新聞英文解析 萬名日托工作者上凱道抗議
Daycare workers holding placards and bannersyesterday protested in front of the Presidential Office in Taipei, demandingbetter working conditions and urging the government to play a larger role in the industry. The alliance said that 10,000 people attended the protest on Ketagalan Boulevard and the advocates said that childcare is a societal right best left in the public's control.
☆the Childcare Policy Alliance:托育政策催生聯盟,是由台灣家長教育聯盟、台灣勞工陣線、全國教保產業工會、台灣女人連線、婦女新知基金會、彭婉如文教基金會、台灣公共托育協會所共同組成的團體,主張政府應提供平價、優質、近便之公共空間與資源,推動保母托育(0~2歲)、幼兒園(2~6歲)與國小課後照顧(6~12歲)等公共托育服務,以滿足勞動家庭的需要。
Private daycare centers outnumber public ones by a ratio of seven to three. Accepting more than the maximum number of children allowed by the law, hiring those who lack professional credentials and phony teacher-to-child ratios are endemic problems as commercial operators try cut corners for profit.Otherwise, the pressure of commercial competition contributes to poor working conditions, with low pay and long work hours the norm, the alliance said.
*to cut corners:(v.)走捷徑;超短線
☆我們在走路時,比起走直角,沿著兩點之間最短的距離走更加省時。英語表達"to cut corners 切斷角落"的實際含義就是「為了省時間或金錢貪便宜、走捷徑」,在表示駕駛時,常用來表示拐小彎而不拐大彎;若用來形容做事,則是表示捷徑或者圖省事。經常帶有忽視規則或粗心大意等含義在內。
For giving professional women thesupportsthey need to raise a family and ensuring women in childcare are not exploited, expansion of the government's rolein daycare is necessary.Public daycare centers with prices fixed by government regulations, staffed with state-selected personnel and established in locations according to need can deliver good services at an affordable price to all families, the alliance said.
After presenting a petition to the Presidential Office, an alliance spokesperson said that the government has expressed willingness to explore the feasibility of the policy and making financial changes to help meet its demands.