
英文原來這樣說(English Is A Piece of Cake)

作者: 王軒。

【究竟學習怎樣的英文才是有用的!?】這是許多語文學習者的共同心聲。除了設定短期目標:報名英檢測驗,了解目前學習是否有需要加強文法概念或對於文化背景認知較薄弱?或單字的背誦過程需更系統化進行;中期進度更是需要藉由參加社團是出國旅遊實際體驗,修正自己口音或表達內容準確性和完整度;長期計畫是能從國際媒體中得知第一手消息,並在母語背景知識下,一併提升外語完整理解力和細節詮釋能力,讓學習語言從被動接受書面資料,變成主動搜尋各領域的場景和用字,再行深化認知和內化的艱辛但充滿驚喜與無比成就感的旅程。想必這樣各位同學在老師專欄都可以感受每一次的用心和多元主題帶來的幫助。認識語言全貌是很花功夫,但也更顯可貴。成功的路上從不擁擠,因為堅持的人不多。想必親愛讀者們有心想認識英文,才願意動動你的fingers,看看這個老師怎麼化你的英文能力為神奇。沒有任何捷徑,但持之以恆(Persistence),已經是學好語言的成功要件,你已經辦到了!所以不要只是Flip through翻翻而已,更要 Go through仔細看看內容,不要輕易說My English is through.(我的英文這科完蛋了!)哈哈,開開玩笑,也從簡單閱讀學到不少片語,AGAIN,你們都很棒喔! You are all on the right track, and please bear in mind that there's no shortcut learning English.
有一次BRIAN老師在早餐店(Breakfast Station)看到有讀者看著專欄哈哈大笑,當下其實職業病很重的我,很想請他大聲朗讀(Recite)喜歡的內容,希望藉由口說的記憶可以把喜歡的句子記起來,脫口而出就是好英文了!當時他桌上有帶著微脆口感的蛋餅(Omelet Roll)、濃郁料多快滿出來的廣東粥(Congee with Assorted Seafood and Veggies),還有一杯清甜的豆漿(Soy Bean Milk)在桌上,真是快活耶,也希望他知道這些如何英文要怎麼表達出來,謝謝我每個可愛的讀者,老師隨時會用可愛的微笑看著你讀英文喔!好像有點恐怖?好啦!娛樂大家之餘也要好好介紹英文的"NO MORE BABY ENGLISH"單元:不要老用小朋友的英文說話。在日常生活中,許多人都習慣用HAPPY來當做情緒固定用字,但在正式場合來有點掉漆,應該用Glad to meet you!遇到老闆想確認等等的會議內容,卻立刻說出" SCHEDULE"這個單字,讓長管以為你要問他私人行程,不僅很突兀也代表你對英文用字掌控與使用時機很不穩定,應該要說AGENDA,那才是讓主管一聽就懂的關鍵字!可別一廂情願又一頭熱去老闆說些不得體的BABY ENGLISH喔!所以來加強實力,邁向成熟說法,開口就加分的好機會盡在今天精彩專欄中!
: Wording Boot camp!
1.亨利在學校的田徑賽跑中弄傷了腳踝。 (動詞上的轉換,準確用字)
(原句)Henry hurt his ankles in the school race contest.
(修正)Henry injured his ankles in the school race contest.
(原句)Parents might yell at their children who acted inapproriately in public venues.
(修正) Parents might lash out on their children who acted inapproriately in public venues.
3.在現今的社會中,我們通常在處理人際關係上都會特別留意。(利用慣用語來當做點出主題關鑑字PEOPLE ISSUES,富有成熟英文底子的同學可以學習的!)
(原句) In the modern society, we tend to be more careful in dealing with people issues.
(修正) In the modern society, we tend to be more tactful when it comes to people issues.
→When it comes to the peer pressure,……/ Speaking of a marrage,……/ As for the disposal of the stray animals…….都可以多加練習運用!
(原句)Because of the recent spree killing cases, parents couldn't help but
get anxious about safety of their children.
(修正) Because of the recent spree killing cases ,children's safety has significantly concerned parents.
Significant (a.) impact/ change in someone or something重大改變或意義
Wow, your hairstyle change is extremely significant.
The meeting with the board seems significant due to recent economic recession.
Requesting for a raise means a world to me and my family. But this act will significantly take a toll on my career. I gave them a good excuse to downsize the department and gave me a boot.
(原句) Students in Asia are forced to face the academic pressure.
(修正) Asian students appear vulnerable to great stress from the countless exams.
6. 喬治和莎莉之間的鬧劇是其來有自的!
