


☆『Life sometimes doesn't work out the way you expected!』Paces sped up when it's time to return home on Sunday evening, and the crowds swarmed into the underpass or the stairs leading to the train station. All I wanted to do was go straight home and collapse in my bed covered with stacks of books, a dictionary-thick notebook, and of course piles of laundry about to reek of some molds. No place is like our homes, right? Caught off guard by a ragged, sloppy man lying on the ground with tangled beards stained by dust or some muds left by some pedestrians in those past rainy days, I was really startled to see him murmuring with some unknown phrases as if he were chanting some sutras or having a nightmare in the middle of his sleep. His vacant stares really alarmingly shocked me. It was not his filthy dress or coal-colored skin from head to toe but the scenario of me being abandoned by off -springs all alone there with no concern from the world, desperately and hopelessly. A total candle kept flickering in a gust of wind. It really struck me that those fears deep down my mind stemmed from the sense of security about the future full of variables. Again, the trust on the friendships seemed really unstable when we stepped into a different phase of our own families.
☆【Money-Strapped Young Adults are Struggling with petty pay!】As the proverb goes," Money talks and it really talks much louder under all circumstances. "Considering the stagnant wage growth in Taiwanese society has plagued many young adults and middle-aged workers who happen to be the sole bread-winners for their families, vulnerable to bill shocks as well as burdened with financial duties for children's school education charges and the medical cost for parents living in the care home which take most of their monthly hard-earned money. It's a cruel reality we are forced to endure and get used to. No matter how hard you work, the only thing you might handle is scrape by without the desire of achieving higher goals.
☆【We're better off if we go our own ways!】After resolving those people issues, I did realize how complicated everything could wind up beyond your expectations. Sometimes, it cannot maybe relate to your position, financial status, family condition, or some past traumas you've experienced before. For instance, one of my students sharing her logs in the chat room with the other student teased me over some hilarious behaviors in class or even called me names. One day, I was on my way to another language center in a vicious summertime and THAT STUDENT proposed the idea of accompanying me to the school and attended my courses in other branch. In the middle of our trips back and from there, I took the initiative to bring forth some interesting anecdotes about my life during schooldays full of academic pressure, frightened by those countless tests, exams, and avalanche-like homework on me. There were also some testing strategies I'd love to assist him with some tips I've learned from the hard way since he's a freshman in college. Unfortunately, those encouraging words from our conversations turned out to be an insult against me. " He did all the talk on the bus ride!", " How come I became such an exceptional student as he did!"," It's easy for him to say all these and he's growing out of that age, you know!" with the girl student also in my class on social network.
☆【Backstabbing is commonplace?】The sense of betrayal really shocked me to death and took a great toll on our trust. Anyone in my position would never mend the relationship anymore. Teachers are also men of blood and flesh. We definitely feel hurt by those careless words or deliberate comments on us after all the input of year-long effort and considerable amount of time and youth.(Yes, I started my teaching career right after attending university in Canada) If you were in my position, I would say there're two options you could go for: First, you should reconcile the reality and appear super friendly with students and your co-workers who reached out to help you out in hot water, always reminding you of having tea time together after work or last minute for groupurchasing. Too hypocritical for you? Let's quit the idea for that. What about making a long face with sternest attitude toward everything at work and stick to the principle of "Business comes first; Business is Business, Nothing personal!"
☆【Human Nature tends to be sheep? Jumping on the bandwagon is a trend?】The social experiment unveiled the human behaviors significantly affected by the surroundings and the subconscious loyalty to the group they intentionally participate into or by accident. The lady in the purple T-shirt randomly grabbed a magazine from the shelf at the corner and waited for her name to be called by the nurse in the waiting room for medical consultation and couldn't help but notice those patients beside or aligned with her row of seats suddenly getting out of their own seats, periodically repeating the same action like the religious rituals practiced in some primitive cultures or by religious followers. You might suspect that the lady shall find it odd to be part of the experiment and will definitely figure out how the whole project is being conducted by some psychologists or some crew for the reality show. Flabbergasted as you might imagine before, I eye-witnessed her gradually fidgeting on her seat and her sense of insecurity was overflowing right there and then. She, as the innocent lab rate in this experiment (to me, a total mean scam), feels really restless for a couple of minutes before she surrendered to practice the repetitive bouncing off the seat as well as slowly keeping her composure back to the seat like someone was brainwashed in a cult.( No offense, but the collective hypnosis is really emotionally disturbing and always creeps me out.) Yes, she SURRENDERED like most of us. Eventually she lost her discretion about the whole situation and lost her control of willpower to the peer pressure, even there're no one around her. She kept doing the same thing and started getting to affect others joining her leagues of waiting for the calls.
