
新聞英文解析 陸委會譴責中國包圍台灣演習


On Apr.8, the Mainland Affairs Council (MAC) condemned that China has "used President Tsai's visit and transits in the United States as an excuse to conduct military exercises, which has seriously undermined peace, stability and security in the region" and lodged a protest against Chinese military drills around Taiwan, saying that Taiwan would not yield to threats.


*military exercise:(n.)軍事活動;演習
☆常與lodge配合的有lodge a claim(索賠), lodge acomplaint(投訴), lodge a protest(抗議),用於比較正式的或官方場合。
*yield to :(v.)讓步

Beijing announced three days of military exercises around Taiwan on the day after President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) returned to Taipei from Los Angeles, where she met with US House of Representatives Speaker Kevin McCarthy.The "combat readiness patrol" and "United Sword" operations would be conducted around Taiwan for three days as a "serious" warning against pro-Taiwanese independence forces and to safeguard China's territorial integrity, the Chinese People's Liberation Army's (PLA) Eastern Theater Command said in a statement.China's military is rehearsing the encirclement of Taiwan during three days of military drills andwill run until Monday (Apr. 10).


*combat readiness:(n.)戰備狀態
*pro-Taiwanese independence forces:(n.)支持台灣獨立的力量;親台獨勢力
☆pro-有「支持」或「贊成」的意思,一般來講,pro-independence是「支持獨立」的意思,pro-reunification則是「支持統一」。而pro-American group, 則譯為「親美團體」。
*territorial :(a.)領土的

"The task force will simultaneously organize patrols and advances around Taiwan island, shaping an all-round encirclement and deterrence posture," a report from China's state broadcaster China Central Television said, and it went on to detail the type of weaponry China was using, including "long-range rocket artillery, naval destroyers, missile boats, air force fighters, bombers, jammers and refuelers."


*task force:(n.)特遣部隊,專門執行特定任務的部隊
*deterrence :(n.)威懾;遏制;制止

The Defense Ministry said that 71 Chinese military aircraft and 9 naval ships were detected in areas around Taiwan as of 4pm on Apr.8, including 45 warplanes that crossed the median line of the Taiwan Strait, an unofficial dividing line between Chinese and Taiwanese territory,or flew into the southwestern part of Taiwan's air defense identification zone.Taiwan's armed forces are monitoring the situation, and would remain on high alert, while making every effort to defend the country's sovereignty and national security.


*as of:(prep.)自…起(=from)
*unofficial dividing line:(n.)非正式分界線
☆Air Defense Identification Zone(縮寫:ADIZ)防空識別區,是一國基於國家安全和空防需要,單方面所劃定的空域,以利軍方迅速定位管制。其範圍大於領空,沒有國際法效力,亦無統一定義。中華民國防空識別區為五邊形,在美國要求下,空軍的活動範圍被限縮在海峽中線以東,為防備中華人民共和國,在中線以東與台灣西部海岸線間畫設R-8、R-9、R-11等數個禁航區。空軍在此區域執行空中巡邏。

