
Magistrate Li Visits the NIA Urging for Loosening Policy on Mainland Tourists' Extended Trip to Kinmen

作者: 譯者:Wilson Chou;校正:Patti Jernigan。

李縣長拜會移民署 為金門自由行請命

Magistrate Li, Wo-Shi (李沃士) visited the Director-General of the National Immigration Agency (NIA), Xie, Li-Gong (謝立功) to win over (1) simplified procedures for mainland tourists applying for entrance to Kinmen, making it easier and faster for the tourists to acquire a visa for the "extended" one-day travel in Kinmen.

Magistrate Li indicated that, according to Xiamen's statistics, the number of tourists from different mainland provinces traveling to Xiamen had reached 30 million last year. If it is possible for 10% of these tourists to transfer from Xiamen to Kinmen, the local business opportunities would be immense (2). This could also facilitate a structural change in Kinmen tourism. Xiamen City feels positive about the proposed Xiamen-Kinmen tour (excluding the possibility of transferring to Taiwan). Magistrate Li said, a "Xiamen Public Security Bureau's Kinmen Travel Visa Center" has been established, and he urged the NIA to cooperate in implementing this new measure.

Yang, Zhen-Wu (楊鎮浯), the Director-General of the county government's Transportation and Tourism Bureau, added that the number of mainland group package tourists (3) who may extend their travel to Kinmen from Xiamen will be limited to 500 daily during the initial stage. No overnight stay will be allowed under this plan, and the travel routes will be designated. Its operation mode will be entirely different as currently pending (4) the "Grand" Self-Guided Tour for mainland tourists to Taiwan and the "Mini" Self-Guided Tour for Fujian tourists who travel in Kinmen, Mazu, and Penghu (5). The applicants for extended tours from Xiamen to Kinmen will be limited to mainland tourists who will stay in Xiamen for 2-3 days. They may use one of these days to apply for a temporary group visa and travel to Kinmen for one day. Because of the time restraint (6) of mainland tourists, the county government has asked the NIA to agree to the implementation of a dual visa application process without modifying the laws. In other words, when mainland tourists arrive at Xiamen, they may apply for the Exit / Entry Permit from both the authorities of Xiamen and Kinmen, and then confirm the success of their application when they enter Kinmen, ensuring they can get a "practical" landing visa and thus enjoy their extended trip in Kinmen. The county government also asked the NIA to loosen the regulations and authorize their branch office in Kinmen to issue the "Temporary Entry Notice" not only to "Division Chief Level" officials, but also to higher level officials such as those officials at the "Deputy Department Level" from China.

Xie, Li-Gong stated that the NIA is going to cooperate fully as long as it can facilitate the development of Kinmen's tourism. Regarding the "dual visa application process" proposed by the county government, Xie said he will seek for timely advice and ask for verification (7) of the Mainland Affairs Council.

●1. win over-說服。
●2. immense-(adj)巨大的;無邊無際的;無限的。
●3. group package tourists-團進團出的旅客。亦即團客。也有簡稱為GPT的用法。
●4. pending-(adj)懸而未決的。
●5. 此處原文是指「大自由行」與「小自由行」,因此翻譯時採用Grand與Mini並加上引號,作為對比。
●6. restraint-(n)限制;約束;禁止、控制。
●7. verification-(n)確認;核實;證明。

