
新聞英文解析 淨零努力帶來新台幣4億元的投資

作者: 麋鹿兒。

Achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050 is a common goal shared by countries around the world, including Taiwan. More than NT$4 trillion (US$126.3 billion) in private investment would be stimulated by the nation's efforts to promote a transition to net zero carbon emissions and it would also generate a production value of NT$5.9 trillion and create 551,000 jobs by 2030, said President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) of the Taiwan Carbon Solution Exchange.


*net zero carbon emissions:淨零碳排放

The National Development Council presented a road map for Taiwan to achieve net zero emissions in March last year. Enforcement rules of the Climate Change Adaptation Act are to be promulgated to complete the mechanisms of carbon pricing and carbon trading.


*enforcement rules:(n.)施行細則
*the Climate Change Adaptation Ac:(n.)氣候變遷因應法
☆a road map for Taiwan to achieve net zero emissions:2022年3月國發會正式公布「臺灣2050淨零排放路徑及策略總說明」,提供至2050年淨零之軌跡與行動路徑,以「能源轉型」、「產業轉型」、「生活轉型」、「社會轉型」等四大轉型,及「科技研發」、「氣候法制」兩大治理基礎,輔以「十二項關鍵戰略」,就能源、產業、生活轉型政策預期增長的重要領域制定行動計畫,落實淨零轉型目標。

Headquartered at the Kaohsiung Software Technology Park, the TCX is Jointly founded by the TWSE and the Executive Yuan's National Development Fund, it has capital of NT$1.5 billion. The exchange is to handle domestic carbon trading, including trading voluntarily reduced quota and offsetting high carbon emissions, and cross-border carbon trading. It provides carbon consultancy, education and training to businesses, and also participates in international events to share Taiwan's efforts in reducing carbon emissions as well.


*carbon pricing:(n.)碳定價
*TCX:(n.)台灣碳權交易所The Taiwan Carbon Solution Exchange的頭字縮寫
*TWSE :(n.)台灣證券交易所the Taiwan Stock Exchange的頭字縮寫

Carbon pricing has become a management tool widely adopted internationally in the pursuit of net zero emissions, said Taiwan Carbon Solution Exchange Chairman Sherman Lin. With the help of the MOEA, large-scale traditional steel and shipbuilding industries in Kaohsiung would lead Taiwan's manufacturing industry into an era of carbon neutrality and promote industrial transformation. Launching the carbon exchange can help Taiwan keep up with the international trend and facilitate cooperation with other countries. Kaohsiung would continue to flourish as the nation pushes toward net zero emissions, she said.


*the MOEA :(n.)中華民國經濟部the Ministry of Economic Affairs的頭字縮寫
*manufacturing industry:(n.)製造業
*carbon neutrality:(n.)碳中和

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