新聞英文解析 台灣普拿疼大缺貨 Shortage of Panadol in Taiwan
China has seen a large surge in COVID cases across the countryafter suddenly dropping its zero-COVID policy.
*zero-COVID policy:(n.)清零政策
People are rushing to stock up on medications used to treat COVID-19 to reduce fever and pain and ease the discomfort of cold and flu symptoms.
*rush to:(v.)衝去;奔;趕緊
*stock up on:(v.)囤積;儲備;大量購買
Shortage of Panadol in Taiwan due to bulk purchases shipped overseasamid China COVID surge.
台灣普拿疼短缺的原因是中國 COVID爆發期間大宗採購運往海外。
*bulk purchases:(n.)大宗採購
The Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) found that shelves in many stores are completely empty of Panadol or only have a few packages left, which showsthat the supply of the drug in Taiwan has been greatly depleted.
Besides, flu epidemics in Europe and the U.S. are also causing increased demand for such medications, leading to a global drug shortage.
CECC head Victor Wang (王必勝)urged peoplenot to buy large quantities in panicand shipthem overseas.
CECC負責人Victor Wang(王必勝)呼籲人們不要恐慌地大量購買並寄往海外。
To ensure domestic drug reserves, Wang said that the center will continue to monitor the situation with supply and demand and evaluate whether proactive measuresneed to be takensuch as restricting the number of purchases.
There are 47 permits for producing drugs with acetaminophen held by several drug companies, so people can buy the medicine produced by other brands if they cannot get Panadol, he suggested.