
英文原來這樣說(English Is A Piece of Cake)

作者: 王軒。

挖!來到了這個特別的月份,老師非常的興奮呢!因為偉大的教師節(Teacher's Day)?非常接近,在加油點(way to go)?!沒錯,月底就是Brian老師的生日呢!如果你來不及當著老師的面祝福,那接受晚來的祝賀(belated greeting)也是很開心!生日的時候除了要吹蠟燭(blow the candles)、許三個願望(make three wishes)、親友相聚(reunite with friends and relatives),當然重頭戲就是拆禮物(unwrap the gift)啦!在歐美國家當眾拆開賓客帶來的禮品並誇讚對方的用心,是非常的必要喔!這跟生活在傳統華人文化的我們可是非常震驚,很深怕自己收到的禮物不如預期,會擺出個苦瓜臉(make a long face)就很失禮了。這種文化衝擊(cultural shock)是很常見的,但讓老師最害怕的就是同學講得滿口【中式英文】卻渾然不覺。那大家知道各種「害怕」的英文要怎麼正確表達嗎?那就來開始今天的精采內容囉!
在同學的日記裡提到了:「I am afraid of winter because it's really cold.」你知道哪裡有問題嗎?問題可大了!因為冬天會讓你「怕到不敢面對」嗎?穿起大衣應該就可以解決的小事,不要用到afraid喔!這句話只是單純的"不喜歡"應該要說成:I dislike winter because of the bitter cold.(這邊不是指口味上的「苦澀」而是十分冷冽)。眼尖的同學會發現老師沒有選用「Hate」,其實在台灣太濫用這個常見的單字,其帶有「厭惡、痛恨」的嚴重口吻。老師帶日本使節參觀桃園國際機場聊天談話中,提到納豆的味道真的很難接受,他們就面露驚慌,拜託我一定要找時間再嘗一次國寶級的養生品,當然我也覺得自己把對歐美直爽口吻帶到亞洲有些尷尬(embarrassing)。另外在日本可千萬不要說自己的日文普通普通,因為教授級的人才能說自己馬馬虎虎,一般百姓可是要說自己很差很差才行,『國際禮儀』(International Etiquette& Diplomatic Protocol.)跨了經緯線有了不同定義和表示呢!那就來細細學習各種情感表達吧!
1.dislike (v.):單純個人不喜愛(movie, music, color, or weather) *輕微口吻
所以當你要提出見解又怕冒犯現場的與會人士,就可以說:No offense.(我無意冒犯任何人。)可以讓氣氛緩和很多。*屬官方口吻(Politically-correct)
3.upset(v.)使人沮喪或生氣→I have an upset stomach.(我肚子很不舒服)
4.provoke (v.)挑釁→provocative (a.) 挑釁口吻*屬嚴重用法
EX.:North Korea's warning of launching the nuclear weapons has been rather provocative and posed a threat to global security mechanism.
→unpleasant (a.)令人不悅的→unacceptable(a.)無法接受的→disgusting(a.)令人作嘔的
6.加碼篇:職場說「不」的藝術(Say "No" at workplace)
(A) I am in the middle of something.
(B) I wish I could help you. But the manager asked me to accomplish the financial statement by this afternoon.
(I wish I could.五顆星的好用表達,表達自己很想幫忙卻身不由己。)
(C)If it's not urgent, please leave it to my desk. I will take care of it later, okay?
(做事情就是要分清楚"輕重緩急=prioritize your tasks",有心處理但也不影響本身作業進度!)
(D)Since you've been around the office for a week, you shouldn't be out of the loop all the time.
(你可能知道是hula loop「呼拉圈」,其實站在圈圈外頭就是不投入事務的概念。我學妹的新助理都到辦公室快兩週連基本的影印機(photocopier)都不會用,真的很心不在焉(absent-minded)和out of the loop!)
※Do you need me to stick around?(你需要我多留一會兒嗎?)
(E)What can I do for you?(after learning the details….) It's way beyond my knowledge. Could I recommend to you an expert in Photoshop, Emma? She can certainly perfect the work.
(表達「不知道」的概念你也可以說:I am clueless.= I am all Greek to____.= Not even ring a bell.= That beats me.)
(F) Can't you see my work is up to ears? Take responsibility for yourself. Grow up !
(這句話火藥味十足,沒有到翻臉的地步不要輕易使用。當然也有些眼珠偏白的同事會來炫耀你侏儸紀時代的資訊,就可以說"I wasn't born yesterday"(你當我是三歲小孩喔!)或是老師愛用的"Tell me about it."這可不是希望你再多說一點,這可是英文聽力檢測寵愛的表達短語喔!
(G) You expected me to rock your cradle and give you the golden stars, uhu? If you cannot stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen.
(If you cannot stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen.廚房熱鍋油爐一堆,你卻怕熱的話,代表你根本不適合這份工作。就好像在實習醫生裏,有醫生本身無法接受自己病人在手術檯走了,這個陰影讓他離開這份原本很熱愛的工作,當然這也有可能是同事間內鬥的話術喔!其實,也是可以用過來人的身分奉勸對方可以改做其他未來的生涯規劃!)

