
新聞英文解析 流感疫苗接種意願書誤植去年版本導致百萬家長須重簽

作者: 麋鹿兒。

6,986,000government-funded flu vaccinesare ready for the needs and will be rolled out on Oct. 2 in schools nationwide.However, the inoculation plan is off to a bumpy start.More than 1 million parents have signed up their children for flu shots using the wrong online versionprovided by Taiwan CDC and must resubmit flu shot form.


*flu vaccines:(n.)流感疫苗
*the needs:(n.)有需求的人
*roll out:(v.-ph.)推出;展開
*be off to:(v.-ph.)出發去……地方;開創……局面
*[例句]:He is off to a flying start in his new job. 他的新工作剛開展就扶搖直上。
☆文章中is off to a bumpy start指一開始就不順的意思
*Taiwan CDC:(n.)衛福部疾病管制署The Taiwan Centers for Disease Control, Ministry of Health and Welfare。CDC簡稱疾病管制署或疾管署,是中華民國衛生福利部Ministry of Health and Welfare的下轄機關,主要負責國家現代化防疫檢疫體系。

Theversion of the signup form was the one last year. It showed the wrong administration times and flu strains targeted. Medigen which is set to debut this yearas a vaccine brand on offer didn't been featured.


*the signup form:(n.)登記表

Taiwan CDC has apologized for the mistakeand has requested the company in charge of the electronic platform for update. Parents who submitted the form of intent before 6 p.m. on Sept. 13 will have to fill in the form again. Failing to do so might result in their children not receiving a vaccination.


*in charge of:(v.)(某人)負責、掌管(某事)
☆in charge 是「負責,掌管」的意思,而後面加上介系詞, in charge of指「掌管」某範疇,當然就是相關負責的人,所以,person in charge of company就是公司負責人,如果想向別人表達自己是做什麼樣的工作內容,就可以使用in charge of這個片語。比如說,I'll be in charge of the whole department next week when the manager is away.下周經理不在的時候我將負責整個部門。一般我們常看到的「負責」"be responsible for",則是強調責任歸屬由誰承擔,而in charge of強調「誰管的」。如果在餐廳想找負責人出來處理糾紛,想問:「這裡是誰負責的?」就可以說:Who's in charge here?
*the form of intent:(n.)意向書
☆在英文中,常用於表示「意圖」的單字有intention以及intent,多數的時候都可以混用,但其實兩者稍有差異,intention是可數名詞,通常表示心裡有所意圖,但是未必付諸實踐,如果聽到說話的人一開口就是"I had every intention of……",那麼無論後面接的是什麼內容,對方想表達的都是心中想要完成卻尚未實現的某件事。而intent恰好相反,是不可數名詞,通常intent用來進一步表示某項預期已經實現或將要被執行的行動。所以,在態度上intention表示有達成某件事情的野心,而intent除了有野心,還有付諸實踐的行動力。
*fill in:(v.-ph.)填寫正式表格

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