
新聞英文解析 台灣北中南三地將於7月1日推出T-PASS通勤月卡

作者: 麋鹿兒。

The MOTC announced on Thursday (June 8) that atotal of eight public transport pass schemes passed by a review panel under the Directorate General of Highways are scheduled to be introduced on July 1, and the much-anticipated regional public transportation passes valid for 30 days of travel on buses, trains, and Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) trains will be up for sale starting June 15.


*the MOTC:(n.)交通運輸部the Ministry of Transportation and Communications的頭字縮寫
*review panel:(n.)審查小組;研討委員會
*the Directorate General of Highways:(n.)交通部公路總局

The ministry said that around 620,000 people in 11 cities and countiesare estimatedto utilize and are to benefit from these passes every month.With the T-PASS, people can enjoy unlimited access to various transportation modes, including metro systems, light rail trains, local or intercity buses, railroads, bicycle-sharing services, and even ferries in southern Taiwan.

交通運輸部表示,估計每個月T-Pass將惠及 11個市縣約62萬名的通勤者。使用T-PASS可以無限搭乘多種交通工具,包括捷運、輕軌、當地或跨縣市公車、鐵路以及腳踏車共享服務,甚至是南台灣的渡輪。


The monthly passes, dubbed "T-PASS,"are categorized into three types, catering to Taiwan's northern, central, and southern regions.Pricing for the new passes varies across regions. The "northern pass" that encompasses the cities of Keelung, Taipei, New Taipei, and Taoyuanwould cost NT$1,200 per month, giving people unlimited access to MRT systems, light rail, city buses, highway buses and the TRA services operating within the four cities.


*Taiwan Railways Administration:(n.)臺灣鐵路管理局

The "central pass" covers Taichung City and Miaoli, Nantou, and Changhua counties.While the Taichung residents can avail themselves of the "central Taiwan" pass for NT$699, the non-Taichung residents in the central region can purchase the pass for NT$999. The monthly fare for the pass in southern Taiwan, which includes Tainan, Kaohsiung, and Pingtung Countyisset at NT$999.



The T-Pass would help the government achieve net zero carbon emissions, Minister of Transportation and Communications Wang Kwo-tsaisaid.


*net zero carbon emission:(n.)淨零碳排放

The number of T-Pass users could reach 620,000 during the initial phase, including 500,000 in the north, 80,000 in central Taiwan and 40,000 in the south, the Directorate General of Highways said, adding that it is still considering T-Pass plans proposed by nine other cities and counties.



The new cards in the three separate regions of north, central, and south Taiwan will be sold in the four major convenience store chains. Even nine counties and cities not involved in the new project are also preparing to launchtheir own monthly commuter cards during the second half of the year.



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