
英文原來這樣說 (English is A Piece of Cake)

作者: 王軒。

(A)跑跑腿:run an errand for sth→She ran some errands in the bank during lunch break. (她趁午休時間到銀行處理點事情。)
(B)泥菩薩過江;be caught up in sb's dramas→After getting married, I found it really hard to talk to friends about my concerns because they were all caught up on their own dramas. (結婚後,要找到可以傾吐困擾的朋友少之又少,因為他們自己都有一堆事情要處理,根本自身難保。)
(C)拋棄式眼鏡: disposable contact lenses→There're a wide variety of disposable contact lenses available in the shops but it's a different story in American, for all consumers need to receive a formal eye-examination before an optometrist hands you the prescribed contacts.(在商店裡都有各式各樣的拋棄式眼鏡可選購,可是在美國你必須接受正式的驗光步驟,才可以拿到有度數的拋棄式隱形眼鏡。)也可以直接問朋友:Are you wearing contacts today?(妳今天帶隱形眼鏡嗎?)
(D)眼睛紅通通:blood-shot eyes→This year drew near to an end and most workers might either take work home or work overtime in their own cubicles till midnight. (今年要進入尾聲,許多上班族不是把工作帶回家繼續忙,不然就是在辦公室隔間裡奮鬥到半夜才回去。)另外提到:Red-Eye Flight半夜起飛的班機。
(E)黃牛:scalper→Taiwanese tend to wait in the long line for some tickets, especially for concert tickets. Unfortunately, some scalpers attempted to purchase tickets in bulk and resell them on the internet with exorbitant prices. That's really vicious!(台灣人很常大排長龍買票,特別是演唱會的票;不幸地,這些黃牛都會大量搶購票券,然後拿去網路上高價轉賣。真的很可惡。)
(F)做作:pretentious→People in Belgium consider French accent in Paris relatively pretentious. (比利時人認為法國人的法文腔調相當做作。)還記得老師在「薯條」的由來提到:比利時其實才是薯條的故鄉,而且也因為以法語為官方語言,才會有後來誤傳的現象呢!老師曾教授華語文化的比利時女孩也因此跟班上來自法國的同學爭吵不休呢!但實際聽起來,兩國口音確實差異相當大呢!
自從韓劇「藍色生死戀」在亞洲爆紅後,男男女女都萌發愛戀的情愫,也渴望有「來自星星的你」的都敏俊教授來搭救,可以擺脫一成不變的生活;同時,也可以擁有「屋塔房上的世子」穿梭時光的永恆承諾,暖男風潮再現,總是想終結單身卻又天人交戰(war with oneself)是否該這麼快把自己交給另一半,「沒關係這是愛情啊!」。從青澀校園時期,許多人都憧憬(fantasize)著浪漫的戀情和甜蜜時光,印象中大家會選擇到山上欣賞夜空星光滿佈(The sky is scattered with stars.);到電影院感動主角的深情不悔;到夕陽絕美的海邊踏著細沙,雙雙緊靠的足跡,好像就會這樣一直走下去。以上的微美場景彷彿撥放著無限回憶,當初的山盟海誓猶然在耳。
但每當情人節(Valentine's Day)到來,花價突然供不應求(Demand is higher than supply)又水漲船高時,就會讓單身的朋友默默竊喜(smirk),但同時又發現許多餐廳在這特別的節日不提供「單身用餐」,於是在人類世界裡就發明出的「太閃了」相關表達,甚至朋友在社群網路貼上情侶照,大家會直接說「給我墨鏡,閃到看不到路了。」在歐洲國家,情侶在街上公然擁抱(cuddle)、親吻,都不用太大驚小怪(make a fuss),因為這種「閃給大家看」的態度是從小父母就相當地開明,而且認為「天天說愛」是很重要的事情,如果老公上班出門前沒跟太太說聲「I love you, babe.」回家可能就要跪「漢堡」了(Just kidding!)所以我們到底要怎麼用英文表達這種「公開示愛」的狀況呢?那就來一起學習吧!
Hey, Take a look at them! They are displaying affection to each other publicly.
(沒錯就是用「公開表情感來說」,算挺客觀的評論。各位忠實的讀者也知道老師介紹過display有:1.展示物件:The jewelry is on display on the shelves. (珠寶在架上展示中) ;2. 展示能力:This athlete has displayed incredible strength in freestyle stroke. (這位運動員在自由式項目展現驚人表現。而同學天天盯著3C的螢幕就是display screen!)
※同學在信中提到:老師之前提過看電影要用go " SEE" the movie,可是在自修國外影集的時候,外國人會跟其他用手機的觀眾說"Excuse me, could you turn off the phone, we are trying to WATCH the film here."所以到底要用SEE還是WATCH?
