新聞英文解析 衛福部成立三AI中心助實現電子醫療
The MOHW has announced the establishment of three artificial intelligence (AI) centers which focus on responsible implementation, forensic verification, and impact research to help achieve its smart medicine (e-health) goals, adding that 16 “indicator hospitals” have been selected to test and demonstrate the technology. The AI canters cloud not only help educate doctors about AI, aid in the certification of AI products and help formulate NHI pricing standards but also lead to more advanced medical services.
MOHW:(n.)衛生福利部the Ministry of Health and Welfare的頭自語縮寫,是中華民國有關公共衛生、醫療與社會福利事務的最高主管機關,同時監督各縣市地方政府衛生局與社會局。
forensic :(a.)法醫的
補充:法醫的「鑑識科學」forensic science是一種利用科學手段處理、解決與司法體系利益相關問題的科學。其主要針對刑事及民事案件。數位證據鑑識工作digital evidence forensic有時又被稱作數位鑑識科學或數位取證,是鑑識科學的其中一個分支,主要在針對數位裝置中的內容進行調查與復原,常與電腦犯罪有關。
NHI:(n.)國民健康保險National health insurance,是一種法定健康保險statutory health insurance,SHI,提供給民眾,用來支付醫療衛生的成本。
The health ministry first announced the subsidy plan in July and the applications from 30 medical institutions were received by 1 August. Among them, 16 hospitals, including National Taiwan University Hospital and Taipei Veterans General Hospital, were approved. They are set to be granted subsidies to establish three types of AI centers -those being responsible AI implementation centers, clinical AI verification centers, and AI impact research centers. The initiation of these centers will effectively solve concerns regarding the use of AI in clinical practice, and the move will help solve issues including medical manpower shortages, the optimizing of long-term medical care policies, and sustaining the national health insurance system, said the Health Minister Chiu Tai-Yuan.
衛福部於7月首次公佈了補貼計畫,截至8月1日,已收到30家醫療機構的申請。其中包括台大醫院、台北榮總醫院在內的16家醫院的申請已獲批准。衛福部擬發放補貼建立三類A-I中心-負責A-I的實施中心、臨床 A-I 驗證中心和 A-I 影響研究中心。衛福部長邱泰源表示,此舉將有助於解決包括醫療人力短缺,長期醫療優化政策,維持國民健康保險體系。
AI can be an assistive tool in generating electronic medical records, analyzing images, researching genetic data and monitoring the condition of patients. AI can also help doctors and nurses assess potential issues beforehand. Ranging from electronic medical records to specific applications at different specialties, the goal smart healthcare is to help hospitals use AI and big data collection to introduce technological applications to medical care. In the future, the AI imaging research center could be added into the health insurance system if it clears clinical assessments.
常見表示評估或估計的單字有estimate、assess 和 evaluate,estimate含有推測或猜測出一個大概數值的含義,比如推估成本或數量,而assess 和 evaluate則是指對於事物的數量、價值及重要性作出評價或評定。在大多數情況下,assess 和 evaluate 非常相似,可以互換,但如果談及稅務或稅款的話,通常會用assess,而不是 evaluate。
Chiu firmly believes that AI medical applications can help achieve the goal of net-zero emissions. Otherwise, he emphasized that the launching of the centers is not only an important milestone in smart medical development in Taiwan but also reflects the government's goal of advancing e-health and ensuring the international competitiveness in the global medical field. He also stressed that AI could assist in environmental impact, resources and manpower allocation, development of new drugs and technologies, and sustainable development of the national health insurance system, echoing President Lai Ching-De's vision of a healthy Taiwan.
邱堅信 A-I 醫療應用可以協助實現淨零排放目標。此外,他強調這些中心的啟動不僅是台灣智慧醫療發展的一個重要里程碑也反映了政府推進電子醫療並確保全球醫療領域國際競爭力的目標。他還強調,人工智慧可以協助環境影響、資源和人力配置、新藥和新技術的開發以及國民健康保險體系的可持續發展,並呼應賴清德總統的健康台灣願景。
net-zero emission:(n.)淨零排放