
新聞英文解析 新冠疫情確診患者不能投票

作者: 麋鹿兒。

People with COVID-19 who leavequarantine and then infect others will face a maximum penalty of two years inprison or a fine between NT$200,000 to NT$2 million (US$6,426 to US$64,258).


*in prison:(phr.)入獄

It's estimated that 50,000 to 70,000 eligible voters would be in mandatory quarantineduring local government elections and a referendum held simultaneously on Nov. 26, the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) saysCOVID-19-positive individuals who leave isolation to go vote risk a two-yearprison sentence or significant fine.


*eligible: (a.)有資格的
☆除了可以用vote這個動詞或者是cast a ballot這個片語來表示「投票」,比如說:Remember to go to the polling station and cast a ballot this Saturday. 這週六記得去投票所投票。
☆vote 可以當名詞使用,例如:Votes using your signature, personal stamp, and fingerprint will be considered a spoilt vote.投票時使用個人簽名、個人印章及手印皆會視同廢票。
*local government elections:(n.)地方選舉
*Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC):(n.)國家衛生指揮中心中央流行疫情指揮中心(英語:Central Epidemic Command Center, Nation Health Command Center,縮寫CECC,簡稱中央疫情指揮中心)
☆risk這個字也可以當作名詞來用,take risks of或者是run risks of 同樣可以用來表示「冒風險」

Due to the current 5-day-isolation rules, people diagnosed with the disease on Nov. 21 or later will not be able to vote in the election. Meanwhile,people who have not been diagnosed with COVID-19 but who have symptoms should use a special passageway by following indicationsat their polling stations and vote in specially designated booths.


☆Election silence means the ban of propagandas on the exact day of the election, including flyers, posters, and text messages etc.投票噤聲意指選舉當天不准有任何相關宣傳文宣,包含傳單、海報及簡訊等。
☆常見的競選活動有:opinion poll 民意調查、campaign rally 造勢大會、street canvassing 街頭拜票以及campaign speech 競選演說
*polling station:(n.)投票所
☆例句:Mobile phones or any other electronic devices are not allowed in the polling station.在投票所裡面,身上禁止攜帶手機或任何電子設備。

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