
Longest Human Centipede Procession Set a New Guinness World Record

作者: 譯者:蔡湜梵;校正:Patti Jernigan。


The longest human centipede procession set a new Guinness World Record and has become the pride of Kinmen! Guinness World Records adjudicator (1) Anna Louise Orford, who traveled all the way from England, shared this amazing experience with the world by posting a blog on the official website of Guinness World Records. Besides letting people around the world discover this featured tradition of Kinmen, it has also helped Kinmen to make its appearance on the world stage.
  金門的驕傲~百節蜈蚣座登上金氏世界紀錄網站!為了百節蜈蚣座認證工作,從英國遠道而來的金氏世界紀錄認證官Anna Louise Orford,將此次認證感想心得,發表在金氏世界紀錄網站上,透過網路世界的無遠弗屆,讓世界各國的人們認識金門特色的人力蜈蚣座,使金門推向國際舞台。

In her post, Anna said that she spent the most amazing three days in Kinmen during the execution of the adjudication (2) task. "Chen Huang is the city god who protects the city's residents, and the centipede procession is part of the Cheng Huang Festival. The significance of the centipede procession is rooted in ancient Chinese culture and historically has played an important military role. This year, the people of Kinmen were attempting to set a new Guinness World Record achievement for the longest human centipede formation in terms of (3) the number of people carrying the centipede in the procession."

"As we walk around the sleepy (4) streets, the host and my interpreter talked me through the landmarks and the history of the island. The route that the procession will take is exactly 1680 meters (1.04 miles) as measured by the Construction Engineering Department of the National Quemoy University."

"Finally, the centipede procession is ready. The rain has kindly agreed to stop. All the children are seated and ... off it goes-the centipede is on the move. The children rise above the crowd, as the structure is lifted onto the shoulders of the army (5) of volunteers. The children dress up as ancient characters such as gods and emperors, but a few slightly more modern characters pop up, such as Batman, Superman and Spiderman."

"The centipede procession is 168 meters (176 meters if including the centipede head, tail, and all the connecting parts) long, transporting 200 children, with more than a thousand people taking it in turn to carry the structure. During the next three hours the centipede meanders (6) its way through the narrow streets, advancing with grace and majestic (7) beauty. The crowds gather to worship Chen Huang, the city god, and to celebrate this human achievement."

●1. adjudicator-(n)判決者、評判員。
●2. adjudication-(n)判決、宣告。亦即金氏世界記錄的認證。
●3. in terms of-就~方面而論;在~方面。
●4. sleepy-(adj)寂靜的;令人想睡的。
●5. army-(n)一般說來,army是指軍隊,但此處用來指「大批、大群」。
●6. meander-(vi)緩慢而曲折地移動;漫步。
●7. majestic-(adj)雄偉、莊嚴的;崇高的。

