
新聞英文解析 陸委會宣布與恢復中國10城市航線及新增其他13城市兩岸包機

作者: 麋鹿兒。

Mainland Affairs Council (MAC) announced on Thursday that air routes between Taiwan and 10 Chinese cities will be reinstated on Friday, with another 13 Chinese citiesseligible to apply for cross-strait charter flights.Premier Chen Chien-jen has called the move a show of goodwill to China


*air routes:(n.)航線
*cross-strait charter flight:(n.)兩岸包機

Flight routes between Taoyuan, Taipei and Kaohsiung, and the Chinese cities of Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Nanjing, Chongqing, Hangzhou, Fuzhou, Qingdao, Wuhan, Ningbo and Zhengzhouwill resume from Friday.


☆resume當作名詞來使用的時候是指履歷(注意拼字相同但是唸音不同)。履歷有兩種:resume跟CV,簡單來說resume是個人的最佳廣告,也就是一份個人能力、技能與成就的摘要,長度通常只有單面A4 的大小,有點像是汽車的DM,必須要能吸引目光、展現最具競爭力的一面,引起人資的注意而取得面試的機會。而CV也是履歷,但是就比較像是汽車的詳細介紹或者是規格表,較為詳盡且長度比較不受限制。
The resumption of flightswas decidedwith the long-term considerations of Taiwan's people. The decisionwas made after comprehensive evaluation of the risks, airline operating capacity, and the amount of business and travel that traditionally took place between the cities.


*take place:(v.)發生;進行

Meanwhile, charter flights will be allowed between Taiwan and 13 Chinese cities that "have not met the conditions for resumption of flights," including Shenyang, Wuxi, Haikou, Changsha, Xi'an, Jinan, Hefei, Nanchang, Tianjin, Wenzhou, Dalian, Guilin and Xuzhou, and details on how charter flights between Taiwan and the aforementioned Chinese cities will operate will be announced later.



Travelers who adopttheferry links between coastal Chinese cities and Kinmen and Matsu, which largely resumed on Jan. 7, 2023, will be allowed to use ports which governed by Taiwan as transit stops for trips to Taiwan before and during the Tomb Sweeping Day holiday from Apr. 1 to Apr. 5, details of which will be unveiled next week.

採用中國沿海城市與金門和馬祖之間的渡輪航線(已於 2023 年 1 月 7 日基本恢復)的旅客將被允許使用台灣所轄之港口作為旅行中轉站在 4 月 1 日至 4 月 5 日清明節假期之前和期間前往台灣,詳情將於下周公布。
*ferry link:(n.)渡輪航線
*transit stop:(n.)轉運點
*the Tomb Sweeping Day:(n.)清明節

The two sides were notified of the agreement to resume flights and ferry links by the SEF and its Chinese counterpart, the ARATS.

*the SEF:(n.)海峽交流基金會the Straits Exchange Foundation 的縮寫
*the ARATS:(n.)海峽兩岸關係協會the Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Strait 的縮寫

We hope that cross-strait relations through these means can achieve what the president has requested: healthy and effective cross-strait exchanges, alsosaidby PremierChen Chien-jen.


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