
新聞英文解析 MAC對中國發出農曆新年賀詞

作者: 麋鹿兒。

In keeping with a custom among Han Chinese to exchange blessings around the Lunar New Year holiday, MAC spokesperson Chiu Chui-Cheng (邱垂正) sent a Lunar New Year message at a news conference in Taipei on Thursday to express hope that the COVID-19 outbreak there would soon ease and that the Taiwan Strait would be blessed with peace and stability, which is the shared hope of the two sides.

為符合漢族在農曆新年期間交換祝福的習俗,陸委會發言人邱垂正於週二在台北召開的新聞發表會中對中國發出農曆新年賀詞,希望當地COVID-19 的疫情能盡快緩解,同時表達台灣海峽將獲得和平與穩定是雙方的共同希望。
*MAC:(n.)Mainland Affairs Council陸委會
*the Taiwan Strait:(n.)台灣海峽

Chiu said Communist Party (CCP) should recognize and respect Taiwan's sovereignty, and the democratic values and freedom that Taiwanese hold dear. He also urged the CCP to change its coercive policies and behavior toward Taiwan, so that cross-strait relations could be improved.


*Communist Party:(n.)共產黨,這裡指中國共產黨(CCP)
☆CCP:是目前外國媒體對中國共產黨的主流簡稱,中國共產黨官方採用的是CPC,主要的原因是,1921年中國共產黨是共產國際的東部分支,"the Chinese Communist Party"中"Chinese"是用來形容這是中國人在中國成立的共產黨,而1943年共產國際解散之後,中國官方便以CPC取代CCP,"the Communist Party of China (CPC)"中的"of China"是表示這是屬於中國的共產黨,但由於歷史上多以CCP來表示中國共產黨,已經為外國媒體廣泛使用,且行之有年,即使中國官方對外以長期使用CPC,外媒仍舊習慣用CCP稱之。
*cross-strait relations:(n.)兩岸關係

Since the two sides of the Strait should treat each other with goodwill and a spirit of reconciliation, "The CCP must renounce its coercion of Taiwan before the two sides can have any positive interaction,"Chiu said to the reporters.



The government has repeatedly said it does not allow agencies, civil groups, individuals or political parties to engage in any form of negotiations. Chiu also suggested that Chinese agencies improve their communications to avoid causing misunderstandings between the two governments.


*civil group:(n.)民間團體
*political parties:(n.)政黨
*engage inst.:(v.)涉及;參加;參與
☆engage inst.當作參與可與to take part in something替換。例句:The two governments have agreed to engage in a comprehensive dialogue to solve theeconomicproblems.兩國政府已經同意開展全面對話以解決那些經濟問題。

The government welcomes any equal, legal cross-strait exchanges not bound by political frameworks. As Taiwan seeks to identify ways to resume cross-strait exchanges, it would step up efforts to uphold national security, he said.

*political framework:(n.)政治框架
*step up:(v.)在有需要(或有機會)時採取行動

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