
英文原來這樣說(English Is A Piece of Cake)

作者: 王軒。

大家在閱讀英文專欄時,也不斷地複習許多從前生活中學習的隻字片語,也慢慢組織起來成為實用句型,進而有機會去落實在生活場景和戰勝各種英檢考試挑戰。不過聰明的你,有想過自己的用語程度夠道地嗎?比如:我們會說「這個博物館裡有好多的古董陳列出來」,大家第一時間會想There are many antiques shown in the museum,卻鮮少同學會立刻說出: The museum is home to a great number of antiques on display.這種有層次的表達句(be home to....為....的發源地);亦或是在表達不情願時後除了使用I am unwilling to do it,也可說(I feel terribly reluctant.),可以提高表達英文的深度和國際演說魅力。參照各國元首和總統候選人在競選時所發表的講話來學習用字遣詞,豐富自身文化深度觸角,增加許多在聽演講、脫口秀時了解笑點好入門捷徑。
前幾天,如同許多通勤族(Commuter)在公車站牌旁等著回家;有位非洲裔美國人很焦急地拿著紙條詢問路人(inquire the pedestrians/passers-by),並且不斷重複著"Will the bus go straight down the street?"相信其實周邊很多人都聽得懂他的意思,卻不知道怎麼引導他(Show him the directions)或是回復他的需求。老師就直接走過去問"What's your destination?"他表示要去一家運動館,不過不確定是否這邊的公車是否有直行到他去的地方。了解以後,我也詢問身邊的路人們,確認他要去的地方及方位,我們就幫助了他上公車,並且交待司機他要下車的該站。這就是國民外交的開始,也是讓國人有機會發揮自己英文實力的機會。不管是在公共場合(public benues)或是私下朋友聚會,我們都可以伸出援手幫忙他人去解決問題,這樣我們學習語言才更有意義,也更彰顯學習成果和國際觀的培養成果。也要提醒各位認真的讀者們,如果想要表達對方已經坐過站或是該在下一站下車,公車搭乘的用語應該使用bus stop 而非 bus station, 因為bus station多有公車總站的涵義。那麼老師就來讓同學複習一下相關的表達語,可以當個出色的外交小尖兵喔!
You have missed the stop. You should get off at the next one and it only takes you five minutes to walk back to the previous stop.
This bus is not heading/headed for National Palace Museum. And the next bus will arrive in three minutes.
Please inform the bus driver of the terminal you'll get off at. Cash or EasyCard is acceptable for paying the fare.
I wish you a pleasant journey in Taiwan.=Hope you enjoy your stay in Taiwan.
5. 你車子來了!不要忘記下車前要先按鈴。
Here comes your bus and pleased don't forget to ring the bell before the bus approaches the stop.
現在讓各位同學動動腦一下,請問世界上最長的車子是什麼呢?可不是高級禮賓車或總統座車,答案是:塞車(Traffic Congestion)。老師可不是鬧著大家玩的,外國友人每次到台灣人都會被水洩不通的車輛壅塞情況嚇到瞠目結舌(Speechless),也大呼說"The traffic is going to kill me!"(這種車況讓我小命不保)是有些誇張沒錯!但說到人潮卡卡,老師就想到自己在另一次伸出援手幫忙國外訪客的經驗,發生在一年一度台灣燈會(Taiwan Lantern Festival)的現場,因為已經接近慶典的倒數的日子,許多來自四面八方的旅客和前往機場的旅客通通擠成一團,水洩不通的景象真是令老師不敢恭維。眼看到有兩位歐美背包客在人群中像無頭蒼蠅般尋找協助,面對機場巴士和路人都無法理解他們的英文表達,他們也感受到很難過和無奈。剛好老師經過他們,聽到其中一位男性背包客說"We're going to miss our flights and no bus can take us there right now!"高鐵人員有表達他們愛莫能助,老師幫忙緩頰解釋" We feel sorry for what you've just experienced. But as you've noticed that the traffic doesn't even move in such overcrowded places. Perhaps you could phone the airline to reschedule the flight to the next one if you can make it there"(我們對於您的處境也很遺憾,但如您所見的現場的交通確實動彈不得。或許可以先致電航空公司替您另行安排下一班接近的班機,然後趕緊趕上班機。),因為現場狀況就是連叫計程車,都沒辦法讓她們趕上當天的班機。這讓她們非常無奈(vulnerable),也很焦急於接下來安排的旅程和其他事項進行。所以這個時候就只能安慰對方,而對方也感受到我們的誠意和極力幫忙的心情。
1. 夜市的人潮真多,我都要硬擠才可以逃出去。【foot traffic人潮:此為國際旅遊雜誌與國家探索頻道御用五星級表達法,不可不記!】There's a lot of foot traffic at the night market and I have to elbow my way out of the crowd.
2. 如果周末要跟家人出遊一定要避開尖峰時刻。You shall avoid the peak hours if you plan to hang out with family on weekends
3. 如果可以先預購電影票可以省下很多排隊排到天荒地老。Advance order for your movie tickets can save you a lot of time stuck in the queue showing no end.
1. Why did you quite your previous job?(Choose the appropriate answer)
A. After years of efforts at the sales department, I failed to get the promotion,
B. I anticipate for taking on more responsibilities.
2. By the time Susan decided to marry John, we all can totally ___ their relationship.
A. assure B. ensure C. invalidate D. guarantee
