
新聞英文解析 以色列要求加薩一百萬人24小時內撤離

作者: 麋鹿兒。

Aweek after Hamas' bloody, wide-ranging attack into Israel, the Israeli military yesterday ordered nearly half the population to evacuate south and carried out limited ground forays ahead of an expected land offensive. Palestinians on Friday scrambled to flee northern Gaza following the warning.


*carry out:(v-phr.)執行;實施;貫徹
☆通常用於表示「執行」的英文單字有execute、implement以及carry out,通常,如果牽扯到跟跟政府或官方機構有關的決定、計畫或者是系統的執行,絕大多數都使用implement這個字。而implement強調的是「開始執行或實施」,而 execute則是著重在「執行並完成」,比較強調整個過程。carry out 是慣用片語,意思跟execute較為接近,但更著重在「執行某個命令或某件別人要求你做的事」,所以後面常接 plan或 order當受詞,在進行研究或實驗的時候,也常使用這個片語。

More than 1,300 people on the Israeli side was killed by the Hamas assault, most of which are civilians, and about 1,500 Hamas militants were killed during the fighting, said the Israeli government.



Israel dropped leaflets from the air and redoubled warnings on social media for more than 1 million Gaza residents to move south while workers at an Israeli military base kept going on their efforts through the Jewish Sabbath to identify the more than 1,300 people killed in the Oct. 7 assault.Palestinians could travel within Gaza without being harmed along two main routes from 10am to 4pm, said Israel.

儘管以色列軍事基地的工作人員在猶太安息日繼續努力識別在1,300 多名在 10 月 7 日襲擊中喪生者的身份,但以色列從空中散發傳單,並在社交媒體上再次警告超過 100 萬加薩居民向南遷移。以色列表示,從上午 10 點到下午 4 點,巴勒斯坦人可以沿著兩條主要路線在加薩內行動而不會受到傷害。

☆the Jewish Sabbath猶太教安息日:各個宗教的安息日有所不同,基督教的安息日在星期天,穆斯林的安息日在星期五,而猶太教在星期六,按照猶太曆,安息日是從星期五日落起到星期六日落為止,是一週當中的休息日。

Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians had already headed south, but roads demolished by airstrikes and a fuel shortage hindered the journeys ofthose who live up to 20km away.Thousands of people crammed into a UN-run school-turned-shelter in Deir al-Balah, a farming town south of the evacuation zone. The UN and aid groups have said that such a rapid exodus causes hospital patients and others unable to relocate.

數十萬名巴勒斯坦人已經向南進發,部分居住於二十公里之外人們,被空襲摧毀的道路和燃料短缺阻礙了的行程。數千人擠在疏散區以南的農業小鎮代爾巴拉赫 (Deir al-Balah) 的一所聯合國開辦的學校改建的避難所裡。聯合國和援助組織表示,如此迅速的撤離將導致醫院病人和其他人無法重新安置。


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