
英文原來這樣說(English Is A Piece of Cake)

作者: 王軒。

大家最近學習英文進度如何呢?相信大家不分陰晴都是努力學習,突然很想高歌"Because when the sun shines, we'll shine together. Told you I'll be here foreverSaid I'll always be your friend. Took an oath, I'ma stick it out to the end."是雨傘天后蕾哈娜的名曲之一Umbrella。把英文歌曲朗朗上口,也可以讓你的外國友人讓你產生更多連結,對於許多話題也省略許多解釋,短時間內可以拉近彼此的距離,才不會用來跑來告訴老師,怎麼我們都不知道聊什麼!從國外音樂、電視影集,或是國際時事相關話題都可以拿出來用英文分享自己的想法,抓住關鍵字,不用擔心自己的文法是否完全正確,畢竟即使是母語人士都不見得會用完美的文法,重點在觀念的溝通和想法的交換為主,而且從傾聽對方的回答,自己也可以學習更道地的說法,把自己原本繁複的觀念用更簡潔有力的方法說出來!平時在觀看收聽電視談話廣播節目或是看電影影集中,可以準備屬於自己的英文學習小本子,記錄不錯的英文佳句,如同上期的丹麥女孩內容班延伸;重要用字用樹狀圖的概念,把大範圍的觀念整理起來,比如:
交通工具"Transportation"→Public Transportation"公共運輸工具"→Vehicles(各式車輛)→exhaust from vehicles車輛排放的廢氣→(句子)Most commuters prefer taking public transportations to and back from work.(大多通勤族偏好搭乘公共輸運工具上下班。)
而且對於英文也是在充電準備中,在關鍵的時候可以表現出自己的國際競爭力吧!工作面試或是交際溝通的場合,口說英文一直都是最重要也常被亞洲學生當作頭號敵人的項目。因為並非自己的母語,變成每每要說出口都要先在腦裡中進行翻譯,然後最後再想想文法合不合理(Make sense),才敢真正說出口。坦白說,對方可能早就跑遠了,你還在想到底要不要加ING或是ED呢!Familiarity really matters.
如同Brian老師提醒大家,學習英文一定要從句子的概念開始,光背一個單字對於聽力閱讀或是口說寫作幫助實在有限,而且顯得非常的零碎。大家都很喜歡在大眾交通工具上看英文單字書,公車上晃阿晃或是火車上搖阿搖,老師都忍不住想過去告訴她(他)說:"你都不張開嘴巴念,要是有機會說英文,到時候真的說得出口嗎?"沒錯!從例句下手就沒錯,即使是最簡單的Please hold the door for me!(請不要關電梯門;幫我撐一下大門);或是There's no shortcut learning English(學習英文是沒有捷徑的!)都是積少成多。上一期提到What seems to be the problems?是醫生看診常用句』你哪裡感覺不舒服呢?』如果直譯,反而會讓人家感覺很奇怪,或是根本不知道想表達的情形。因為problem在英文中是指"嚴重的狀況或錯誤",所以受過良好教育的母語人士會避免直接使用這個字眼,而是用issue這個成熟的中性字,表達目前有些狀況:
1. delicate issue敏感的議題→delicate cuisines精緻的菜餚
2. get issues with someone和某人有紛爭→at odds with與某人有過節
3. issue the credit card發行信用卡→issuer發行公司→card holder持卡人
4. issue the currency發行貨幣→currency exchange兌換貨幣→exchange rate匯差
5. the new issue(of publications)新一季(出版品)→Big Issue大誌(來自英國政府輔助遊民的德政,藉由向政府購滿雜誌,販賣賺差價來換取工作機會,也因此能夠來幫助失業者重新有自食其力的機會)
而且跟自己生活圈越有關係的用語,記憶才會長久,才會更感到實用和增加說英文的自信心!Taiwanese tend to be shy of speaking English.(台灣人通常比較羞於說英文),所以要多多練習朗讀或是自我對話,可以把自己的心情說出來,或是在咖啡廳把周邊的環境試著用英文表達出來,可以提醒自己的單字和片語相關用語不足之處,好好充實,才可以讓英文突飛猛進,Make Great Progress!