(原句)The unexpected divorce between George and Sally didn't happen at the snap of fingers.
(修正)The unexpected divorce between George and Sally stemmed from some causes ( stem cell幹細胞)
→We've been expecting your arrival我們都很期待你的到來!
→We've heard a lot about you!我們久仰大名!
7.壓倒我們關係的最後一根稻草(在推特上封鎖他的原因)是即使我已經釋出善意,對方還是充滿敵意。show the gracious/ friendly gesture(釋出善意)
(原句)The final reason for me to unfriend him on Twitter was his hostiltiy against
everything I did though I had showed him nice gestures.
(修正)The last straw for me to unfriend him on Twitter was his hostiltiy against
everything I did though I had showed him nice gestures.
8. 不要只因為別人做錯一件事,就讓對方變成萬古罪人的機會。
(原句)Don't label a person just because he or she made a mistake. We all deserve a second chance.( label帶有刻板印象而對某人事物有的定論)
(修正)Don't stigmatize a person only by his or her one-time wrongdoing.
single out a person刻意孤立某人( stigma本為"污點"的涵意)
marginalized people被邊緣化的人
1. 延伸課程→Extensive Course
EX.: After exposing myself to(接觸) the basic level of French lessons, I found it really intriguing(有趣的) and profound(深奧的) in not only its culture but also the elegant languages. And my advisor suggested that I take some extensive courses, such as speaking training sessions, and cultural understanding classes available at the center. I cannot wait to learn and see more about this beautiful, unique culture.
2. 密集課程→Intensive Course
EX.: It's really common for Asian students to swarm into the cram schools for the big exams for College Entrance and they will receive intensive course for several subjects and be tested repeatedly, which will familiarize themselves with some key points the test places a great emphasis on. &臨時抱佛腳:cram for + N/ NP.
3. 速成課程班→Crash Course
EX.: When it comes to crash course, it seemed quite stressful(充滿壓力的) and unlikely to achieve. Very few people(極少數人) would take crash course out of no reason: Some diplomats are required to take Spanish or other foreign language courses for future negotiations or talk on social occasions in order to show our concern and manners as guests, others could feel urged to(感到急迫性的) learn how to cook for family before moving to a new place or living under the same roof with their " Hard-to-pleased" parents-in-law after the marriage , and still others would spend only two weeks in a row during the summer break to learn some skills which normally take nearly half a year. Signing up for crash courses sounds quite time-saving.(省時的)→fuel-efficient省能源的
4. 主要菜餚→Main Dish
EX.: As a well-educated diner, you are supposed to inquire if there's any particular dish the waiter might serve in season to cater to your need instead of giving him a hard time by being fussy during the whole meal.
5. 順其自然→Nature will take its own course.
EX.: When Susan failed to reach her son for the whole night, her worries grew to be anxiety and she had kept walking back and forth in the door and looking over the window to check whether his park was on the driveway it should have been. " Nature will take its own course," said I as one of her best friends. There sometimes are things you cannot rush, right? He's a grown-up, and you should stop getting so panicked as a helicopter parent. You are smothering him with love.(妳的愛會讓他窒息!)
<布萊恩老師人生座右銘時間Life Motto>:
每當聽到盪氣迴腸(MIND-BLOWING)交響樂作品,偶然讀到牽動思緒的鄉愁詩,或在閒聊時光時深入人心的話語,讓聽者能有心靈舒緩和精神得到久違的支持感!這時後可不能只是用老掉牙的NO PAIN, NO GAIN打發對方。最近很多學生剛好需要參加英文朗讀及即席演講相關的比賽,這時後肯定有"平時"不努力,"上台"獨傷悲了。所以平時累積的筆記和口說實力就見真章,英文學習努力的程度就立刻現形無所遁形。好好利用BRIAN老師整理的實用生活感觸且發人深省的好句子,寫在專用的英文筆記本上,記在你的長期記憶資料庫,這樣隨時就可以脫口而出好英文,不求人好英文就從現在開始囉!
1.Look on the bright side because the shadow is behind when we face the sunlight.
2.The cost of growing up is going through pains which make us realize how fortunate we are to have so much in hand. Never take things for granted.
3.I am fully convinced that they came to us for some causes.
4. Persistence is the only quality leading on to success.
5.There's no excuses for procrastination and the only thing you earned from stealing some minutes is a trademark of " Not Trustworthy"!
6. If you happen to be stuck in the Writer's Block, I need to say something to you" Living in self-pity is not enough, and you need to work HARDER."
7. Go easy on others, and your life will be easier.
