
英文原來這樣說 (English Is A Piece of Cake)

作者: 王軒。

終於很快的一年又飛快的過去了,大家是否也在過去的日子當中收穫滿滿,身心靈都慢慢成熟了呢?或許,看過了許多美景,也看過了許多人事變遷和悲歡離合。但千萬不要忘了,讓自己不斷學習進步,去挑戰新的事物,讓生命充滿更多的可能性,激盪出美麗浪花。一直很忠實閱讀本專欄的大小朋友們,也很努力學習英文,充實自己英文各方面實力;更養成用英文傳簡訊、用英文寫下心情點滴,也用英文測試自己過去這段時間的努力成果。不管用網路商店的app來測試自己的單字量、文法結構、聽力理解能力,都是讓自己保持在英文環境中。主動打造出自己的英文生活圈可是很重要的。一整天在外工作或接駁交通時間裡,都可以試著用英文表達自己想法,從生活中去發問,這樣英文肯定進步神速,且有源源不絕的靈感喔!那麼來試看看生活英文的題目,你能答對多少呢? Refrain from Googling for those answers; try to answer them by yourselves at the first place!
1. 抹花生醬在吐司上: Let's _____ the _____ _____ on the _____!
2. 鄰近地區的雜貨店: The _____ _____ in the _____ !
3. 自作主張去買了電視購物產品: Take the _____ of _____ the _____ products
4. 表演一結束,觀眾都站起來鼓掌: When the _____ ended, all the _____ stood up and _____.
5. 在看電影當中,我忍不住哭出來了: In the _____ of the movie, I_____ into _____.
6. 這就是緣分呀! That's the _____ made in _____!
7. 這一束玫瑰花是感謝你的象徵:This _____ of the roses serve as the _____ of my gratitude for you!
8. 請解凍這份牛排,不然晚餐要準備超久的啦!Please____ the steak, or it will take me____ to prepare the whole meal!
1. 抹花生醬在吐司上: Let's spread the peanut butter on the toast !
2. 鄰近地區的雜貨店: The grocery store in the neighborhood!
3. 自作主張去買了電視購物產品: Take the liberty of purchasing the televised products
4. 表演一結束,觀眾都站起來鼓掌: When the performance ended, all the audience stood up and applauded.
5. 在看電影當中,我忍不住哭出來了: In the middle of the movie, I burst into tears.
6. 這就是緣分呀! That's the marriage made in heaven!
7. 這一束玫瑰花是感謝你的象徵:This bouquet of the roses serves as the token of my gratitude for you!
8. 請解凍這份牛排,不然晚餐要準備超久的啦!Please defrost the steak, or it will take me forever to prepare the whole meal!
Daily Challenge: Adjective Clause Expressions
口訣:在句中凡遇到That S-V-O 接在名詞Noun的後方即有形容詞功用
EX.: I really fancy the car that you bought last weekend
EX.: Paris is the city that I love visiting during my holiday breaks.
That ______ that my ______brother lives is just near the _______.
Welcome to the ______ ______ that the government ______. That's incredibly ______ and you could barely ______ your way out of the ______.
Please ______ the ______cake that I ______ by ______. Although the ______ isn't so appealing to the prospective buyers, it is the ______ that really ______, right?
Please ______ in mind that those words from ______ are all the ______ from the very ______ of their hearts.
The pair of ______ that you just ______ ______ happened to ______ the one that I've had.
Answer Keys:
That _mansion_ that my _elder_brother lives is just near the riverbank_.
Welcome to the _German__ _fair__ that the government _sponsored_. That's incredibly _crowded_ and you could barely _elbow_ your way out of the crowds.
Please _accept_ the _chocolate cake that I _made_ by _myself_. Although the _presentation_ isn't so appealing to the prospective buyers, it is the _thought_ that really _counts_, right?
Please _bear_ in mind that those words from _parents_ are all the _concerns_ from the very _bottoms_ of their hearts.
The pair of _jeans_ that you just_tried_ _on_ happened to resemble_ the one that I've had.
