
英文原來這樣說(English Is A Piece of Cake)

作者: 王軒。

" This is 911. What's your emergency?"(這裡是報案中心,需要申報的緊急案件為?)是各位同學在影集裡或新聞現場實錄片段(FOOTAGE)耳熟能詳的開場白。接下來,就是分秒必爭(The clock is ticking./We are pushed by time.)、緊張萬分的地緣資料搜尋,確認對方目前所處環境(locate the call)及健康狀態,以及是否要提供及時的自救指導;更急迫地,接聽專員必須冷靜接聽可能的線索,處理正在進行的擄人勒贖案(abduction)或是藉由對方試圖想傳達的背景資料與第三方的談話內容來推測出可能的犯罪地點,如:附近有高聳的排煙柱(工業區附近的廢棄屋宅)、瀑布急流及樹枝拍打金屬物體表面(目前車輛在移動中並且往深山裡走)、語氣異常冷靜或過度驚嚇無法出聲(必須以引導的方式來拼湊案情,甚至可以請對方用手指tap the receiver敲打話筒,表示YES或NO來進行基礎解讀目前情勢)。不管是主被動或突發事件產生,任何一點蛛絲馬跡都不容錯過,並且要能讀出對方語氣背後的真實情感和可能的動機原因,以專業且和緩的情緒處理對方或他方遭遇不測的基本樣貌。
所以,今天一開場就以非常實用而且在國外旅居都有可能碰到的情形來跟各位同學見面。有鑑於目前坊間市面上很少類似關注的話題,但國內外社會案件卻是層出不窮。常發生自己甚至身邊朋友出遊發生了意外,卻不知道怎麼用簡潔扼要的用字處理狀況?如果平時不培養自己思考類似情景(scenario)的用語表達,遇到突發時機定會措手不及。因此,這種出外所必須具備用英文敘述場景能力,並不只是僅僅為了應考需求,更是培養危機處理的應變機制。以下報案實錄由Brian老師整理美國電視節目 漏網鏡頭Caught on Camera 所整理出貼近各位同學生活經驗且有可能發生的狀況下手。如果您是以下接聽的緊急報案中心專員,是否也可以冷靜地處理對方的需求呢?其中當然也不乏很光怪陸離或令人傻眼的報案電話,那麼就一起來學習今天的911緊急電話系列:Learning English from Emergency Calls!
A: the Operator
B: the Caller意外受傷事故通報
A:This is 911. What's your Emergency?
B: My husband slipped and fell on the floor by accident and now he's lost his consciousness. What shall I do?
B: Ma'am , please stay calm. First, please tell me where you are or the address you might know. Is he currently in massive bleeding or the blood squirting out?
A: I am afraid he could hit his head on the back so seriously and that's where the blood is oozing out. I am so scared. I cannot afford to lose him……
A: Ma'am, I need your information of your place right now and that's how I can help you at first. And please find any clean cloth within your reach, directly coving the wound with pressure to stop bleeding.
B: 32 Sections, Palms Street, Burt's Bee Village. Please hurry!
A: I am helping you here, and take a deep breath. Is he a hemophilia or on any medication?
B: None, as I've know.
A: The police on patrol are on their way to your place and please don't change the cloth even though it's soaked up with blood. You can find another to keep pressing it and make sure you'll call us again if your husband experienced some seizure or some changes going on there, okay?
A: Sure thing. Thanks for your help.
B: 我老公跌撞在地板上,現在他失去意識了。我到底要怎麼辦才好?
1.slip and fall滑倒→slip of my tongue說錯話→ Time slips through my fingers時間流逝中& I can only see through my fingers when seeing that movie.在電影院的時候,我根本不敢直視電影劇情。(因為太過恐懼,所以要用雙手擋住,偶爾用手指間的縫隙去看,是個非常活潑的說法喔!)
2.lost his consciousness失去意識
3.massive bleeding大量出血→hemorrhage出血(眼睛佈滿血或內出血都可使用)
4.squirt噴出V.S. squirm蠕動不安V.S. fidget (沒耐性)地躁動
5.ooze out.湧出→While cleaning the kitchen in the afternoon, Grace found it insane to find out the roaches were oozing from the sink. That really drove her to the wall。
6.information of your place=your address= the details of your residence所在地址
7.within your reach觸手可及的範圍
9. be soaked up浸濕→I am soaking wet in the rain.我都濕透了
10.seizure抽搐(民間的羊癲瘋也是其中一種);seize the moment把握當下
11.on patrol巡邏(平常教官的巡視或老闆悠晃辦公室觀察員工都算喔)
口袋英文實用句Practical Talks and Frequent Usages
1. Do you really want to go there?妳真的要說這麼過份嗎?
A: Like mother, like daughter. Now I can figure out why Alice is being so abusive and paranoid to every single thing in life.有其母並有其女!現在我終於知道為什麼愛莉絲對人這麼暴力又愛疑神疑鬼!
B: Excuse me? Are you accusing me of being a bad mother? Do you really want to go there?等等!妳現在是在說我不會教小孩嗎?妳真的要扯到這個份上嗎?
2. Hold your horse.稍安勿躁(老闆最愛用的敷衍句)
3. I slept late yesterday so that I walked into the office hollow-eyed.
4. It's never easy to fit in a new environment.
5. Out-patient/ In-patient門診病患/住院病患
The patient is alert.病人有意識了
The patient expired.病人過世了
The patient is critical.病人病危中
6.Don't patronize me!不要敷衍我
7. Please sugarcoat your words.說話要婉轉點
8. You pressed my button.妳踩到我地雷了
*The pressing issue really drove me nuts.這問題如燙手山芋真的逼瘋我了。
9.He just looked over my shoulders.他完全無視我
10.They chewed m up and spit me out.利用完後,就把我踢到一旁。
1, The designer couture dress must kill in all public venue with such
premium fabrics as well as meticulously-schemed patterns.It's undoubtedly one of the kind compared with other tacky styles.這名設計師的時裝不管在任何場合一定會大紅大紫,特別以高檔材質及匠心獨具的巧思打版。比起那些庸俗的設計,無疑是獨一無二的作品。
2,Walking into the office hollow-eyed this morning was due to the fact that my migraine and buzzing ears nearly killed me for the whole night, which was insanely excruciating.今天早上恍恍惚惚地走進辦公室,還不都是昨天一整晚都被偏頭痛和耳鳴弄得生不如死。
3.My insomnia for days are killing me.=I am wasting off.
4.Our rocky marriage killed both of us.
5.Taking some pain-killers might alleviate your toothache resulting from swollen gums generated by the cold.
◆catch a cold→I caught a cold and ran a high fever in the past two days.
◆catch sb red-handed→ Helen caught her husband red-h
◆catch fire著火了→The basement caught fire and the smoke instantly took over the room, leaving low visibility to find the way out to escape.
◆catch the train趕上火車(捷運也可以這麼說)→Luckily, I forced myself past through the door, or I might not catch the train.(錯誤行為不要學習喔!)
◆catch the point抓到重點→After thoroughly reviewing the lessons today, I gradually caught the points and had fun learning with such interesting materials.
◆catch glimpses of 不經意看到幾眼→The Betel Nut Ladies in Taiwan are quite unique to most tourists from abroad and they couldn't help but catch glimpses of them in such exposed outfits in such cold weather.
◆catch one's breath喘口氣吧!→What's the rush? There're still ten minutes to go before the movie starts. Catch your breath, dude!
