
英文原來這樣說 (English Is A Piece of Cake)

作者: 王軒。

最近瘋靡各年齡層的指尖陀螺(FIDGET SPINNER),原本是給容易過動的兒童來訓練專注力使用。因為英文中的FIGET就是指一個人躁動的狀況,比如說你在電影院覺得很容易像蟲扭來扭去就可以說:Brian kept figeting in the cinema because he dreaded the plot.(布萊恩在電影院像蟲一樣動個不停,因為他完全不喜歡劇情。)
自從美國繪本Secret Garden攻下全球銷售量最高的網路書店:AMAZON.COM亞馬遜書店的前十名佳績,真的讓許多大眾小說和許多讀者都大跌眼鏡了,甚至還創下極高的營業額度,連老師身邊的大學生都隨手一本,在公車就很有態度地彩繪起來,這才是走出個人的FASHION呀!有空走趟書局不難發現,琳瑯滿目的成人繪本*Adult Coloring Book就這樣攻進世界大大小小的書架上,而且也在成人的世界中吹起一股銳不可擋的潮流。目前從亞洲區為首的日韓及台灣地區和歐美系列的成人繪本目前已經超過百種的選擇,而且其中吸引這麼多大小朋友的熱烈支持的原因,可不單單只是如夢幻般的美麗圖案和充滿故事主題所勾勒出的祕密國度。更重要地是,當褪去一天的疲勞後,拿起自己的畫筆,塗滿裡頭的設定圖案和小心翼翼地完成一件作品,除了有滿滿的成就感外,還有許多驚喜等著你去發現,比如:角落的蜜蜂群或特別設計的角色在圖像中。許多使用者紛紛表示,我真的可以把煩惱拋諸腦後,而且每次都感受自己變得好開朗喔!
Relive Stress紓壓 & Reduce Anxiety減輕焦慮感 & Uplift Mood心情開朗
美國的腦神經科學團隊早就發現,這登上亞馬遜河的成人繪本,最起初,原本就是由(插畫家)及(藝術治療師)所發起的放鬆治療,也是大家耳熟能詳的催眠的第一階段課程,如何幫助人群找到紓壓的管道,讓心理衛生健康有了照顧,回到了現實環境,才能更有動力積極地完成任務。也因此在英國一些城市,還發起了早晨迪斯可(Morning Disco),大家早上五點多來熱舞噴汗一番,然後整頓自己再好好去上班,發現不管是心情上或生理上,都有非常好的回饋和工作效率地大幅提升。所以成人繪本的藝術治療是沒有門檻,大家都可以隨手拿起畫筆,專屬自己的天地和色彩,可以揮灑出沒有界限的國度,更能跳脫以往畫圖的框架,把自己手邊的剪刀膠水都拿出來,更鼓勵大家寫點心情話語上去。生活嘛!就是需要創意活水和用最單純的眼光看待世界,處處都是希望,每一秒都彌足珍貴,因為這是你我開創的世界! The Adult Coloring books are not souring a little girl's magical place, making a bookclub comeback. They gave adults more outlets for tension and a brand-new experience they used to experience in childhood.(成人繪本並不是來惡搞小朋友的夢幻國度,或是鼓勵辦起嚴肅讀書會。繪本給了許多大人有抒壓的管道,和重溫小時候曾有卻也截然不同的體驗。)
Review: Practial Phrases And Expressions
‧bend the rule破例(可千萬不要跑出中式英文"break" the rule)
=make an exception for some situations or someone
EX.: Our school adopted the zero tolerance of violence or any forms of bullying; consequently, any student who violated the regulation will be expelled immediately without dissent.(校方絕不接受任何形式的暴力行為或霸凌,因此學生一旦違反該規定,無異議地就會立即被開除退學。)
‧be in a dilemma進退兩難(通常都用在面對兩個重大抉擇的情況居多)
=tend to be stuck in a situation where you're forced to make a decision between two options
EX.: When it comes to reforming one's career path, it's totally put me in a difficult position while all the suggestions from all directions could cloud your judgment as well as trap you in a dilemma.(提及轉換工作跑道,這可真的讓人非常掙扎,偏偏這時候從四面八方來的意見讓你蒙蔽判斷能力,讓你在抉擇中十分為難。)
(C)cross the hurdles跨越難關(障礙),屬於非常正式的商業英文範圍用語
EX.: If our firm attempted to reach high sales figures, there're a great number of ground-breaking strategies available to cross the hurdles for raking in more profits from prospective clients abroad.(倘若公司要達到更高業績,確實有很多破天荒的策略可以跨越目前的瓶頸,從許多海外潛在客戶身上撈進更多新台幣。)
(D)flatter one's skin tone非常襯你的膚色
I am so flattered.我真是受寵若驚,可能是一般同學都不陌生的說法,但你還知道有其他的表達嗎?
1.This pair of jeans totally flattered your curvy figure.(這條牛仔褲也太襯托出你凹凸有致的身材了吧!)
2. Excuse me! Didn't you realize how perfectly your lip gloss flattered your lips like Angelina Jolie. No, you've gotta tell me the brand and the color first! I am terribly jealous of YOU.(等等!這隻唇蜜也太搭妳的唇了,根本就是安潔莉娜等級!不,妳得先告訴我是哪牌和什麼顏色的!我忌妒死了啦!)
(E) hang the dirty laundry家醜外揚(家裡的髒衣服飛到隔壁家還不夠尷尬嗎?)
在外打拚的遊子們除了在逢年過節很感傷外,另外就是每當家裡的成山成堆的衣服等著要洗,只好通通放進洗衣籃,扛去最近的洗衣店(Laundromat),然後戴著耳機發呆將近半小時後,再等著拿去烘乾。這時候就會很想念家裡那台,好像發出巨響快要爆炸的洗衣機(My washing machine is blasted and making great noise!),至少不用跑出門,整個狼狽(shabby)出場,完全帥不起來呀!
(F) sb bellow over the comment對……低吼