3.Before our relatives drop by our place, you children should have better ____ the stuffs scattered all over the floor before you get to embarrass yourself.
A. put up with B. put off C. put away D. put aside
4. The chef devised a unique taste of ramen noodles ___ to may existing diners as well as prospective customers once he settled the root in New Year where he draw great inspiration from.
A. flavorful B. favorite C. fantastic D. favorable
1.Term (n.)學期(=semester)
EX.: The final report should be submitted no later than the end of this term, or you will definitely fail this course. ▲no later than= prior to=before=ahead of 前於…熟記相關表達,幫助理解完整文意!
EX.: Make sure that you would review the terms of the lease contract thoroughly before signing on it, or you might regret omitting some details that would jeopardize your benefits.
Come to terms with+ N/ Np /V-ing=compromise(對某事物而妥協)
(Compromise on reality對現實妥協/ Compromise on your profits對於自身利益妥協) EX.:Sometimes we have no choice but to come to terms with the reality, it's really unlikely for you to stick to the principles all the time in such an ever-changing society,
3.Term期間(=the duration of some time)
EX.:Learning how to swim at the beginning wasn't that fun, but you'll require such essential skills on some occasions in the long run.剛開始學習游泳並沒這麼有趣,但終究在某些場合你會需要這項技能的!
4.In terms of =from some respect of.....藉由(某情況或條件)來看的話
EX.: He's considered dynamic, committed, and conscientious worker who will be a future success in terms of his diligent attitude despite his limited experience in this field.雖然他這個領域資歷很淺,但是以他勤勉的態度一定會成大器,而且他被認為是相當有衝勁,奉獻的,而且相當負責認真的員工。
EX.: In terms of interpersonal relationships, it's better to remain patient and observant when getting to know more about an individual before deciding whether it's worthwhile to dedicate yourself to this friendship or future partnership.(由人際關係來看,要決定是否跟一個人深入交往或建立商業夥伴關係,最好保持有耐心且學著要察言觀色!)
5. Terminal(n.)電腦終端機;(機場)航廈
EX.: Passengers who disembark the plane shall proceed to the shuttle bus for the Terminal 2. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
EX.: It's literally a wake-up call for my entire family that my uncle died of the terminal stage of the lung cancer due to year-long habit of smoking cigarettes.
7. Terminate(v.)=put something into closure終結(或對某事情做了結)
EX.: The infringement of the contract terms is considered such tremendous loss to our company or suppliers. It is indeed the contributing factor terminating the lease contract, jeopardizing the future partnership.
1. Why did you quite your previous job?(Choose the appropriate answer)
B. I anticipate for taking on more responsibilities.(我想承擔更多重任)
2. By the time Susan decided to marry John, we all can totally ___ their relationship.
C. invalidate (確認關係)
3.Before our relatives drop by our place, you children should have better ____ the stuffs scattered all over the floor before you get to embarrass yourself.
C. put away(放回原位)
4. The chef devised a unique taste of ramen noodles ___ to may existing diners as well as prospective customers once he settled the root in New Year where he draw great inspiration from.D. favorable(為人所歡迎的)

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