
新聞英文解析 中港雙方廢除跨境旅行配額及PCR測試

作者: 麋鹿兒。

From Feb. 6, most of the travelers crossing the border between mainland China and Hong Kong will no longer need to present a negative PCR test for COVID-19 prior to travel. Only those who have traveled overseas within the past seven days would be required to produce their negative PCR result.
甫自 2 月 6 日起,大多數穿越中國大陸和香港邊界的旅客在旅行前將不再需要針對COVID-19 做PCR檢測。只有那些在過去7天內出國旅行的人才需要出示PCR檢測陰性結果。

☆no longer:(adv.)不再

Hong Kong, a business hub reputed as a popular city for tourists,has seen its tourism industry batteredsince 2019 after months of political strife that at times turned into violent clashes between protesters and police, as well as harsh entry restrictions implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic.

☆political strife:(n.)政治鬥爭
☆at times:(adv.)有時;偶爾
*除了at times,常用於表示「有時」及「偶爾」等意的副詞或片語有:sometimes (有時);from time to time (有時); on occasion (=occasionally)(偶爾);once in a while (偶爾地); now and again (時而);now and then (時而)
☆violent clash:(n.)暴力衝突
☆entry restrictions:(n.)入境限制

Both Hong Kong and mainland China were among the last holdouts globally to keep entry restrictions including mandatory quarantine periods, thoughthe rest of the world began reopening their borders in 2022.
即使世界其他地區於 2022 年開始重新開放邊界,香港和中國大陸都是全球最後堅持入境限制(包括強制隔離期)的國家之一。

☆mandatory quarantine period:(n.)強制隔離期間

China had already eased travel restrictions with Hong Kong on Jan. 8, dropping a mandatory quarantine period required for travelers entering the mainland. However, the number of travelers entering the mainland from Hong Kong via land checkpoints was limited to 50,000 a day.
中國已於1 月 8 日放寬了對香港的旅行限制,取消了進入大陸的旅客所需的強制隔離期。但是,通過陸路檢查站從香港進入內地的旅客數量每天限制在 50,000 人。

☆land checkpoint:(n.)路檢站
From Monday, there will be a full resumption of travel between Hong Kong and the mainland,and quotas for travelers will be scrapped and all boundary checkpoints will reopen next week, saidJohn Lee (Hong Kong leader) at a news briefing on Friday.Travel between Hong Kong and China will no longer require COVID-19 PCR tests nor be held to a daily limit.
香港特首李家超週五在新聞發布會上表示,從周一開始,香港和大陸之間的旅行將全面恢復,並且取消旅客配額,所有邊境檢查站將於下週重新開放。香港和中國大陸之間的旅行將不再需要 COVID-19 PCR 檢測,也不再有每日限制。

☆news briefing:(n.)新聞發佈會
☆daily limit:(n.)每日限制

A tourism campaign aimed at attracting travelers to Hong Kong that includes 500,000 free air tickets for tourists to visit the semi-autonomous Chinese city was unveiled by Lee the day before the announcement.
宣布此消息的前一日,李特首已宣布了一項以吸引遊客到香港旅遊為目的的活動,其中包括為遊客提供 50 萬張免費機票,讓他們能參觀這個半自治的中國城市。


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