


On the bus ride home, I was half asleep on the bumpy roads while some youngsters bragging their great harvest of capturing Pok?晹mon, the great sensation among all people for adults and children alike. In the middle of their conversations, they mentioned making a long trip from their places to the nearest parks, temples, stadium, or even to the largest shopping mall accessible by transportations for such great fun. An idea caught me off guard like a man struck by the thunder on his routine paths to work and kept asking myself, "Why have I been getting up so early for morning classes and scurrying from one school to another each day for making the hard-earned pennies for?" "Have I already achieved the life in my scenario years ago or just simply rolling myself forward without a pause for pondering on what exactly I am long for at this very moment?" No, I am just proud of being busy as a workaholic obsessed with monthly pay remitted into my banking account whose balance can afford some daily expenses or all forms of entertainments like most do in leisure time without financial burdens on shoulders or being crashed by a tall list of debts/loans stacked up on the desk or torturing bills from your medications.
Yes, I have long considered myself fortunate enough to get employed for my passion and my supervisor won't always call me into his office to give me a piece of his mind, wearing dull attire strangling me to oxygen-deprivation. But an expendable job at my workplace forced me to wonder what I could do for myself to get my vigor recharged, my innovation stimulated, and my professionalism sharpen. Yes, a trip to my dream city, Paris, is the absolute answer to such questions some are at wars with themselves. But the thought was just budding before I figured the whole thing was a beginning of self-torment.
There're times during class my head was spinning due to a heavy cold or heat stroke, but there' no excuse for my discomfort or any complaints over that. The truth is that I will never call in sick at the last time, which will be a great imposition on the language school which is unlikely to find a substitute for my class in such emergency. To me, punctuality and the sense of responsibility for work are the two major qualities leading one to success.
Travelling itself didn't require much efforts but the process of preparing all itineraries can be rather exhausting, especially for my trip to Europe whose cities there are currently under the threat of the terrorist attack. But people in every corner on the globe still move on with their lives under all circumstances even if they've been struggling a lot like us from time to time. Resilience under heavy pressure is not popping out of nowhere but the long-lasting cultivation in oneself after experiencing ups-and-downs in life. All encounters could be tough or joyful and they will therefore nurture your soul, thus broadening your mind to all things exotic in contrast with your own culture/custom/belief. Before making a booking for my stay in France, I did hesitate for a while and keep wondering whether it is worthwhile to visit such romantic but unstable nation for the time being. Its history of abundance in full blossom is intertwined with significant events colliding with each other, the rise of glory flickering when the throne taken away from the former pride. Time changed, so did most dynasties or cultural revolutions overthrowing their regimes then for a better society, a better place conceiving civilization impacted by dissents, rebels, or some intellectuals sparking some flame for great awareness for individual obligations regardless of all bloodbath and wars with innocent civilians wailing behind.
When strolling along the alleys, you needn't rush yourself like there's no watch around the wrist, letting time tick away, pacing yourself on the boulevard. Your sensual experience will shape your perception of the ambience you're immersing yourself into a restaurant on the corner of the street some pedestrians might run into, a candy shop down the street in the downtown where those hustle-and-bustle converged, or a breakfast station where some could order local dishes at the moment. "C'est la vie" isn't solely a slogan circulating among people but the sweet moment taking things not too personal or leaving all worries behind while savoring all in person. That will give you wonders by wonders. Look forward to more surprises from my upcoming trip? Stay in tune, and I'm going to explore the new places with my eyes and ears. Cannot wait to take your by surprise, hope in a good way though.
假期轉眼間就要結束(draw near to an end)了,希望大家可以脫離以往的思考模式,並且讓自己更加地活躍在不同的社交活動和增加不同興趣技能培養,不僅僅可以拓展自己的視野、增加話題豐富性、發展新事業的可能,更可以讓自己在未來可以有更多的選擇。不管在學習英文的過程當中碰到怎樣的困難,要告訴自己是很棒的經驗,以後可以幫助其他學習英文的朋友們,多了很多學習上甘苦談和同理心,也認識很多志同道合的朋友們一起為了學習而努力。在老師的文章中也有提到要出國漫遊放鬆的事情,是否在大家心中激起一陣想出國的火花呢?提到Brace yourself(嚴陣以待)這個生活用語,大家應該還記得小說改編的納尼亞傳奇中,由預言中勇士們對邪惡冰雪女王發動攻擊時,為討回光明溫暖國度而組成的動物軍隊,一聽到Brace yourself,便立即拉滿弓,準備給敵方致命一擊(blow);而Brace這個單字除了「蓄勢待發」之外,還有其他涵義,別和(擁抱embrace)混淆了,書信裡會在信尾標上XOXO,代表!在飯店發現房間裡的廁所無法順利沖水,就可以打電話到櫃檯(Front Desk多益聽力第三大題熱門單詞,可判斷說話者的談話地點)說:【The toilet won't flush, and please send someone up here for a checkup, please!】大家現在手機不離身、奪命連環傳簡訊,跟國外的好友們LINE訊息,也偶而來個XOXO,表達很關心對方。所以下次你可以跟朋友說"Please bring me some chocolate from Switzerland, XOXO"(拜託妳幫我帶瑞士巧克力囉,親一個喔!)
