
Centipede Procession-A Legend In Kinmen

作者: 英文譯文來源:金門縣政府研考室提供。


Centipede Procession prevails (1) in Min-Nan areas and the coastal townships in southwestern Taiwan. According to the ancestors' immigration routes in the Ming and Qing Dynasty, the Centipede Procession in the Taiwan region should be the custom brought by Min-Nan people when they crossed the sea and immigrated to Taiwan. Now, the Tzu-Tung Temple, Xiamen at the Min-Nan region still performs the art array of Centipede Procession, while Kinmen is another area in the cross-strait region that performs Centipede Procession.

The preciousness of Kinmen Centipede Procession is that it was not sabotaged (2) by Cultural Revolution. Thus, it has complete and sound systems, with well-preserved history. Besides, because of the prevailing existence of single-surname village in Kinmen, the mobilization made by the people in this area will be more united than that of the Taiwan region, unlike the Taiwan region in which the array is performed and operated procession on wheels. Therefore, the traditional spirit of union and cooperation in Min-Nan culture has remained.

Legend has it that the origin of the Centipede Procession was from the temple at a village in the Fujian region which was about to be established for worshiping the Royal Lord's divine spirit, according to the textual research made by Lin, Jin-Rong, worker of local culture and history. Unexpectedly, when people were breaking the ground, they disturbed the centipede spirit who had practiced Taoist rules underground for a thousand years. Consequently, the neighboring villages were in a great turmoil (3) and people could not live in peace. The Royal Lord knew that the temple for worshiping His statue can not be completed due to the disturbance caused by the centipede spirit. He was so furious that He exerted (4) spiritual power to make the centipede spirit surrender. He also made it become His subordinate, responsible for patrolling, safeguarding and protecting the area on behalf of the Royal Lord.

Because it patrolled, safeguarded and protected the area on behalf of the Royal Lord successfully, the centipede spirit ascended to the heaven due to its good accomplishment. The Jade Emperor conferred (5) a title "Perfect Man With Hundred Feet" upon it, making it responsible for repelling (6) demons and eliminating disasters for people when it accompanied the Royal Lord on patrol. Therefore, Perfect Man With Hundred Feet is worshipped as a tutelary (7) god by local people. Thus, inspired by the religious faith regarding a centipede's fulfillment of being a celestial, (8) the Centipede Procession is commonly seen in the process of God's patrols and parades in folk temple festivals. Through patrols and parades, it is symbolic of repelling demons and safeguarding the area for local place. At present, the Centipede Procession is often called "Centipede Array", also called "Hundred-Footed Perfect Man Array".
Another saying about the Centipede Procession is: Centipede is one of the top five poisonous bugs, and people think that the Centipede Procession has the function to repel demons, eliminate disasters and attract safety. Therefore, in a temple fair, it can serve as the pioneer team for the God's sedan chair, which has the function to eliminate poison and repel evil.

In Kinmen, although the Centipede Procession is called "Centipede Procession", its shape is in the form of a dragon, which is different from that in Taiwan. In Taiwan, the shape is formed totally according to the connection of the centipede head and its hundred-footed body. Because of the legendary spirituality of dragon, our nationals especially love the auspiciousness (9) brought by it. They encourage children to get close to it actively and happily, to feel the joy. The front head and the tail of a Centipede Procession are made by professional masters from paper-pasting shops.

1. prevail-(vi)普遍、流行。
2. sabotage-(vi)破壞。
3. turmoil-(n)騷動;混亂。
4. exert-(vt)用盡(力氣);運用;發揮。
5. confer-(vi)授予;給予。
6. repel-(vt)擊退;驅逐;抵抗、防禦。
7. tutelary-(adj)守護的;保護的。
8. celestial-(n)神仙。
9. auspiciousness-(n)吉兆;吉利。