As long as you've fulfilled the designated task, you can make good use of the rest of your office hours at will, such as updating We-Chat messages, surfing the internet, and keeping abreast of(or with) the latest news(=current affairs).
→片語前情提要(previously on):
1.pick the slack for…收拾殘局(替某人擦屁股或減股差事來做)
2.skeleton shift 特殊排班(被指派上國定節日的班表)
3.graveyard shift大夜班
4.swap the shift 協議交換班表→I am totally swamped.
5.designate(v.)指派,designated driver(指派駕駛是不能喝酒的)
Given that the additional compensation will be given to employees for working overtime, some of my co-workers in my departments deliberately
(=purposely=intentionally) take advantage of this policy by staying longer than usual.
As an efficient and engaged employer, I do consider "system of job responsibility(責任制)" not as suffocating as it appears but a drive to have our teammates accomplish appointed projects as scheduled. I figure I might as well derive more pleasure from drawing a fine line between work and private life. Bringing work home is really not my thing.(把工作帶回家不是我的風格)
1.draw a fine line between A and B….. 可以在A和B中有區別
3.might as well大概會 V.S. had better +V.R.(你)最好怎樣→語氣很強硬
Most supervisors live in their own little world of fantasy and are also out-of-the-touch from what's really going on at workplace.
& out-of-the touch 完全疏遠或沒有連結的→far-fetched(a.)遙不可及的
Speaking of the interaction with my wife, we tend to spend more time seeing the horror in the movie theater; what's more, she's also the big fan for Stephen King's collections of thrillers, especially for Psycho, the groundbreaking masterpiece. On the contrary, shivering and grabbing her arm during the film was my signature moves and I feel downright regretful after be seated there. What's worse, what my friends shared with about their unusual encounters really gave chills on my spine/goose bumps.(freaked me out)
I cannot help but keep fidgeting in the movie theater for such a long film.
全球最大的旅遊網TripAdvisor最近選出2013年的全球25個旅遊首選城市(world's most popular tourist destinations),而亞洲排名最前的是泰國首都曼谷(Bangkok),超前了日本東京、中國北京與亞洲各大城市。曼谷為何受到國際觀光客的青睞:
Bangkok came out on top in 2013 thanks to the city's generosity, hospitality and kindness which have contributed to the global top spot.
這句話中的「thanks to」是國際職場裡的重要介係詞片語,它可不是「謝謝」,而是「由於…」。其他幾個字也都是不可多得的好字:「generosity」、「hospitality」、「contribute to」。我們說一個人很慷慨大方,常用generous,而它的名詞即為「generosity」。句中的「hospitality」可不是「醫院(hospital)」,而是「殷勤好客」。而動詞的「contribute to」也是常見的「提供、捐助、造成」,它的名詞contribution更是常見的「貢獻」。
