
新聞英文解析 新青安房貸八月上路

作者: 麋鹿兒。

The Cabinet gave the go-ahead to a Ministry of Finance proposal for preferential interest rates for first-home purchases to support housing justice. It cuts the mortgage rate from an initial 2.025% to 1.775%, for a period of three years. The program is set to be implemented Aug.1.


  *give the go-ahead:(ph.)批准
  ☆go ahead這個片語是「去做吧!」的意思,所以,the go-ahead是個複合名詞,代表「叫別人去做」,也就是「批准」或「許可」的意思。
  *interest rates:(n.)利率
*ahead of:(ph.)在……之前;先於……

  The Executive Yuan has passed a preferential mortgage program geared toward young adults.Those who have not previously owned a home and do not have children who are homeowners would be able to apply for the three-year preferential interest rate of 1.775 percent. It is the lowest borrowing cost available, as interest rates for standard mortgages are 2.03 percent.


  ☆房貸的英文叫做home loan,而mortgage則是指抵押,通常是提供私人資產(不論是否為不動產)作為債務擔保的動作,通常發生在購房時。一般來說,home mortgage loan就是住房按揭貸款,又稱住房抵押貸款,是指購房者用所購的住房做為抵押並由其所購買住房的房地產企業提供階段性擔保的個人住房貸款。

  In addition to the rate reduction, the program also raises the loan limit to NT$10 million(US$321,688),up from the previous NT$8 million. The maximum loan period will be extended from 30 to 40 years. The grace period for paymen twill go up from three to five years, in which borrowers don't have to pay for the principal but only for the interest.


*grace period:(n.)欠債還款的延緩期或寬限期
☆grace 表示優雅或恩典也有「通情達理」的意思,所以帳單上面看到的grace period 的 grace 就是取這個意思,grace period即「寬限期」

  The favorable lending terms aim to lower the thresholds for young people to buy their own home, but there is no upper age limit. Applicants must be at least 18 years old who have no properties under their name or those of their spouse or minor children.



  The preferential interest rates would take effect on Aug. 1 and run through July 31, 2026. The preferential loans are expected to benefit 58,000 buyers. Housing unaffordability has been a top complaint. The package would help invigorate the property market ; however, buyers need to exercise careful financial planning, as the interest subsidy would only last for three years.

  *take effect on:(ph.)產生預期的或要求的結果;生效;實施

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