
新聞英文解析 基泰建設設置一億元信託安置受災戶

作者: 麋鹿兒。

Kee Tai Property Company has been engulfed in scandal ever since a disaster in which 7 buildings adjacent to the construction site in Taipei's suburb of Dazhi were structurally damaged and some were tilting, including one that partially sank into the ground on Thursday night.


No one was injured in the incident, but 442 people from 201 households have had to be evacuated pending safety inspections, including 25 who will likely need to be temporarily resettled after their homes suffered severe structural damage.


☆incident 是可數名詞,常出現於新聞報導中,屬於較正式、書面的用字,可用來泛指任何發生的事情或單一事件,類似something happened的意思,不過較常用於不尋常或令人不悅的事件,例如打架鬥毆或槍擊等事件。另一個易混淆的字是accident,中文意思為「意外、事故」,也是可數名詞,但較狹義,強調的是在偶然、意料之外或沒有意圖之下所發生的事情,通常會造成人身或事物的損失,包括像常見的交通事故,還有從打翻飲料這種輕微意外到像是無預警的爆炸、墜機、天上掉下冷氣等嚴重的意外都屬於accident。

Taipei Deputy Mayor Lee Shu-chuan said that Kee Tai Properties has agreed to set aside NT$100 million(US$3.12 million)for disaster relief and the resettlement of residents of damaged homes near a Kee Tai construction site, and the company's chairman has offered to resign.


*set aside:(ph.)撥出金錢或時間
*disaster relief:(n.)賑災救濟金
*construction site:(n.)建築工地

Apart from putting NT$100 million in a trust and paying for rent for the affected residents for three years, Kee Tai Properties would fully cooperate with the city government on the reconstruction of the affected homes.


*apart from:除了,與in addition to意思相同

The residents would be allowed to move into public housing units in Nangang District(南港) and those whose homes are severely damaged can decide whether they wish to move to a Kee Tai building or a government-led urban renewal project. If they choose not to accept Kee Tai's resettlement plans and wish to rent an apartment on their own, Kee Tai would cover their rent for three years. The maximum cost for the reconstruction to accommodate the 25 households is an estimated NT$247.5 million.



Besides resettlement costs of about NT$60 million, Kee Tai is likely to face losses of about NT$300 million, not the NT$1 billion speculated by local media. The company said that its finances were sound so the incident would not cause the company financial difficulties or result in layoffs. Kee Tai Properties promised to take a responsible approach until the end.



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