
新聞英文解析 免費肺癌篩查發現531例

作者: 麋鹿兒。

The HPA said only about 10 percent of the people who are eligible for free lung-cancer screening made use of the program in its first year and 85.1 percent ofthe 531 people were diagnosed with lung cancer in thegovernment-funded screening program last year were detected at stage 0 or 1.


  ☆通常搭配for+N.或者to-V.表示所具備的條件或資格,例如:My father will be eligible for retirement next year. 我父親明年就會符合退休資格了。
  ☆通常用be diagnosed with來表示「被診斷出患有(某種疾病)」(v.)
  *HPA:衛生福利部國民健康署theHealth Promotion Administration的頭字語縮寫

  Lung cancer are added by the MOHW on July 1 last year to the government-funded routine cancer screening program for adults, providing a free LDCT scan every two years to high-risk individuals. Eligibility covers men aged 50 to 74 and women aged 45 to 74 with a family history of lung cancer ; and heavy smokers aged 50 to 74 are included. About 500,000 people in Taiwan meet the two screening criteria.


  *the MOHW:衛生福利部the Ministry of Health and Welfare的頭字語縮寫
  ☆LDCTscan:低劑量電腦斷層掃瞄,全名為low-dose computed tomographyscan,是唯一國際公認的肺癌早期檢測篩查工具。

  49,508 people has received LDCT scans for lung cancer. Of the 531 positive results, 396 people have a family history of lung cancer, 118 are heavy smokers and 17 are heavy smokers with a family history of lung cancer, HPA Cancer Prevention and Control Division Director Lin Li-ju said.

  衛福部國民健康署癌症預防和控制司司長Lin Li-ju(林莉茹)表示,,已有49,508人接受肺癌LDCT掃描,在531個陽性結果中,396人有肺癌家族史,118名重度吸菸者,且17名重度吸菸者有肺癌家族史。

  Lung cancer is not only the leading cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide but also of cancer deaths in Taiwan.Despite the truth that death rate from lung cancer decreased last year, it still ranks first in all cancers, accounting for one-fifth of all cancer deaths in 2022.



  LDCT is the only internationally recognized screening tool for the early detection of lung cancer.HPA Director-General Wu Chao-chun urged eligible recipients to make use of the government-funded screening test as soon as possible, saying that early detection of cancer greatly increases the chances for effective treatment and boosts the survival rate. Comparing with costlier treatments, early detection presents a smaller financial burden and a better quality of life, Minister of Health and Welfare Hsueh Jui-yuan added.



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