
To Boost the Development of A Low-Carbon Island County Government Went on an Experience-exchange Trip to STSP

作者: 譯者:蔡湜梵;校正:Patti Jernigan。

發展低碳島 府會首長南科取經

Kinmen County Government and Kinmen County Council traveled as a group to visit and execute an on-site inspection of Southern Taiwan Science Park (STSP), Delta Electronics (台達電子), and Motech Industries Inc.(茂迪科技) on April 29. County Magistrate Li, Wo-Shi (李沃士) said as Kinmen is now actively seeking ways to promote and support an industry in renewable (1) energy, he is eager to listen to any valuable advice from experts on what can be done to establish Kinmen as a national model city for "Going green."
Magistrate Li said that since Kinmen was designated as one of the six low-carbon cities by Executive Yuan, it is now taking proactive (2) steps toward a low-carbon future. Through this visit to the STSP, they hope to learn the development trend of a low carbon industry.

"Protect the Environment, Save Energy and Love Our Planet" has always been the business mission for the world renowned (3) Delta Electronics Group. Coincidentally (4), the founder and chairman, Bruce Cheng (鄭崇華), and Magistrate Li are alumnus (5) of National Cheng Kung University. Upon Li's arrival to Delta Electronics on the 29th, he was received by Charles Tsai (蔡文蔭), the Director of Tainan Plant Delta Electronics.

During Tsai's introduction, he mentioned that, with over four thousand employees, and sales offices worldwide, Delta Electronics, Inc. is the world's largest provider of switching power supplies and fan products. Its business mission is to "Protect the Environment, Save Energy and Love Our Planet," and it has committed to environmental protection, implementing green, lead-free (6) production and waste management programs for many years.

The visiting group also visited Motech Industries, a leading solar-cell maker in Taiwan. Hoping to pave the way for developing solar photovoltaic (7) systems in Kinmen, many officials of related bureaus seized the opportunity to ask many questions and to seek as much advice as possible during the inspection tour.

●1. renewable-(adj)可再生、可繼續的。
●2. proactive-(adj)積極的;主動的。
●3. renowned-(adj)有名的;有聲譽的。
●4. coincidentally-(adv)巧合地;碰巧的是~。
●5. alumnus-(n)校友。
●6. lead-free-無鉛的。lead是化學元素「鉛」。
●7. photovoltaic-(adj)光電的。根據維基百科的解說,所謂photovoltaics(太陽能光伏效應),是指光照時不均勻半導體或半導體與金屬組合的部位間產生電位差的現象。光伏被定義為射線能量的直接轉換。在實際應用中通常指太陽能向電能的轉換,即太陽能光伏。光伏效應也是太陽能發電的基本原理。

