
新聞英文解析 台電電纜導致苗栗連環車禍一死三傷

作者: 麋鹿兒。

One person dead and three injured in a multi-vehicle pile-up resulting from a cable falling during electrical work carried out by state-owned Taiwan Power Co (Taipower) around 10amon the Tongsiao (通霄) section of Formosa Freeway No. 3 yesterday. The person who died was pronounced dead after being rushed to a hospital, the Miaoli County Fire Bureau said, adding that she had no vital signs at the scene of the accident.


*multi-vehicle pile-up:(n.)多車連環事故;連環車禍
☆multi-這個字首是「複合」;「多元」的意思,multi-vehicle pile-up是指a crash involving many vehicles連環車禍,也可以說成multi-vehicle accident
*carry out:(v.-phr.)執行;施作
☆新聞報導中常看到醫護人員說OHCA,OHCA原稱「DOA」此為醫學術語,原本是「Dead on arrival」縮寫,意指到院前死亡。但由於救護員不具醫師資格,無法宣布患者死亡,只能用OHCA表示送醫前已經不治。

A preliminary investigation by the National Highway Police Bureau reported that seven vehicles, including a tour bus, a semi-trailer and five passenger cars, were involved in an accident after a cable fellonto the freewaydueto worker negligencein aTaipower electricity transmission project, causing one car to tip over and the subsequent pileup.


*involve in:(v.-phr.)牽涉其中

The cable first crashed into a southbound car andmade ithita highway fence. A northbound semi-trailer was then struck by the cableand make the stricken car hooked up again, leading to the ensuing pileup, as the other five vehicles traveling behind were unable to avoid colliding with the car.Highway police said the traffic on the freeway become backed up for about 2km by the accident, but it soon was cleared in about one hour.


☆常用於表示「碰撞」的字有crash、crush和clash,其中crash運用最為廣泛,當作撞擊或衝撞的時候,通常指車子相撞或是交通工具彼此撞擊,比如,car crash 車禍、train crash 火車意外或plane crash 飛機失事,或者常造成巨大聲響或破壞的猛烈撞擊。crush跟crash一樣是受到外力衝擊,但crush屬於擠壓。clash常用來表示意見抵觸;是時間、顏色或者風格不協調、有衝突,或者是發出巨大聲響,常見的用法有:興趣不同a clash of interests;文化差異a clash of cultures、個性不合a clash of personalities以及意見分歧a clash of opinion。
*back up:(v.-phr.)擁堵;堵塞

Those responsible for the accident would be subject to the full force of the law, saidthe Highway police.Taipower announced the project's suspension and had set up a task force to determine what had happened for reducing the risk of such an accident occurring again.


*be subject to:(v.-phr.)受到
☆happen及occur都有「發生」的意思,要特別注意主詞只能是「事情」而不能為人,常用句型為:事情happen to 人或者事情occur to 人。

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