
新聞英文解析 台灣首座腦庫成立

作者: 麋鹿兒。

The Taiwan Brain Bankwhichlocated in the NTU hospital for collectingbrain and tissue samples from deceased donors for the purpose of developing drugs and raising the understanding of brain disorderswas officially launched on Sunday.Authorities are hoping to develop new drugs through research and give patients new hope.



There are no medical cures for the diseases such as cerebellar degenerative diseases and Lou Gehrig's disease. Moreover, Taiwanese people have special genotype manifestations of many diseases, such as amyloid neuropathy, Wilson's disease, and cerebral small vessel diseases.


*cerebellar degenerative:(n.)小腦萎縮
*Lou Gehrig's disease:(n.)漸凍人症
☆Lou Gehrig's disease盧·賈里格症就是我們所說的漸凍人症或運動神經元病,正式的說法為Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis,肌萎縮性脊髓側索硬化症,縮寫為ALS,是一種漸進且致命的神經退行性疾病。
*amyloid neuropathy:(n.)類澱粉神經病變
*Wilson's disease:(n.)威爾森氏症
☆威爾森氏症(Wilson's Disease)一種自體隱性遺傳疾病, 是由於第13對染色體上的基因ATP7B異常, 導致人體內銅代謝時經由膽汁分泌的途徑發生故障,血漿中攜帶銅離子的蛋白質血清藍胞漿素(ceruloplasmin)缺乏, 進而使得銅離子代謝產生異常,讓過多的銅離子在肝臟細胞中與蛋白質結合堆積沉澱並逐漸波及全身器官,對人體組織產生毒性與破壞。這種罕見疾病患者會在肝臟或中樞神經系統中出現病變,或是兩者同時出現。
*cerebral small vessel diseases:(n.)腦部小血管疾病
☆腦部小血管疾病(cerebral small vessel disease)是自發性腦出血之主要病因,最常見的種類包括影響腦部深處小血管之高血壓性腦血管病變(hypertensive angiopathy, HA),和影響腦膜與腦表面小血管之大腦類澱粉血管病變(cerebral amyloid angiopathy, CAA)。

Most of the research to date has relied on imported samples of brain tissue, but the research has not been able to meet the needs of Taiwanese patients due to the genetic differences between Asians and people in other parts of the world.


*to date:(adv-phr.)迄今
*rely on:(v-phr.)依賴
*due to:(adv-phr.)因為

PremierChen Chien-jenand health minister Hsueh Jui-yuan were on hand for the unveiling of the plaque. Chen said that he hopes the Taiwan Brain Bank will become a very important academic institution for brain research in Asia and connect to the international community to get a better understanding of brain diseases unique to Asians or East Asia.


*on hand:(adv-phr.)在手上;在現場

The Ministry of Health and Welfare will provide support formaintaining its daily operations and the government must rely on science and technology projects to support the brain researchand that needs our entire academic community to come up with meaningful research projects and propose them.


*come up with:(v-phr.)想出
☆幾個跟「想」有關的片語,常見的片語think of 是想到或想起,think about是考慮,而come up with是想出。
