
Nearly 70% Approve Casino on Leiyu Island



 依立法院三讀通過的離島博奕條款規定,開放離島設置觀光賭場,應依公民投票法先辦理地方性公民投票,其公民投票案投票結果,應經有效投票數超過二分之一同意,且投票人數不受縣(市)投票權人總數二分之一以上限制,亦即無任何門檻,林鄉長參照公民投票精神,審慎辦理此次民調結 果,希望展現烈嶼鄉親意志及表達眾人之看法。
Whether or not the people of Lieyu would agree to opening of casinos on the island has been a major issue. The Lieyu Township Office took the opportunity of the issuance(1) of the commemorative vouchers(2) on Apr. 5 and had a "reference poll on four public issues." 1,130, or 69.39%, of the 1,630 people who voted gave their approval for opening casinos. The result, along with the voting outcomes for the three other issues, will serve as references for whether the island will appeal to (3) the government to allow the opening of casinos to help island development. Township Chief Lin Jin-liang said he respected the decision of the residents and the township would act accordingly.

The results of the "reference poll on four public issues" are: (Question 1) 93.23% of the votes (1,516 out of 1,626) consented that the Kinmen-Lieyu Bridge should be built as soon as possible; (Question 2) 88.21% of the votes (1,436 out of 1,638) expressed support regarding the building of the Kinmen (Lieyu) - Xiamen Bridge; (Question 3) and 79.29% of the votes (1,29 out of 1,627) agreed that Lieyu should not be placed under the jurisdiction(4) of Kinmen National Park Administration but, instead, placed under the National Scenic Area Administration like Penghu County and Lianjiang County.

The fourth issue -"Do you approve the opening of casinos on Lieyu Island under the administration of the central government?" - received 69.39% of the votes (1,131 out of 1,630) positive replies. Lin Jin-liang pointed out that allowing casinos to open is not a mere question of setting them up. Management is the most important issue. Take the casinos in Macao for example. They are also developing business circles and offering art performances, etc., to stimulate consumption. This will not only improve local economy but it can also create jobs.

Last year, the Lieyu Township conducted the "Reference Survey on Opening of Gambling Businesses (Casinos)". 92% of the people gave their approval. Those who opposed made up (5) less than 10% of the votes. It was under public opinion that Lin Jin-liang accordingly decided to hold the "reference poll on four public issues" during the Tomb Sweeping holiday and encouraged Lieyu folks returning from Taiwan for the occasion to vote to determine their own future.

Lin Jin-liang expressed that the poll was to find out the people's stand on the first three public issues and to gather related data. The last issue involves political considerations, so he could only "hope" the central government would take the result into account (6) when the decision is made in the future.

Lieyu is an isolated island with a surface area of 16.2 square kilometers. Household registration data show that there are 6,192 people over 20 years of age. The public issue reference poll of "Three Yes/No Questions and One Hope" held on Apr. 5 was run from 8:00AM to 5:00PM. A polling station was set up in each of the five villages in the township. Vote count commenced immediately after voting. The entire process was overseen by local elders and esquires (7) to ensure its fairness, openness and transparency.   

Lin Jin-liang emphasized that people might approve or disapprove any public issue. He respects their opinions and the Township Office will act in accordance with(8) the decision of the majority.(9)

As stipulated(10) in the Offshore Island Gambling Law that a local referendum(11) is to be conducted in line with(12) the Referendum Act before casinos can be opened on offshore islands. The referendum result should have over half of the valid votes approving opening of casinos. Moreover, the number of people who cast their votes on this issue does not have to meet the threshold(13) of 50% of the total eligible(14) voters in a county/city. In other words, there is no threshold. Township Chief Lin has conducted the referendum by adhering to(15) the spirit of public vote in the hope of drawing out the true opinions of the people in Lieyu.

■註1. issuance-(n)發行。由issue(vt.)變化而來的名詞。issue 指發行、發布、發給。
■註2. commemorative vouchers-感恩回饋券。此處比照「消費券」模式(Consumption Voucher)來翻譯。其中「感恩」的部分強調對胡璉將軍的感恩,因此全稱應該是Commemorative Vouchers-to commemorate General Hu Lian。此處為新聞導言,且重點不在回饋券,故簡稱即可。
■註3. appeal to-向~呼籲、懇求;訴諸於~。
■註4. jurisdiction-(n)管轄權、管轄範圍;亦指司法權、裁判權。
■註5. make up-構成、組合。指反對者的總和不及10%。
■註6. take into account-將~列入考慮。
■註7. esquire-(n)地方上的仕紳,為中古英語之用法。亦指西方的紳士。若指涉的是達官顯要,則可翻譯為dignitary。
■註8. in accordance with-與~相符;與~一致。
■註9. majority-(n)過半數或多數。反義詞為minority。
■註10. stipulate-(vt.)規定;約定。
■註11. referendum-(n)公民投票。同義詞為plebiscite。公投有強制性(biding)與非強制性(non-biding)兩種。此處,烈嶼鄉舉辦的諮詢性投票,並非法律意義上的公投,僅具諮詢與參考功能,因此亦可稱為reference poll、non-biding referendum或advisory poll。
■註12. in line with-與~一致。
■註13. threshold-(n)門檻;開端、起點。
■註14. eligible-(adj)法律上合格的,有資格的。
■註15. adhere to-黏附著~;堅持;支持、擁護。此處指依附著、遵照著~。資料來源:金門縣政府

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