
英文原來這樣說 (English is A Piece of Cake)

作者: 王軒。

A. pressure(n.)壓力=stress ( I am stressed out!我完全精疲力盡了)
EX.:Considering the shortage of the budget, we all need to work under great pressure and accomplish the work within the time constraint.
B. pleasure(n.)榮幸=honor★ privilege(n.)特權,the under-privileged弱勢族群
EX.:I've heard a lot about you, Mr. Joseph. It's my pleasure to meet you.
Hope you'll enjoy the stay in Taiwan.

A. arrogant(a.)自大的=stuck-up=self-centered=egoistic=complacent
EX.:Arrogance will do you no good and let those opportunities walk away from you. Stay humble, it will give you room for advancement to excellence.
B. elegant(a.)優雅的=graceful(Swan's song遺作)
EX.:Accompanied with the flawless performance, the movements of the ballet dancers were so elegant that they won the standing ovation as well as the curtain call for almost an hour.
A. grocery(n.)生活雜貨(含食品food飲品beverages清潔劑detergents等等)
EX.:Ah! We are running out of milk and please get me some bottles on your way to go groceries shopping at Walmart.
B. glory(n.)光榮★ disgrace(n.)(v.)=shame羞恥(Her cheating on the test was a disgrace to her school.他考試作弊真是令學校蒙羞)
EX.:Winning this tennis tournament is indeed a glory for both the athlete's family and his school. *別忘了athlete's food香港腳喔!哈哈!
A. bail(n.)保釋金(v.)保釋某人;臨時放棄或未能履約
*bait釣餌*→ bail me out!請把我保釋出去吧!
EX.:To my disbelief, John and Sally bailed on me two days before our trip. I swore I would never speak to them ever again unless they come to knees and beg for my forgiveness.
B. belt(n.); conveyor belt食物傳輸帶→carousel行李轉盤(機場)
▲tighten one's belt緊縮荷包過活
EX.:Attention, passengers. This is your captain speaking. We are experiencing some turbulence and please remain seated with your seatbelt fastened. And make sure you have folded the tray tables as well as up-righted your seats.

1. Where would you finally work?
劣:Actually, I've sent a great number of applications to great companies in this industry. After the results coming out, I would decide which one I should work for.
優:To be frank, I've got some job offers from other companies but I will definitely work for your company for its excellence and stability which meet my expectations. (坦白說,我目前已經獲得其他公司的工作機會,但因為貴公司的傑出和穩定性完全符合我的期望,所以將來也會替貴公司效力。)
2. In the past work experience and school life, have you messed up anything?
劣:Not much. But during my college, I was always the person who undertook all the assignments because I couldn't take too much criticism and had the zero tolerance policy for any procrastination and excuses.
優:I consider myself a team player who cherishes valuable opinions from our participants and gradually developed my delegation skill in different projects. Sometimes our co-workers might think I've put too much emphasis on the details rather than the big picture, from which I also benefited a lot and processed one thing from various angles. A team with the same goal can be glued together and work all-out efforts and I could be an estate in the group no matter what role I would play.
3. Why did you leave the previous company?
劣:Speaking of my previous company, I always worked overtime and got under-paid and to my great disappointment our out-of-touch supervisor was totally indifferent and harsh on exploiting each employee there. No matter how hard you work, they never gave you a raise and deliberately fabricated the reasons so as to make deduction to your salary..............(說到我的前公司,我老是加班卻又低薪收場,讓我最失望地就是完全天高皇帝遠的上司無情的剝削我們每一個員工。不管你多麼努力工作,永遠沒有加薪的機會,反而還會被老闆找一堆理由來扣薪水。)
→翻舊帳是職場的大忌(big no-no),這麼憤世忌俗(cynical)是無法成氣候,做人格局還是要大點!
優:I really appreciate those resources and experience from my previous company. And it's time for me to move up to the greater challenges and seek more tasks domestically and even internationally.
A. Have I found my destination here? 我被錄取了嗎?
B. How do you expect your compensation?期待的薪資為多少呢?
C. Are you a conscientious employee?你是個有操守的員工嗎?
D. Do you have anything else to add in this interview?你還有其他要補充的嗎?
E. What does this position entail?你知道這份工作的內容嗎?
F. Why should we consider you over the rest of candidates?為什麼要錄取妳?(妳能勝出其他候選者的原因是?)
G. How much do you about our firm? How have you been preparing for this interview?你對本公司了解多少?你這陣子都怎麼準備這場面試呢?
H. What are your strengths and shortcomings?請試說自己的優缺點
1.Candidate told the interviewer he was fired for beating up his last boss.
2. An applicant said she was a "people person" not a "numbers person" -- in her interview for an accounting position.
3.During a phone interview the candidate flushed the toilet while talking to hiring manager.
4.The applicant took out a hair brush and brushed her hair.
5.Candidate answered cell phone and asked the interviewer to leave her own office because it was a "private" conversation.