大概看到bellow,學生第一時間會想到mellow水果成熟,但其實我們生活中常遇到一些不如預期(unexpected)的事情發生,就會給他bellow一下。比如好不容易整裝完畢要出門去搭車,上車後快二十分鐘後發現:天啊!我的手機根本沒帶,連鞋子都是室內拖鞋!這時候就會很想瘋狂地bellow;或是到了超市或購物中心,從進大門口後鎖定要購買的商品,運用人腦計算機和熱量卡路里天人交戰後,整個人都會快腦子打結了(one's brain is fried),最後把清單(shopping list)上的項目都到手了,準備功成身退,把買了很多不相干的東西的購物車推到結帳區,自己的錢包根本沒帶!我懂!跟老師一起BELLOW一百秒吧!(要呼吸喔!)
(G) blatantly(adv.)明目張膽=publicly involve things in a provocative or nearly offensive manner
EX: The cereal company blatantly stole my grandmother's family secret recipe and plastered it all over the packages of their products in the market. That's outrageous!
*Brian老師特別報導,澳洲水泥工人一天日薪達台幣三萬五,卻苦無人才可以填補空缺(fill the job vacancies),到底是出了什麼事情呢?其實除了要經過一年的專業訓練和語言鑑定外,事實上工地的環境風險不低,而且現代人都普遍走向服務業或是接觸人群相關的行業,對於之後的職場轉換也比較多機會和培養更進階的專業能力。但千萬不要小看澳洲的水泥工人(Solid Plasterer),目前消息發布出去,有許多各國想趁機移民的海外人士,可是紛紛蠢蠢欲動,想跳進這藍海高薪新環境呢!如果大家有興趣去嘗試看看,歡迎到官方網站去查詢相關訊息,對於未來想打工度假的朋友們,或許也會是個保障,也省去很多找工作和過度期的尷尬狀況喔!
這可是近幾年非常夯的表達語,除了大家喜歡出國或踏進燈光美、氣氛家的餐廳,都會記得打卡(check)外,還會把朋友的名字也給hashtag上去,有時候會引發一些小誤會,明明沒半夜出門夜唱的朋友卻被hashtag上去了,另一半以為對方偷吃了!這可就大條了!不管啦,大家一起跟老師Say Cheese and take a selfie吧!
同字不同義單元: Ground
1. ground(n.)立場I am losing grounds here.我沒有任何立場說話!
:the reasons or excuses employed in order to justify one's statements or conducts in certain situations, esp. for some debatable topics...
EX.:Most supervisors on high-end positions tend to be out-of-touch from what's going around in the office, and anyone infringing the regulations will be sacked considering we have no grounds to fight in the workplace.(一般公司的主管都天高皇帝遠,對辦公室的情況根本不關心,只要違反規定就自己走人,在職場裡坦白說根本就沒有太多立場可以去爭論!)
2. ground(v.)交通運輸停駛: Most vehicles or transportations needs to come to a halt(temporarily or permanently) due to some factors or natural causes
EX.: Owing to the severe snow storm throughout Europe, most transportations will be therefore grounded indefinitely until further notice. (籠罩歐洲的強烈暴風雪導致大多交通運輸工具無限期地停擺運作,只能靜候進一步通知。)
3.ground(v.)禁足: the order or demand from parents to discourage a person from all possible socials or participation into any events available for most, for he/she might fail tests or misbehave in a way not acceptable to most.
*你分的出來差別嗎?What's on your mind?和What's in your mind?天差地別
What's on your mind?你在煩惱什麼事情呢?
What's in your mind?你有什麼點子嗎?

& Daily Challenge: Text Completion(TOEIC Questions)
Dear Ms. Michaels,
Holiday Sale
Seasons Greetings. As a _______ customer, we wanted you to be among the first to know about our upcoming holiday sale. All craft paper, specialty printer paper, and decorative envelopes will be reduced by 50% for the month of December.
(A) valuable
(B) valued
(C) valid
(D) validate
As per tradition at Sid's Stationery, we will be having a Christmas raffle. This year the grand prize is a 2-night stay for two at the Meridian Inn _______ Toronto Island. The winner will receive a free double occupancy stay in the penthouse suite as well as a free dinner on the moonlit patio.
(A) through
(B) on
(C) over
(D) at
Money from ticket sales will be _______ to The Family Foundation, a local organization that provides food and clothing to those who need it most this Christmas.
(A) purchased
(B) donated
(C) funded
(D) collected
We look forward to seeing you this Christmas season.
Yours truly,Answer: 1. (B) 2. (B) 3. (B)
Do not educate your children to be rich, Educate them to be happy.
So when he grows up,He'll understand the value of things, not the price.
