

作者: 王軒。

現代人缺乏規律運動和健康飲食內容,多半是周末放假整天窩在家裡,除了不想再應付許多複雜的人情事故外,也隱藏許多情緒障礙無法排解的問題,進而演變成社交障礙或與人群疏遠(SOCIAL WITHDRAWAL)的行為模式:身為外食族,要三餐取得蔬果和多纖維、低油、低鈉的飲食內容,但同時低頭看自己的預算(budget)限度後,也很難盡情地大快朵頤(eat to one's heart content),這實在很為難在外打拼的遊子。找天放假時去家裡附近傳統市場走走和水果攤(fruit stall)晃晃,可以買到比較健康物美價廉(inexpensive)的水果,而不是依賴加工過(processed)、調味過(flavored),甚至由缺乏衛生清潔環境所提供的蔬果。傳統印象許多人口中的富貴病-糖尿病,只偏重在奢侈飲食和高油、高脂攝食習慣的人們身上找到;但近年來,從國家富足度而斷定糖尿病的去向,也慢慢有了轉型,反而是從醫藥系統不發達的中低開發國家中,糖尿病反而變成常客,也是發現在基因中有了缺陷(genetic defect),最後就產生了遺傳上的病症移轉,讓人生瞬間成了黑白,也迫使讓自己的生活充滿許多不便(inconvenience)和負擔(burden)了。
接下來我們要用短句的形式讓同學可以藉由英文的表達和相關語句來描述糖尿病有關的病症,也可以再一次教育自己有關糖尿病的基本形成以及後續可能會延伸的併發症,但其實只要維持健康的生活型態就可以和國人常見的慢性病說BYE BYE了!別忘記要大聲念出來,並且確認自己有把重點單字和訊息的語調提高,讓自己可以順利的把句子分解出不同的小單位,然後朗讀中加入重音以及拉長語氣顯示重要性,長期地糾正自己的發音語調以及慢慢摸索出情緒表達的時機,要講好一口流利又有說服力的英文並非難事喔!從短句開始的累積就是將來一整篇演講的基礎,所以老師常提醒同學:就是要盡了全力,才能夠看起來毫不費力,慢工出細活,才有紮實的成就。那麼我們就開始用開放的心態來投入今天的話題Diabetes吧!
1. Diabetes is a chronically disease in which the high amount of sugar glucose can be found in the body and occurred without distinct symptoms. That's why it has been considered " silent " without obvious signs at the early stage.
◆chronical(a.)慢性的→chronical disease慢性病* (acute disease急劇疾病)?Chronicle(n.)年曆
◆sugar glucose葡萄糖 V.S. gout 痛風V.S. osteoporosis骨質疏鬆
◆occur(v.)發生→ Conflict can occur without any distinct reasons.(爭執的產生有時候並無明確的原因。)
◆symptom(n.)症狀→The stomach flu can bring forth some symptoms, lurking for the first few days.(潛伏期會在前幾天,腸胃炎可以引發許多症狀。)
2. As diabetes progresses, there are a multitude of issues coming along, such as weight gain, elevated hunger and thirst, foot ulcers, blurred vision, which will give way to high risk of heart disease, stroke, and even eye problems.
3. Unfortunately, diabetes is irreversible once onset has occurred.But people can avoid this disease with a healthy lifestyle.
『Daily Reminder: Get + N/Np in writing』每日專欄重要表達
經典好句:" Please get the contract in writing, or your verbal agreement wont' do you any good on court.(合約請白紙黑字地如實寫下,不然口頭協議根本在法庭站不住腳!)保障自己的權益很重要!
EX.:Our company adopted zero tolerance of verbal fights among co-workers. The hostility will poison the overall workplace morale.我們公司對於同事間的爭吵採取嚴格態度處理,因為這樣的敵對定會打擊整個的士氣。)
※physical(a.)=tend to be the structure of an organism or animal(whose ability to develop some performances)肢體的;生理上的
EX.: Don't make me get physical.= You'd better leave before I get violent.
EX.: Surprisingly, Taiwanese often feel really uncomfortable with the physical contact in public venues while foreign labors or immigrants from southeastern or western countries can always feel at ease in both spacious or crowded places.(令人驚訝地,在台灣的人們對於在公共場合的肢體接觸感到相當不適;然而,從東南亞或西方國家的外籍勞工或新移民,他們不管在寬敞或擁擠的地方都可以很從容!)
※speechless(a.)=can hardly utter a word under some circumstances out of embarrassment or rage(無言以對的)
EX.: Your complaint about the awful attitude of the waitress at the restaurant really made me totally speechless. Why didn't you just inform the restaurant owner or the manager of your upset dining experience there? There's nothing I can do for you.
Dear Diary,
Every day, life fills my days with endless wonders and some unexpected encounters. This evening, it came to me when I let my guard down while commuting on my usual trip home. It's approximately three to ten when lowering my head to check the time slipping by;meanwhile, there's no sign of my bus approaching, but the obnoxiously annoying flies kept harassing me in the stuffy humid weather.
When my shuttle finally arrived, I leapt upon the stairs leading to my seat where it was always my favorite in the dark corner which made it difficult for the drive to peep through me from the rear mirrors.Me, nibbling the bread, sorry for my enormously good appetite. Cannot help!Show some respect for my privacy, okay? Collapsing in my rough but acceptable seat after the long day draining all my energy, I quickly felt sleepy and yawned for more oxygen as most exhausted brains required.(sometimes a nerve wreck like me could forget breathing while gluing my face to the desktop screen at the office for hours, the stress from work was not the thing everybody might handle well.)
In the middle of my evening siesta, my head remained tilted, nodding like listening to some lectures attentively or a fishing pole pulled by a starving fish in the stream; my snoring was identical to the rumbling sound from the working engines in sync with the bumpy ride I consider as the best lullaby ever rocking me to sweet dreams.
Not knowing how long it had taken on the ride, I was sobered up by a wave of pungent smell from the two passengers carrying their luggage on the bus. Ironically, the seemingly fragrant but dense perfume they were wearing could turn everything in my stomach sour and gave me a hard time breathing.
No exaggeration and unfortunately all the windows were tightly sealed for the sake of passenger's safety. Actually, I was dying here and the so-called lifesaving plan could be likely to jeopardize my life at this very moment. Pinching my nose didn't do any tricks but the only thing I could do was pray for the time jumping out of the bus for some fresh air for my screaming, vulnerable lungs to such exceedingly fashionable, overwhelming pollutant turning my night into a sheer nightmare.
1. let one's guard down放下警戒心
EX.: Whenever traveling abroad by backpacking, you never ever let your guard if fear of being the target of robbers.
2. commute通勤→commuter通勤族(n.)
EX.: As a commuter, I go for the shuttle service from my place to the airport. It's relatively safer and more convenient. It's great to catch some Zs on the bus.
3. approximately大約地(adv.)
EX.: The train will arrive in approximately in five minutes.
4.time slipped away時間飛逝
EX.: The moment that I received the diploma from the school principal, the time had slipped through my fingers while pursuing my dream all alone by myself.
7.peep through偷窺
9.nerve wreck神經兮兮的人
11.in sync with 與N同步進行
20.sober sb up使人立刻清醒
22.turn things in stomach sour胃部感到一陣作嘔
25.for the sake of ....為了某種目的