有些朋友因為希望自己"門面"(presentation)可以留給別人良好印象(good impression),所以決心忍痛去綁上Braces(牙套),通常都會感覺到牙齦很酸軟外,前一週大多進食上都會挺不舒服,也避免容易沾黏(sticky)或深色食材,像:咖哩(curry)、麻糬(glutinous rice cake)、咖啡、茶或著名綜藝節目女主持人就是經歷這樣的辛苦的矯正後,才能每每展現閃亮皓齒,說的老師自己都心動了,不過朋友常說自己的『牙縫』(Gap between teeth)過大,在中國人傳統理容易漏財或是花錢比較過於衝動( spend money on impulse),看來每件事都要有個動機(motivation, drive)才有可能更下定決心去執行吧!
EX.:If you find it difficult to operate your computer, you are advised to reboot it for running the program as well as scanning the potential threats on the software.(如果使用電腦過程有些障礙,建議你可以重開機,然後把系統重新跑過一遍,也可以把軟體的潛在威脅掃描抓出來!)也要記得BACKUP(備份),不然資料不見真的會欲哭無淚!下次重新開機就要說Reboot,而不是turn on the computer again喔!
EX.:Your system will resume the default mode once requested, but those documents you used to save might be erased and irreversible.(一旦輸入指示,你的系統會回復至初始設定狀態,但那些原本儲存檔案有可能被刪除和無法回復之可能。)?這個單字常在電腦非正常關機狀態下,重新開啟就會有相關字樣出現,可別一興奮就按下去,之前花的苦心就不翼而飛。)
EX.:While downloading some applications, your electronic device requires some minutes of buffering before they are fully installed for use.(當下載一些應用程式時,所使用的電子裝置設備需要一些時間緩衝,才能完全安裝成功以供使用。)
4.frozen(a.)當機的EX.: I cannot believe John spilled his Apple Cider on my desktop which was later frozen and crashed.(約翰竟然把蘋果汁灑在我的桌電上頭,最後弄得當機又完全開不了機了,我整個傻眼了!)
5.Virus-ed(a.)(電腦)中毒的(virus病毒+ed)EX.: You can regularly scan the hard drive in your laptop, for some hackers taking advantage of the cyberspace got your device virus-ed, invaded your Cloud Information Database and stole your private information.(你可以經常掃描筆電中的硬碟,因為有些趁"網"而入的駭客會入侵雲端資料庫,而且還竊取你的私人資料內容。)→The video clip went viral with millions of clicks and became a sensation.(這份影音在網路爆紅,一夕間成了數百萬點擊的熱門話題。)→若要說人體感染到病毒,可以說get infected with +(disease) ;最近很多朋友都會詢問,我有點不舒服,但可能只是沒睡好或是著涼,但沒嚴重到要看醫生,要怎麼和外國老闆說,其實很簡單喔!可以說:1)I feel under the weather=2)I come down with something.都是很道地的表達用句呢!
<美國影集:紙牌屋經典用語>Quotes from" House of Cards"
很明顯的這裡指的:HOUSE就是白官(WHITE HOUSE),裡頭政客的唇槍舌戰,可不輸當年諸葛亮舌戰群儒的激烈場面呢!讓我們一起來學習裡頭媒體和高高在上的掌權者之間的互動和用字巧妙之處,搞不好哪天你也會派上用場喔!
1. You just don't want to mingle with peasants.<你就是不想跟我這種粗人交往>
主角法蘭克發佈不參選總統後,卻又反悔要推出美國就業計畫(AMERICAN JOB),挪用龐大經費的前提下,也引起兩院強烈反彈,甚至剛好遇到颶風重擊國土,而不得不把這項曠日廢時又涉及權力鬥爭的美好願景喊停,也讓當權者臉上蒙上一層灰。於是有記者媒體發現,最近美國總統為了要提升自我形象,私底下接洽了熱門暢銷作家來進行這項美國就業計畫的測寫,讓國民可以從這本書的旋風來進行洗腦和提升接受度,進而讓這項能夠奠定代表性政績的機會勝券在握。但是這名作家三緘其口,就是不肯透露其中的內容和相關的細節,就被這名記者酸" You just don't want to mingle with peasants.(你就是不屑看待我這種粗人)
2.Were you raised in the barn?<你可真沒水準>
3. I wasn't born yesterday.<我不是三歲小孩>
4. I hate to sound like a broken record.<我也很討厭說話一直跳針。>
"Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact.
Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth."


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