界知名的。renowned就是「著名、知名」的意思。
●5. accordingly-(adv)相應地;因此。
●6. pivotal-(adj)樞軸、中樞、重要的。
●7. leverage-(n)槓桿作用。
●8. focal point-(n)焦點。意指活動的核心,也可用來指涉參與活動、賽事的重要人物。

