
英文原來這樣說(English Is A Piece of Cake)

作者: 王軒。

許多年輕人都迷上了Take a selfie,不管和朋友出遊或是在路邊等車發呆,都一定要保持最佳狀態,然後選上最合你膚色和場景光線的filter(濾鏡),立刻拍下snapshot(快照,GET SNAPPED理智線斷掉),上傳到社群網路後,等著大家按讚。在同時,歐美地區也掀起了一股「自拍照憂鬱症」,因為不滿意自己在照片上的樣子或感覺,而一窩蜂(make a beeline for)地跑去整型診所諮詢,卻捨棄自己原有的特質和才能條件,只為了要取得很多LIKEs,來證明自己的存在價值感;同時網路世界也有新產物,就是喜歡當鍵盤酸民(acid netizen)的人們,對於別人的言論或是想法邏輯都可以批評到體無完膚,甚至最後發生許多遺憾的事情。
其實Cyber-bullying(網路霸凌)是可以避免的,也不要認為只有青少年才會fall victim to(淪為受害者)這種現象,其實許多證據也再再顯示許多公眾人物或公司企業裡,在聊天社群軟體中,被無形地歧視和無理地對待,孰不知自己可以訴諸法律來求助,因為即便是在聊天群組系統中的對話,也當然視為公然侮辱的一種,甚至對於精神傷害也可以求償,更何況有對話框的內容和時間為證,在法庭上也站得住腳,不用怕被視為flimsy evidence(薄弱證據),也要試著不要故意provoke(挑釁)對方,以免自己到時候會sustain injury(遭到傷害)後,後果就不堪設想了,應該要先保全自己,確定發生在自己身上的事情是很不恰當,讓妳也感受到很不舒服的時候,就要蒐集證據或是錄音來還原的真實情況,也可以考慮尋求社會團體或是身邊的親友來協助,千萬不要姑息養奸,也不要認為自己是一定的弱勢。每個人都值得被尊重,每個人都值得被愛和享受生活上的自由。以下是一封在辦公室裡一名女性員工對於另一位男同事,常常故意用咳嗽的噪音罵她"盧蛇"(loser),這下子她終於忍不下這口氣要寫信給上司,我們來看看她怎麼表達自己的情緒,又可以得到上司的注意和積極處理呢?
Dear Anderson,
I am writing this letter to inform you that I encountered something truly unpleasant going on in the office. George, one of my co-workers in the marketing division, always mocked me as " loser" intentionally since two months ago. And I have never done such things so that people could call me like that. And again no one ever treated me like before. Our company should strictly put into practice Zero tolerance for personal assault or foul languages!Though I confronted him with my discomfort, he chose to ignore it and after weeks the whole thing went even worse. His conducts really bothered me and injected negative influence on our morale, for which I do expect you to take this really seriously. My suggestion is that all evidence I've compiled shall be forward to the director of Human Resource Department and propelled them to give some physical warning upon him who must learn a lesson from what he's done to me. Thanks for patiently reading this regarding my recent anxiety and hope it can be dealt with tactfully. Your assistance is of great importance to me as well as the rest in my team. Look forward to hearing from you soon.
Alice Wu, the engineer assistant
1.Dear Anderson,親愛的安德森(從信裡可以得知,他是Alice的上司)
I am writing this letter to inform you that I encountered something truly unpleasant going on in the office. George, one of my co-workers in the marketing division, always mocked me as " loser" intentionally since two months ago.
&go on持續發生中, EX.: The news going on like virus caught me off guard that our music teacher had been diagnosed with leukemia and she passed away three days ago.
2. And I have never done such things so that people could call me like that. And again no one ever treated me like before. Our company should strictly put into practice Zero tolerance for personal assault or foul languages!Though I confronted him with my discomfort, he chose to ignore it and after weeks the whole thing went even worse.我從未做過類似的事情,好讓別人來說嘴,甚至這麼羞辱我。我們公司應該要嚴格執行"完全禁止人身攻擊或侮蔑他人的言語"。雖然我曾親自跟本人表達我的不滿,他根本不放在眼裡,甚至還在幾周內變本加厲。
& Assault(n.v.)攻擊=verbally or physically attack or offend someone
相關字詞介紹:Sexual Assault(性侵害) Sexual Discrimination(性別歧視) Sexual Intercourse(性行為) Sexual Abuse(性虐待)→如果在
& Foul(a.)發出臭味的
EX.: Your room reeks of urine and smells terribly foul. What's wrong with you? Didn't you bother tidying it up for minutes? Totally a pig sty!(妳房間發出刺鼻的尿騷味,聞起來真的臭死人。妳真的很有事,連花個幾分鐘打掃都不會嗎?)
EX.: Jane, since when you started blurting out foul languages like that. Rude and totally savage, don't you care how people think about you like that?
& Confront(v.)對質
3.His conducts really bothered me and injected negative influence on our morale, for which I do expect you to take this really seriously. My suggestion is that all evidence I've compiled shall be forward to the director of Human Resource Department and propelled them to give some physical warning upon him who must learn a lesson from what he's done to me. Thanks for patiently reading this regarding my recent anxiety and hope it can be dealt with tactfully. Your assistance is of great importance to me as well as the rest in my team. Look forward to hearing from you soon.
&physical warning具體懲處
→physical address住處地址(這邊就不能回答電子郵件地址)
<流行用語Taper Off的重要用法>
--gradually to stop doing something or to do less and less of things until there's no more to do.(逐漸慢慢停止做某事或是慢慢的處理事情直到結束。)
(A) Bob tried to taper off smoking again because quitting it cold turkey might backfire.
(B)I can barely taper off over-eating, which means I need to stop all at once by going on a strict diet.(我很難慢慢的戒掉大吃的習慣,簡單來說就是我要立刻嚴格的節時才有辦法。)
(C) The rain finally tapered off and we went back outside.
(D) The doctor tapered the medication off as the patient recovered.
Student: You cannot smoke here. Don't you understand the sign?
★Teacher: 同學這邊使用逐字逐句的翻譯,但其實這樣的表達看似無誤,可是其實很容易引起誤會,甚至會讓對方感到被冒犯了!所以可以用英文中最婉轉的說法:Please refrain from smoking here. Didn't you notice a sign over there?(您剛剛沒有特別注意到那邊有禁菸的標示嗎?)之前學生把電影裡的對白拿來給老師看,讓我深吸一口涼氣,因為所謂的Can't you read the sign?,可是代表「請問你是沒長眼還是文盲看不懂標示嗎?」。還記得老師曾經提過CAN有觸及能力與否的概念嗎?所以問對方是否會說英文,應該要用Do you speak English?而您是否會游泳也可以說Do you swim a lot?來表達詢問對方經常從事某事的狀況!
2. 妳現在方便可以借我點錢嗎?
Student:Will you be convenient to give me some money?
★Teacher:真的是小生活大發現對吧!大家都認為你方便嗎?就是直接把人當主詞,然後形容詞convenient緊追在後,但沒有想到的是,竟然這是錯誤的!而且聽起來也頗奇怪的,人怎麼會使大家方便呢?甚至大家天天看到碰到的便利商店,也不是convenient store,而是提供服務的convenience store。因為台北的便利商店肯定對高雄朋友很不方便。所以應該要寫說convenience store,提供服務給人民的商店,這樣了解了嗎?
S(某事物)+ be convenient+ for (人)
Would it be a bother to lend me some money?
When is it convenient for you to meet this week?
