
新聞英文解析 緩解流行病衝擊的房貸和學貸新補助

作者: 麋鹿兒。

The mortgage and student loan subsidies to help ease financial challenges brought by the COVID-19 pandemicare announced on Feb.17.Approximately 550,000 homeowners and 546,000 students would be among the beneficiaries of the measures.

政府於17日宣布提供抵押貸款和學生貸款補助以幫助緩解 COVID-19 大流行帶來的財務挑戰。大約 550,000 名房主和 546,000 名學生將成為這些措施的受益者。

☆student loan:(n.)學生貸款

The Executive Yuan approved a Ministry of the Interior proposal to provide one-off mortgage subsidies of NT$30,000 (US$991) to eligible home buyers.
行政院批准了內政部向符合條件的購房者提供 30,000 新台幣(991 美元)一次性抵押貸款補貼的提議。

☆the Executive Yuan:(n.)行政院
☆Ministry of the Interior:(n.)內政部
*One-off是指一次性,非常態性的活動。例如一次性的付款叫one-off payment、一次性的工作是one-off job、一次性的買賣是one-off deal。如果我們指的是像免洗筷或者是紙杯等「不可重複使用且在使用後丟棄」的「一次性的」物品,那麼我們所用的字會是"disposable"這個形容詞。

Home buyers with an annual household income of less than NT$1.2 million who are liable for an original mortgage of up to NT$8.5 million in Taipei, or up to NT$7 million in the rest of the country, can apply for the subsidy.The number of eligible applicants has increased from 60,000 to 277,000. About 40 percent of subsidy recipients are underprivileged households, while young adults and newly married couples account for 30 percent.

家庭年收入低於新台幣 120 萬元的購房者,在台北承擔高達新台幣 850 萬元的原始抵押貸款,或在全國其他地區高達新台幣 700 萬元的購房者,可以申請補貼。符合條件的申請人數已從 60,000 人增加到 277,000 人。大約 40% 的補貼接受者是貧困家庭,而年輕人和新婚夫婦佔 30%。

☆annual household income:(n.)家庭年收入

The subsidy is not meant to encourage people to buy homes or to subsidize luxury homeowners, Minister of the Interior Lin Yu-chang (林右昌) said, adding that owners of multiple homes would be excluded andlords would not receive the subsidy.



Meanwhile, students and recent graduates in need of financial assistance would have one year of student loans forgiven, Minister of Education Pan Wen-chung (潘文忠) said.The planwould be implemented in July andis expected to help 546,000 low-income students, recent graduates raising children and recent graduates earning less than NT$40,000 per month on average.

與此同時,教育部長潘文忠表示,需要經濟援助的學生和應屆畢業生將免除一年的助學貸款。該計劃將於 7 月實施,預計將幫助 546,000 名低收入學生、正在撫養子女的應屆畢業生以及平均月收入低於新台幣 4 萬元的應屆畢業生。

☆recent graduate:(n.)應屆畢業生

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