
新聞英文解析 日本福島核廢水開始入海

作者: 麋鹿兒。

Japan started discharging treated and diluted radioactive wastewater into the Pacific Ocean from Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant on Aug.24. Totally About 1.3 million tons of water will be released over decades.



Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant has accumulated more than 1.3 million tons of water since it was damaged by a tsunami in 2011. Discharge of the water was greenlit by the IAEA. The process will take place over a period of 30 years. Although the water has been filtered and diluted, it will still contain tritium, which emits low levels of radiation. That's raised concerns from Japan and nearby countries. Despite safety assurances from Japan and the IAEA, China has issued a furious response and its allies in the Pacific have backed that criticism.

*the IAEA:(n.)國際原子能總署International Atomic Energy Agency的頭字語縮寫。


Strongly and repeatedly, China has criticized the release plan, banned Japanese seafood imports and cast doubt on the expert assessments that concluded the operation poses no harm to the environment. Solomon Islands Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare has delayed elections and issued a "strong statement against Japan's decision."People marched and held banners during a protest in Suva against Japan's decision to release treated wastewater from the crippled Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant.

中國大陸一再強烈批評釋放計劃,禁止日本海鮮進口,並對專家提出日本排放廢水的操作不會對環境造成損害的評估表示懷疑。所羅門群島總理馬納西·索加瓦雷(Manasseh Sogavare)推遲了選舉並宣佈了一份「強烈反對日本決定的宣告」。在蘇瓦舉行的抗議活動中,人們遊行並舉起橫幅抗議日本決定釋放癱瘓的福島第一核電站經過處理的廢水。


The discharge operation is remotely controlled from a centralized monitoring room inside the power plant. The wastewater is diluted with seawater, directed to the drainage area and piped through a 1-kilometer-long underwater tunnel to be released into the ocean. "The released water contains negligible amounts of radioactive tritium. Since the Pacific Ocean contains 8,400 grams of pure tritium, the minuscule amount of extra radiation about the 0.06 grams of tritium from the released water of Japan every year won't make the tiniest jot of difference", said Nigel Marks, a physics professor at Australia's Curtin University.



Both Japan authorities and the IAEA say the treated water is safe but those in the seafood sector in eastern Japan have concerns so as the Taiwanese fishers. They think the discharge could have an impact on their livelihoods.



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