1. ___the facilities at the amusement park破壞遊樂園的公物
2. ___our plan going camping this weekend讓周末露營的計畫泡湯
3. ___the building to the ground把大樓整個拆除掉
4. ___the relationship between Henry and his girlfriend介入亨利和女友間的關係
5. ___ Sally's life by spreading the rumors at the workplace藉由在職場散播謠言來揮了莎莉的人生
6. ___the movie plot before others go watch the film別人去看電影前就去透露劇情
7. ___ the reputation of Happy Fruit Company毀了快樂水果工廠的名聲
8. ___ the current project we've worked for long since
(Answer Keys)
1. vandalize the facilities at the amusement park(vandalism n.破壞公物)
2. dampen our plan going camping this weekend(damp v.使朝詩)
3. demolish/ tear the building to the ground
4. intervene the relationship between Henry and his girlfriend
5. ruin Sally's life by spreading the rumors at the workplace
6. spoil the movie plot before others go watch the film
7. tarnish the reputation of Happy Fruit Company
8. undermine/sabotage the current project we」ve worked for long since 2011
每次檢視完,不要太執著在自己錯了幾次,重點是要把相關的內容都複習熟練,這樣才有達到學習的效果喔!以後再翻閱其他的書刊或是相關表達的資料時,就會更有共鳴,學習才可以得到更多樂趣和自我肯定呢!Feeling defeated in learning something happened in different stages of life.
【翻譯練習時間解答】Daily Sentences中文解釋下期揭曉喔
A. You shouldn't take her sacrifices for granted.你不該把她的付出當作理所當然。take…for granted把…視為理所當然;有不知感恩的意思
B. It is high time that she were about to return home before too late.現在正是她回家的時候了,不然可真是太晚了。文法點:It is (high/very/right) time that S + 過去式動詞(如were)
C. Memories of the past flooded into my brain.記憶突然湧現心頭。flood(n.)洪水(v.)湧入→the flood of tourists如潮水般的觀光客
D. Persistence is the only quality leading one to success.quality品質;(人)特質→Quality outweighs quantity.重質不重量要成功的唯一特質就是要堅持不懈。
E. Your attitude, not aptitude, determines your altitude.你的態度決定你的高度,而不是天資。
F. Reading some books can generate more inspirations and guide you to different choices.閱讀書籍可以產生許多靈感而且帶領你走向更多選擇性。
G. You are advised to see a doctor because you've been coughing so bad.強調用語:The child wants the toy so bad!這孩子非常想到那個玩具!I miss you so bad!我真的好想你喔!你這陣子咳得很嚴重,我建議你去看看醫生。
H. ( At the clinic)What seems to be the problem today, Ms. Chen?(在診間)陳小姐,今天哪裡有不舒服嗎?*超重要實用句
I. Yes, I am all ears. Just fire away and don't hang me in suspense!是!我洗耳恭聽。你就直接說吧,別在那邊賣關子了!
J. You should walk the walk and talk the talk.
K. Hope is always there and the only thing you should do is chin up and perk up.總是會有希望的,你現在所需要的就是抬頭挺胸和振作起來!
perk(v.)鼓舞(n.)獎勵獎金V.S. dividend紅利(從數學中的divide『除開』的概念來記憶)→員工旅遊incentive trip
Passport Check【護照查驗檯】Travel In English旅遊實用句一點通
1. Do you carry any perishables?你有攜帶任何的易腐品(蔬菜水果肉品等)嗎?
2. What's the purpose of your visit?您來訪的目的為何?
3. Where are you going to stay in London?你會在倫敦哪裡落腳?
4. Are there any friends or relatives in the states?在美國你有任何親友嗎?
5. How much cash do you have for the trip?|這次旅程有帶多少現金呢?
6. When's your departure date?離境的時間為何?
7. Please present me the return ticket and the passport!請出示回程票券和護照
8. You look intoxicated now. It's not proper for you to board the plane now. We」ll make another arrangement for the flight you can catch later.你看起來有酒醉的樣子,現在你的狀態不適合登機喔!我們會為你安排下一班最近的班機!
9. Please don't leave your luggage unattended.請不要把行李丟著無人看管!
10. Your passport is not valid for us.你的護照失效了!
11. We have to confiscate your liquors which exceed the volume allowance.我們必須要沒收你的超量的酒類飲品。
12. Inadequate-Packaging items is not attributable to the airline.未能包裝完整的托運行李公司一概不負責。
13. The Baggage Claim is on your right hand.行李提領處在你的右手處。
14. Please take off your cap and remove the sunglasses.請脫帽和把太陽眼鏡拿下來。
15. Are you aware that the budget airlines reserve the right to cancel or reschedule the flights for which passengers should not file lawsuits against?你自己注意到廉價航空有權力取消或重新安排班機,而乘客不能因此提出法律訴訟對抗之?
16. Taiwanese passport holders can travel in most countries in Europe without travel visas.台灣護照持有者在歐洲多數國家免旅遊簽證。
