
新聞英文解析 即日起「臺星互惠自動通關」完成啟動

作者: 麋鹿兒。

At the closing ceremony that the NIA conferred diplomas to the participants of a program to boost exchanges among immigration officials, a good news was announced. The NIA said Thursday that Singaporean travelers will now be eligible for automated immigration clearance using e-gate. It makes Singapore the sixth country in the world with which Taiwan has a reciprocal immigration clearance agreement.


☆a program to boost exchanges among immigration officials:指移民署在7月所舉辦的「外國移民官標竿學習計畫」,擬建立交流平台。移民署希望藉此讓來自不同國家的移民官,實地了解台灣移民事務推動的情形。2017年只有來自4個國家、7人參與移民署所舉辦的第一屆交流活動,2023年,共有12國、20位移民官來台受訓。
*the NIA:(n.)the National Immigration Agency的頭字語縮寫。
*automated immigration clearance:(n.)自動查驗通關系統,又稱為e-gate。

Since April, Singapore has added Taiwan to its own ACI which allowed Taiwanese go through automated clearance for free. Travelers from Taiwan at minimum age of 6 years with passport validity of at least 6 months and having filled in a landing card online within 72 hours before boarding the flight can use it. Singapore's Automated Clearance Initiative, meanwhile, is open to foreign visitors from 51 countries and jurisdictions.


*ACI:(n.)星國自動查驗系統Automated Clearance Initiative的頭字語縮寫
*landing card:(n.)入國登記表【簡稱A卡】

Taiwan is now extending reciprocal access to Singaporeans. Singaporeans aged 12 and above who are at least 140cm tall, holding biometric passports with at least six months' validity and have no prior criminal convictions on the island will be allowed to use the e-gates. They must also have filled in an arrival card and have registered to use the system.


☆biometric passport:(n.)生物特徵識別護照,也就是電子護照,雖名稱各有不同,但一般稱為晶片護照。
*arrival card:(n.)電子入境卡

The e-gates could be used only by Taiwan passport holders and foreigners holding residency status on the island before. Now, Singapore follows the U.S., South Korea, Australia, Italy and Germany to have reciprocal clearance agreements with Taiwan, which makes travelers from the six countries can enjoy the convenience of e-gates upon departing and arriving in Taiwan.


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