
英文原來這樣說(English Is A Piece of Cake)

作者: 王軒。

Things sail as smoothly as planned.(一帆風順)肯定是大家最最期待的事情。不管樂透(lottery)上看幾個億或是工作加薪( get a raise),都不要忘記國際競爭力:英語力=未來續航力的概念!本次專欄特別選取寫作班上將近十年台灣學生英文作文錯誤句子。千萬不要以為寫作裡面充滿美麗的辭藻和名人佳句就可以得高分;對於外國教授來說:真正及格的英文表現就是親切而且有力傳達概念,多了其他的贅字只是讓自己扣分。台灣的同學非常喜歡用Big Word來炫耀自己的英文程度,但沒想到卻是暴露出缺點;如果沒有完整的格式和道地的表達用語,只是一篇『片語填鴨&缺乏創意』的填鴨拙作,而不是『原創性&感動十足』切身經驗分享。學語言時,一定要勇敢面對自己最弱、最醜陋的地方。不要想說反正「這樣講老美也聽得懂」的藉口害了你一輩子。什麼意思? 有人說 "Life begins at the end of your comfort zone." ,英文要進步也是如此。 絕對要跳脫自己的舒適圈 (e.g. 喜歡用的字、structures). 西方有眾多知名學者早已指出 "Satisfaction of communicative needs"(僅滿足於溝通需求) 跟 "avoidance"(閃避) 都是阻礙語言進步的主因。今天的專欄要利用黃金重點十句,不僅是深入檢測同學長久以來的英文實力,也一起複習許多你困擾已久的文法重點,有機會搭時光機來跟你的英文「重修舊好」囉!還在等什麼!!你還在講"Let's go?外國朋友都在說"Let's roll !"你跟上了嗎?就讓我們進入主題吧!
1.Mr. Dexter usually spends a lot of time to study the bible and English literature.
2.My family more prefer beef than chicken for three meals.
3.Please send Mr. Roger to the airport this afternoon, or he may not be able to catch the plane.
4.You really should cut your hair. It's a total mess.
5.Excuse me, I need to turn off and start my computer again for better efficiency.
6.I am used to jogging in the morning and doing Pilates in the evening to stay in shape.
7.This restaurant offers a variety of exotic dishes and cozy atmosphere with reasonable prices.
8.Her rude comments on my performance really pissed me off.
9.In my leisure time, I tend to play with my friends in the park or go for a spin along the coast.
10.All audience found Joseph's speech persuasive and he received the standing ovation.
1.Mr. Dexter usually spends a lot of time studying the bible and English literature.
●人+ spend + Time/ $ + on N(sth)/ (in) V-ing
EX.:She spent three hours riding the bike in the park.
●事 + take(s) + Time ( for sb )+ to VR.
EX.:It takes Emily twenty minutes from home to school on foot.
●事+ cost(s) + $ + to VR
EX.:This bill costs me an arm and a leg.
(這個帳單真的要花我一大筆錢了。) →an arm and a leg可不能直翻「一個胳臂和一條腿」喔!是指「花很大的代價才能取得某事物」。
2.My family prefer beef to chicken for three meals.
(A) 請再說一次。
Please repeat it again!其中的re-:again"再一次"和"again"意思重複,只要說:Please repeat it.
You can access to our website for further information.哪裡有問題呢?
"access"本身是「及物動詞」就可以當作「進入某系統或取得管道了解」跟"to"意思相同。所以只要說You can access our website for further information.
3.Please take Mr. Roger to the airport this afternoon, or he may not be able to catch the plane.
●到某地接某人上車:pick sb up at .(ex. The Sportswear Shop運動服飾店)
●到某地放某人下車:drop sb off at(ex. The aquarium水族館)
●接送區:Kiss and Ride Area/Parking
●歐美國家叫計程車(cab)的時候,對方可是會問Van or Regular?
4. You really should have your hair cut. It's a total mess.
台灣同學都很喜歡告訴我:I cut my hair last weekend. It looks horrible.
(A)barber's shop一般親切的簡易理髮院V. S. hair salon沙龍(有更繁複的髮型設計)V.S. hair parlor 髮廊(需指定造型師)
-trim(v.) 微修剪( 整草坪 ) -cut(v.)整個長度減短(變妹妹頭)
-layer(v.)打層次 -thin(v.)打薄
-dye染髮(整頭染) -highlight (重點挑染)→highlighter螢光筆
-curl(v.)捲髮 -straighten(v.)燙直
5.Excuse me, I need to reboot my computer again for better efficiency.
電腦的當機更可以說:My computer crashed.=My computer is frozen.(更慘的:dead)
6.I am used to jogging in the morning and doing Pilates in the evening to stay in shape.
Keep oneself in shape=stay in shape 維持身體線條
※注意: I have been out of shape.可不是你身材走樣是指
●Used to+V.R.過去習慣於(no longer現在不做了)
EX.:The tsunami used to claim a great number of villagers in April.
●Be/Get Used to+ V-ing現在習慣於
EX.:But for Brian's encouragement, I won't get used to listening to English-teaching program on a daily basis.
7.This restaurant offers a variety of exotic dishes and cozy atmosphere at reasonable prices.
8.Her rude comments on my performance really pissed me off.
Piss sb off這個美國街頭表達語,目前正式出現在全民英檢中級的聽力測驗中。但如果是要表達十分生氣可以說:
(A)This really gets on my nerves.(你讓我很惱怒!)
(B)It 's outrageous.(這太過分了!)
(C)It's way too incredible to buy it.(這扯到鬼才會信。)
(D)I am losing patience with you.(我對你快沒耐性了。)
9.In my leisure time, I tend to hang out with my friends in the park or go for a spin along the coast.
play with只會用在跟「小孩玩耍」的情況下,大家看到可都倒抽一口冷氣了吧!所以要秉持著:越簡單的生活英文,要更謹慎地學習!而hang out/ mingle with才是成人世界會用到的「出遊和跟友人聚聚」的常用說法呢!
& go for a spin指(開車)兜風
10.All audience found Joseph's speech persuasive and he received the standing ovation.
(A)She persuaded me into buying it. 她說服我買下了它。
(B)The salesman persuaded us to buy his product. 那個推銷員說服了我們買他的產品。
(A)He convinced me of his innocence. 他使我相信他是無辜的。
(B)I was convinced that he knew the truth. 我確信他知道事實。
