
S. Korean TV Station Visited Kinmen for its Successful Transformation

作者: 譯者:蔡湜梵;校正:Patti Jernigan。


Tension on the Korean peninsula has increased since Yeonpyeong Island (延坪島) was attacked by North Korea last November. This incident has resulted in Kinmen and its underground tunnels, which were built by the military to function as a military base, receiving attention from other parts of the world. Tbroad TV, a Korean cable TV station, decided to visit Kinmen to shoot some footage (1) as part of a "one year memorial project" featuring the Yeonpyeong Island incident, which will be aired this November. On June 20th, the program producer An Dong-Hyeok (安東 ) interviewed County Magistrate Li, Wo-Shi in his office.
去年十一月南韓仁川市延坪島受到北韓砲擊,造成朝鮮半島情勢緊張。此一事件讓國際注意到金門,以及當年國軍為防禦而建造的地下堡壘。針對「延坪島事件」,韓國Tbroad有線電視台,特別來金取景,將製作專題配合該事件一週年紀念,安排十一月份在韓國播出。製作人安東 (An Dong-Hyeok)20日特別前往縣府訪問縣長李沃士。

During the interview, An Dong-Hyeok focused on specific topics such as how Kinmen transformed from a battlefield to a tourist site; how the government ended the political tension and revived the local economy; and what strategies and development goals the central and local governments have for the development of the tourism industry.
訪談中,安東 (An Dong-Hyeok)想瞭解,金門如何從戰地變換為觀光勝地;走過緊張氣氛,政府如何重振金門經濟;以及中央、地方政府在推動觀光發展上有何政策或發展目標。

Magistrate Li said that the economic development in Kinmen was relatively slow when cross-strait tensions were high. In 1992, after the lifting of martial law and the ban on traveling, there was once a prosperous turning point for tourism development in Kinmen. In 2001, the launch of Mini-Three-Links greatly influenced the transformation of Kinmen-from a military frontline for Taiwan to a transport route for the Cross-strait. It has also triggered (2) economic growth in Kinmen. Besides, the key aspects for Kinmen County Government to promote local tourism are: the southern-Min Culture, the homeland of oversea Chinese, a historical battlefield, the natural ecology, and cultural richness.

As for future goals, Magistrate Li pointed out that while the plan is to build Kinmen as an international tourism island, the ultimate goal is to take sustainable development as basic principle and construct a city full of happiness and vitality(3), a place which provides its residents and visitors wellness, joy, and relaxation.

●1. footage-(n)英尺,這裡用以譬喻影片拍攝的長度,亦即影片拍攝的連續鏡頭。
●2. trigger-(vt)原本是手槍的扳機,用為動詞指扣扳機、發射,並引伸為觸發、引起~。
●3. vitality-(n)活力;生命力。


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