Very few people dare to make a change in life and make attempts to be different from others in crowds. They are too intimidated by the idea of being labeled as "FREAK" or "WEIRDO" in social groups. That means you don't fit in and you're not welcome anywhere and anytime. That's why the party invitation always matters no matter how old you've grown. To those sheep in the society (ha, me included sometimes) There're way too many variables in every single way ahead and one new initiative for the company could be a great success or a downright flop. That will surely take a toll on your past achievement, long-held reputations, and your very precious people networks that we cannot afford to lose. There're millions of examples to elaborate the reason people become sheep and forsake their own thinking. But please note that it will feel really safe if you do as everyone does. Thanks to our education and traditional values, everyone tends to be mild-tempered and obedient compare to westerners, I guess. You might choose the road people have taken but it's nothing right or wrong to try a new track for new scenery. But it's great to stay out of the comfort zone for once. You only live ONCE.
1.亨利在學校的田徑賽跑中弄傷了腳踝。 (動詞上的轉換,準確用字)
(原句)Henry hurt his ankles in the school race contest.
(修正)Henry injured his ankles in the school race contest.
(原句)Parents might yell at their children who acted inappropriately in public venues.
(修正) Parents might lash out on their children who acted inappropriately in public venues.
3.在現今的社會中,我們通常在處理人際關係上都會特別留意。(利用慣用語來當點出主題PEOPLE ISSUES,富有成熟英文底子的同學可以學習的!)
(原句) In the modern society, we tend to be more careful in dealing with people issues.
(修正) In the modern society, we tend to be more tactful when it comes to people issues.
(原句)Because of the recent spree killing cases, parents couldn't help but get anxious about safety of their children.
(修正) Because of the recent spree killing cases ,children's safety has significantly concerned parents.
(原句) Students in Asia are forced to face the academic pressure.
(修正) Asian students appear vulnerable to great stress from the countless exams.
6. 喬治和莎莉之間的鬧劇是其來有自的!
(原句)The unexpected divorce between George and Sally didn't happen at the snap of fingers.
(修正)The unexpected divorce between George and Sally stemmed from some causes ( stem cell幹細胞)
(原句)The final reason for me to unfriend him on Twitter was his hostiltiy against everything I did though I had showed him nice gestures.
(修正)The last straw for me to unfriend him on Twitter was his hostiltiy against everything I did though I had showed him nice gestures.
8. 不要只因為別人做錯一件事,就讓對方變成萬古罪人的機會。
(原句)Don't label a person just because he or she made a mistake. We all deserve a second chance.( label帶有刻板印象而對某人事物有的定論)
(修正)Don't stigmatize a person only by his or her one-time wrongdoing.
single out a person刻意孤立某人( stigma本為"污點"的涵意)
1.延伸課程Extensive Course
EX.: After exposing myself to(接觸) the basic level of French lessons, I found it really intriguing(有趣的) and profound(深奧的) in not only its culture but also the elegant languages. And my advisor suggested that I take some extensive courses, such as speaking training sessions, and cultural understanding classes available at the center. I cannot wait to learn and see more about this beautiful, unique culture.
2.密集課程Intensive Course
EX.: It's really common for Asian students to swarm into the cram schools for the big exams for College Entrance and they will receive intensive course for several subjects and be tested repeatedly, which will familiarize themselves with some key points the test places a great emphasis on. &臨時抱佛腳:cram for + N/ NP.
3.速成課程班Crash Course
EX.: When it comes to crash course, it seemed quite stressful (充滿壓力的) and unlikely to achieve. Very few people(極少數人) would take crash course out of no reason: Some diplomats are required to take Spanish or other foreign language courses for future negotiations or talk on social occasions in order to show our concern and manners as guests, others could feel urged to(感到急迫性的) learn how to cook for family before moving to a new place or living under the same roof with their " Hard-to-pleased" parents-in-law after the marriage , and still others would spend only two weeks in a row during the summer break to learn some skills which normally take nearly half a year. Signing up for crash courses sounds quite time-saving.(省時的)fuel-efficient省能源的
4.主要菜餚Main Dish
EX.: As a well-educated diner, you are supposed to inquire if there's any particular dish the waiter might serve in season to cater to your need instead of giving him a hard time by being fussy during the whole meal.
5.順其自然 Nature will take its own course.
EX.: When Susan failed to reach her son for the whole night, her worries grew to be anxiety and she had kept walking back and forth in the door and looking over the window to check whether his park was on the driveway it should have been. " Nature will take its own course," said I as one of her best friends. There sometimes are things you cannot rush, right? He's a grown-up, and you should stop getting so panicked as a helicopter parent. You are smothering him with love.(妳的愛會讓他窒息!)
每當聽到盪氣迴腸(MIND-BLOWING)交響樂作品,偶然讀到牽動思緒的鄉愁詩,或在閒聊時光時深入人心的話語,讓聽者能有心靈舒緩和精神得到久違的支持感!這時後可不能只是用老掉牙的NO PAIN, NO GAIN打發對方。
