
Lake Shuangli (Twin Carps)雙鯉湖(一)


Lake Shuangli is located between Nanshan and Beishan of Guningtou village at Jinling town. The lake was connected with Lake Cih before a road was built in between, making Lake Shuangli an inland lake. Thus the original ecology around the lake has also changed and become what it is now. Nowadays, the lake contains many sorts of fishes and waterweeds;(1) therefore, birds like to come here for food. The beautiful migratory birds here attract bird watchers who like to frequent(2) this place. And if they are lucky enough, as they walk on the path around the lake, they are likely to see some legally protected otters as well.

On the bank of Lake Shuangli stands a nature center designed by Kinmen National Park. Inside the Center there are displays of Kinmen's birds, plants, natural ecology, geological features, historic relics, etc. Films recording these features are also presented. The most marvelous feature is in the basement where plants and living creatures in the water can been seen clearly through transparent windowpanes. It's great fun.

Facing each other across the lake, Nanshan and Beishan villages are named together as the "Twin Carps Feng-shui" and are considered to be among the earliest traditional villages in Kinmen. At Nanshan village there is a "Sanyian Well," where the residents pass their leisure time. On the other side of the lake, Beishan village has a statue of the Wind Lion God that faces toward the south and is made of granite.

Tourist: Why is the lake called "Shuangli"?

Tour Guide: Because the lake looks like twin carps. And we call it "Shuangli", meaning twin carps in English.

Tourist: Except for its shape, does it have other connotations?(3)
Tour Guide: Yes. The two villages on each side of the lake are Nanshan and Beishan. "Shuangli," which means two carps, also refers to the two villages as a figure of speech.(4) The two villages face each other across the lake and are also among the earliest traditional villages in Kinmen. Generally, Guningtou village is a combination of the two villages and Linciu village. The residents of Guningtou village are mainly from the Lee family, thus the village is also called "The Lee's Village".

Tourist: Any other legends?

Tour Guide: Yes. It's said that Nanshan and Beishan villages also represent two carps, and the Guan Monarch's Temple on the lakeside facing toward the lake resembles a brilliant pearl. The Temple is also called "Twin Carps Old Landing". And, according to the records, all the pilgrims(5) coming from afar to pray in the Temple could take bamboo rafts directly to the entrance with the rising tide. But the waterway has been blocked by sand, and this scene from the past is now gone.

Tourist: We just saw a little construction near the temple. What's that?

■1. waterweed-(n)水草。
■2. frequent-(vt.)時常出入於~,常到~;通常這個字比較常以形容詞形式出現,此處則為動詞。
■3. connotation-(n)意涵,言外之意。
■4. figure of speech-比喻的說法。
■5. pilgrim-(n)朝聖者,香客。


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