
英文原來這樣說 (English is A Piece of Cake)

作者: 王軒。

Please refrain from smoking in public!!請不要在公共場所抽菸),為什麼老師不用常見的prevent/stop/keep/ forbid A from B句型呢?其實同學在學習英文都會忽略「適切性」,其實真正的國際場合都會使用refrain….from….來勸誡對方不要進行某動作,這跟大家所知道的decline(拒絕)會比reject/turn down來得有水準多了!所以不只要學流利實用英文,還要學有『層次與各種語氣場合』的高檔次英文。常在捷運上看著從早到晚有空就拿起單字書猛K的高中生或社會人士,大家似乎都活在英文證照的壓力裡,嘴巴念念有詞地朗讀句子增加印象或是聽著mp3裡的廣播內容並凝視著遠方,時而皺眉時而有獲得新知的喜悅。老師在這十多年的教學生活中,往往都會看到努力的學生告訴我:「我單字量很足可是放進閱讀測驗我就是速度變很慢,看過就忘,到底要怎麼抓到文章的主旨呢?」老師聽到你們的困惑了,也提醒各位準備英檢或單純想加快閱讀速度的同學一定要「泛讀各類題材extensive approaches to various topics」,讓自己可以觸類旁通而且練習眼球橫向運動eyeball horizontal movements,這樣都是有利於加快作答速度,而且即使有不熟悉的單字也不要習慣先查再看,這樣是非常事倍功半,要學會看上下文context來推斷該單字的意思即可。畢竟英文的世界每天都有推陳出新的單字,不可能有背完的一天,抓出字詞常搭配的場合和相關詞彙,就可以大幅度的提升自己對英文的敏感度。
今天不僅要推出全新單元內容之外還要複習之前學過的內容,曾經錯過老師專欄或是之前內容有點生疏的同學,今天可是很有眼福喔!千萬別讓你的英文rusty(物體生鏽或技巧生疏的)老師就要用國際職場英文能力測驗TOEIC(多益)的題型來給同學找到方法、理解方法後,能夠在平常自己的大量閱讀中(multitude of readings)找到樂趣也可以在考試中節省時間並獲得高分。多益閱讀相關內容以國際學村出版系列用書的排版及閱讀內容技巧單元等等都有非常值得練習和增進自己能力的題目,文法的部份也是按照多益重點每年來做修編和更新內容,確實很推薦同學去參考。今天老師也特地編製整理一些經典題目讓同學練習,也歡迎同學挑選適合自己等級的書籍好好在職場英文有長足的進步喔!首先我想先請問同學對於同義互換字有沒有概念呢?不管等級再高的英文測驗中,聽力和閱讀測驗都會利用『意義相近』和『字詞替換結構調整』來讓考生進行判讀和選擇。
準備好你的筆來好好應戰了嗎?Let's get the ball rolling!

Part One:請選擇出可替換的說法
1.Requests for grant proposals申請補助金方案=_________
A. consult B. remind C. comprehend D. ask
2.Mr. and Mrs. Jones will be the potential customers for this apartment. =_________瓊斯夫婦可能成為這間公寓的購買客戶。
(A) addictive (B) prospective (C) possible (D) generous
3.This trip serves as the great encouragement for all employees. =_________
(A) frustration (B) advertisement (C) incentive (D) initiative
4.the follow-up information for my shipment. =_________關於我的貨物追蹤資料(A)vehicle (B)shipping (C) delivered goods (D) courier
5.This mail is attached with a letter of reference for college admission. =_________
(A) Dear John's letter (B) advise (C) resignation letter (D) recommendation letter
6.A sophisticated cell phone equipped with a stylish case and various applications. =_________這精密的手機上配備有型機殼和各種應用程式。
(A) experienced (B) intricate (C) jewelry (D) well-mannered
7.If I retain the receipts, my travel expenses will be reimbursed
(A) proof of purchase (B) cook book (C) photocopier (D) invoice
8. As the leader, you are supposed to know how to assign the tasks to each member.
(A) designate (B) disappoint (C) design (D) delegate
9.Success depends on the participation of members.成功取決於職員們的參與度
(A) inconsistencies (B) proposals (C) engagement (D) caution
10.After the careful evaluation over your work performance, you will be entitled to a promotion to the Marketing manager. 在很謹慎評估你的工作表現後,你將獲得晉升到行銷部經理的職位。
(A) deliberate (B) temperature (C) review (D) judgment

Part Two:渾淆字中翻英迷宮單元
1.出席者=A. attendant B. attendee C. anticipation
2.值得的(經驗)=A. colorful B. worthless C. rewarding
3.面試者=A. application B. candidate C. listener
4.新聞報導=A. coverage B. closure C. analysis
5.違反規則= A. infringement B.violent C.destruction
6.額外(較少)收益A. extra dividend B. additional bonuses C.marginal profit
7.解雇A. lay down B. kick-out C. lay-off
8.負債戶頭=A. outstanding account B. due report C. delayed payment
9.代表人員=A. receptionist (B) representative (C) concierge
10.某種說法= A. saying B. tale C. interpretation
Answer Key:
Part One: 1.D 2.B 3.C 4.C 5.D 6.B 7.A 8.D 9.C 10.C
Part Two:1.B 2.C=fruitful 3.B=applicant 4. A=report 5.A 6.C 7.C 8.A 9.B 10.C

FortunateX Bank recently discovered that some clients who signed up for our special banking service have been paying an additional ATM fee. The second ATM fee will be reimbursed to our clients' accounts next week.
A.Customers of the bank will no longer pay an ATM fees.
B.The bank will pay clients through their bank accounts.
Protect-It zipper-lock plastic bags are effective at protecting anything from the elements. Ordinary plastic bags cannot keep water out, but Protect-It bags have a patented closure and material design that prevents moisture from entering the bag.
A.Protect-It bangs can hold large amounts of water.
B.Protect-It bags are made of weather-resistant material.
The Top two car companies are planning to trim production as the increasing cost of gasoline has caused a prolonged slump in sales of trucks and cars. Faced with an inventory pile-up, Diesel Motors and Townsend Cars will be cutting production by twenty over the next three quarters.
A.Poor sales are causing top automobile manufacturers to cut production
B.Reduced production can offset increasing gas prices.
Star Alliance, Inc. is looking for a degreed accountant or a CPA. The ideal candidate should have three to five years auditing and accounting experience.
A.Knowledge of the newest accounting principles is required.
B.A university diploma is a requirement for the job.
Roger Device in Seoul is in the process of acquiring US-Based Flexpoint, a multi-media technology company for mobile phones. Roger Device wants to be the dominant supplier for the mobile industry by using Flexpoint's technologies.
A.Two companies have signed an agreement to produce mobile phones.
B.Roger Device is buying out Flexpoint to gain control of the market.
To make your stay at the Paradise Beach Resort a pleasant one, please pay strict attention to our rules on cleanliness. Because it is costly and difficult to remove debris and spoiled liquids, guests who leave their huts dirty will forfeit the $ 100 key deposit for use of a hut.
A.Customers will have to put down a deposit in case of damage to the room.
B.The deposit will not be refunded if the hut is not left clean.
Management has noted some opposition to the proposal for the company's reorganization. To address your concerns, we will be issuing a memorandum that will provide answers to your questions. We hope that this memo will lay your worries to rest.
A.A conference is being scheduled for management and employees.
B.There is an existing plan to restructure the company.

