
Ombudsmen Advised Kinmen To Pilot Recruiting Mainland Students

作者: 譯者:黃彥翔;校正:Patti。


Sixteen members of Control Yuan accompanied by Wu, Qing-Ji (吳清基), Minister of Education, visited KMIT for an on-site inspection on April 30. Several ombudsmen (1) advised that a feasibility (2) study should be made on the possibility of having a pilot (3) recruitment of students from mainland China in Kinmen.

Including members of Control Yuan and Minister of Education Wu, Qing-Ji, received a warm welcome from the president of KMIT, Li, Chin-Cheng, and the students of KMIT. Xue, Cheng-Tai (薛承泰), the Minister Without Portfolio, Executive Yuan and Governor of Fujian Provincial Government, and legislator Chen, Fu-Hai (陳福海) also visited KMIT to express their concern toward the development of KMIT.
Earlier this month, some legislators had engaged in clashes (4) for their different stances (5) toward the bills about recruiting mainland students. Several members of Control Yuan also expressed their concern during the on-site inspection at KMIT. Ombudsman Chen, Yong-Xiang (陳永祥), articulated (6) that the open-up policy to recruit mainland students is a prevailing (7) and imperative (8) trend, and some tentative (9) experiments on off-shore islands might be acceptable for our countrymen. Chen suggested the feasibility study should be carried out. Ombudsman Du, Shan-Liang (杜善良) pointed out that Kinmen has the geographical advantage to attract mainland students. He proposed that the upgrade of KMIT to a university would increase the amount of exchange students from China. He encouraged KMIT to contrive (10) a strategy to recruit mainland students.

Wu responded that considering the special conditions in Kinmen, once the open-up policy was implemented, there won't be a 2% quota like the case of Taiwan. Besides, the approval for non-degree mainland students in Kinmen will be processed separately under the condition that education resources of native students will not deteriorate (11). Minister Wu also revealed that the MOE is about to grant the application of KMIT for three additional graduate institutes.

●1. ombudsman-國際上對監察人員的通用名稱,即監察委員。
●2. feasibility-(n)可行性、可能性。
●3. pilot-(adj.)小規模試驗性的、試點的。
●4. clash-(n)衝突。
●5. stance-(n)立場、態度。
●6. articulate-(vt.)明確、有力的表達。
●7. prevailing-(adj.)佔優勢的;流行的。
●8. imperative-(adj.)必要、必需的。
●9. tentative-(adj.)試驗性、嘗試性的。
●10. contrive-(vt.)設計、策劃。
●11. deteriorate-(vi.)惡化、下降、退化。

