
新聞英文解析 台灣徵收碳稅以降低歐盟對本土企業的關稅

作者: 麋鹿兒。

The carbon fee rate is slated to be announced by the end of this year.Carbon feesin Taiwan would reduce the tariff that domestic exporters would be subject to under the CBAM when exporting to the EU, but the exact amount would depend on many other factors, Climate Change Administration Director-General Tsai Ling-yispoke to reporters at the Ministry of Environment in Taipei on Nov. 8.


*besubject to:受…控制;有…傾向
*CBAM:Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism碳邊境調整機制
☆Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism碳邊境調整機制,簡稱CBAM,主要是藉由明訂出口國產品的碳含量,來有效降低全球碳排。若超過進口國規範,進口商除須購買「碳權」外,也將會面臨產品被課徵碳關稅,亦即進口到歐盟的碳密集型產品進口商需依據碳排放量完成採購相對應的CBAM憑證(CBAM Certificate),產品才能進入歐盟。如果是非歐盟的生產商,只要提供產品在非歐盟國家已依據碳價格支付費用的相關證明,進口商則可以抵消歐盟CBAM憑證的採購費用。
*the EU:(n.)歐盟,the European Union的縮寫
*be slated to:預計

The transitional phase of the CBAMstarted on Oct. 1 andit runs to the end of 2025. No fees would have to be paid nor certificates purchased during the period; rather, it is a "monitoring, reporting and learning" period for the EU and those exporting into the EUto ensure a smooth rollout of the mechanism from 2026 onward, the EETO trade section head Aleksandra Kozlowskasaid.

歐洲經濟貿易辦公室(EETO)貿易部門負責人Aleksandra Kozlowska表示,碳邊境調整機制的過渡期從十月一號開始截至2025年底,在過渡期內,無需支付任何費用,也無需購買證書;更確切來說,對於歐盟和向歐盟出口的企業來說,這是一個「監測、報告和學習」的時期,以確保該機制從2026年起順利推出。

*the EETO:The European Economic and Trade Office歐洲經濟貿易辦公室

The CBAMis a carbon tariff on carbon-intensive products imported by the EU.Sincethe EU Emissions Trading System's (ETS)free carbon emissions allowance allocation is gradually phased out in the EU, European producers might move their production sites to countries with no carbon emission restrictions.The CBAMwould be a measure to address the risk of carbon leakage.


☆carbon leakage:碳洩漏。高碳排產業為了躲避嚴格的碳排放規範,會選擇外移到碳排放規範較為寬鬆的國家,這種現象就稱為碳洩漏。

Sectors including cement, steel, aluminum, fertilizer, hydrogen and electricity would be the first ones covered by CBAM, because there is a high risk of carbon leakage in these six energy-intensive industriesand they account for a high proportion of greenhouse gas emissions in the EU.


*account for:(v.)在數量上佔…

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