<解答>同學說的都是對的,看電影是「前往的動作」,故使用"go see the movie",在只要進去電影院觀賞「大銀幕」就等於是「在家裡」觀看的同樣行為,我們就會用"watch the film/movie"。所以如果你要表達:「我這週五去了電影院看電影。」可以這麼說:「I went to see the movie this Friday./ I watched a film at the cinema(=movie theater)。」如果第二句沒有特別說明地點,外國朋友也可能會錯意?是在家裡觀看?的喔!請同學多多注意用法和表達的時機點。
To my disbelief, that couple was French-kissing there. Please, GET A ROOM!
(這邊用到belief的異義字disbelief,甚至妳可以用"Over My Dead Body"『太扯了啦!』要是我沒親眼看到我絕對不信) 。而如果你用到了"Get A Room"那可就是只對方在大庭廣眾之下實在親暱到有點有礙觀瞻,讓你非常地不舒服,只好低吼一聲:「可以去旅館開房間嗎?」,這很明顯帶有負面( negative)和挑釁( provocative)的語氣喔!所以,如果你膽敢當著別人前面說這句話,接著就是「腳底抹油」,瘋狂揮起手刀逃命吧! RUN FOR YOUR LIFE! 』
記得以前國中老師特地問班上同學:「要怎麼問孕婦肚中的孩子性別呢?」大家七嘴八舌的想出各種答案「Is the baby a boy?」、「Do you know the sex of the baby?」、「Man or Woman?」讓大家都笑成一團,其實只要問" Do you have a boy or girl baby?"就可以清楚明瞭地提問;而提到「混血兒」又是另一樁笑話了,大家對於「混血兒」都會直接說mixed blood?直接聯想到米克斯"MIX"的用法,但這是相當沒有禮貌的說法,甚至在暗示是「雜種」,所以到底要怎麼問題?其實簡單的說"Where do your parents come from?"(妳父母來自哪國呢?)、" I am wondering which country your ancestors live."(我想知道你祖先定居於哪國?)。而問到寵物的混血可以簡單用cross-bred(a.)交叉繁殖的用法,顯得有文化水平也非常得體。
在教學的過程當中也常發現不管是"HE OR SHE"常弄得啼笑皆非,用"HE"說自己母親的生活經驗,或是用"SHE"說父親早上出門運動,更有同學很喜歡把"S"加在每個單字後面,也會把弱化子音念出來。比如" Definitely"(弱化T)、" And"(D不發音)、"Mountain Climbing"(弱化T和B音),音近mou-n, k-lai-ming)、" Didn't"(T省略而用鼻音共鳴N收尾)、"Student"(讀音為s-t-u-n而已)、" Her";單複數不分或動詞過去式使用轉換有困難,這也顯示課後同學缺乏練習口語和寫作的訓練,導致對於語言的掌控度不穩定,接觸的題材範疇也過小,不應該只是侷限在教科書上內容,而要"泛讀"(extensive reading),不管是時事、科學、健康、人文軼事、娛樂,都可以多多接觸和學習專業用字,和換句話說的能力,才能靈活運用語言和所學。
The pilots of TransAsia Airways Flight GE235 grappled with problems with both engines before the plane clipped a bridge and crashed into a river, killing dozens of people, Taiwan's Aviation Safety Council said Friday. The two engines on the ATR 72 turboprop aircraft stopped producing power one after the other, leaving the plane flying without thrust for more than a minute, according to the agency.
During the crisis in the cockpit, the pilots received a series of alerts, starting with an alarm related to one of the engines and followed by five stall warnings. The pilots issued a mayday alert to air traffic control, announcing an engine flameout, or power failure. They eventually managed to restart the engine, but it was too late to prevent a crash.
The Aviation Safety Council said Friday it was still collecting information on the disaster, with a full analysis of Flight GE235's flight data recorder and cockpit voice recorder still months away, and wasn't yet able to say why the engines shut down.
Thomas Wang, the council's managing director, said investigators will look into the crew's role, including the possibility they shut off the left engine in response to a warning about the right engine. He said the left engine could have stopped working for multiple reasons.
"Either someone reduced it or something else happened, a mechanical failure," Wang said. "We don't know."
Eight people still missing
Flight GE235 crashed into the Keelung River in Taiwan's capital, Taipei, shortly after taking off Wednesday with 58 people on board. Authorities say that so far, 35 people have been confirmed dead, 15 survived and 8 are still missing, according to Taiwan's official news agency CNA. Two people on the ground were also hurt.
The reported engine problems dovetail with the account of Huang Chin-shun, a 72-year-old survivor of the crash."I thought something's wrong with the engine because I always take this flight." Stephen Fredrick, a pilot who once flew ATRs for American Airlines, told CNN this week that it looked like Flight GE235 was gliding when dashboard cameras on the ground captured the moments before it crashed into the river.
TransAsia was involved in another deadly disaster in July. Forty-eight people died after an ATR 72 aircraft operated by the airline crashed as it was attempting to land in the Taiwanese Penghu Islands during bad weather.
And on Friday, TransAsia ordered its 71 pilots who helm ATR aircraft to take and pass written and oral exams within the next four days in order to fly again, said an airline representative, who was not named per custom. Those pilots will have to undergo flight simulator tests sometime in the future as well.