1. My mother cannot ____ the cold but she's fine with the heating hot weather in southeastern Asia.我媽媽很怕冷的,可是她對於東南亞的暑氣卻很淡定。
2. Winnie will never ____the campus-bullying and she as a school principle will immediately expel those students violating the rules.溫妮無法容忍校園霸凌,身為一個學校的校長她會立刻把違反校規的學生退學。
3. My best friend, Nancy, has a hard time ____ the criticisms from others. She tends to be sulk alone without telling me what's going on and keeps things to herself.我的好朋友南西,對於別人的批評非常無法接受。她通常都會一個人生悶氣,也不告訴我到底發生什麼事情,常常自己悶不吭聲把事情放心上。
4. I am____ up with my demanding supervisor and am so ready to submit the resignation letter.我實在受夠了我老咄咄逼人的上司,我早就準備要給他辭呈了。
5. I am so ____ of my boyfriend cheating on my all the time and it seems he has showed no sign of remorse.說到我男友我就翻白眼,他從頭到尾都在欺騙我的感情,而且他似乎也沒有歉意。
Answer Keys:
1. My mother cannot (stand) the cold but she's fine with the heating hot weather in southeastern Asia.我媽媽很怕冷的,可是她對於東南亞的暑氣卻很淡定。→注意不要說成了I am afraid of the cold,這樣可是會讓你的英文老師大笑,因為這是我怕冷怕得要死了,好像是恐怖分子追殺你一樣。感覺寒冷時,記得把大衣穿起來,這樣就好啦,不要太誇張喔!所以把英文用到對的地方才會加分,不然可是會讓自己掉漆又扣分了喔!
2. Winnie will never( tolerate) the campus-bullying and she as a school principle will immediately expel those students violating the rules.溫妮無法容忍校園霸凌,身為一個學校的校長她會立刻把違反校規的學生退學。→這個單字tolerate是非常的嚴重的單字,因為這牽涉到一個體系或是一個人的最低底線,用了這個單字就是會讓人感受到你已經完全沒有辦法忍受下去了,甚至要訴諸法律來解決眼前的問題了!
3. My best friend, Nancy, has a hard time (stomaching) the criticisms from others. She tends to be sulk alone without telling me what's going on and keeps things to herself.我的好朋友南西,對於別人的批評非常無法接受。她通常都會一個人生悶氣,也不告訴我到底發生什麼事情,常常自己悶不吭聲把事情放心上。→我們都知道一個人的心情會影響到身體的狀態,壓力大就會睡不著,沒有吃對食物腸胃就會鬧脾氣。所以這邊的意思是"無法吞下"這口氣,或是"接受"對方或外界給的訊息或態度。所以這是從名詞胃部的轉化成動詞的說法喔,可以說是非常常用的口語和道地化的用法喔!
4. I am(fed) up with my demanding supervisor and am so ready to submit the resignation letter.我實在受夠了我老咄咄逼人的上司,我早就準備要給他辭呈了。→餵食三態: feed→fed→fed,這邊是採用動詞三態中的過去分詞,代表好像被硬餵著吃飯,好像被灌食的鵝,鵝肝都快要衝到爆炸的極限了,所以是真的快吐出來的感覺,對於現況十分不滿呢!
5. I am so (sick) of my boyfriend cheating on my all the time and it seems he has showed no sign of remorse.說到我男友我就翻白眼,他從頭到尾都在欺騙我的感情,而且他似乎也沒有歉意。→英文中的SICK其實不只是"生病"或"身體感到不適",其實SICK也可以當作作嘔或是對於狀況很反感的狀況。有些人就會說I am sick of your attitude and don't bother talking to me!(你的態度很有問題,請你不要再跟我說話了好嗎?)這樣也是相當粗魯的用語,也表達對方對受話者有相當的厭惡度!同學在表達上可以多加比較,可以理解和吸收很多不同場景會用到的單詞與表達,不用想太複雜的用詞來讓英文句型很華麗,才會讓自己的英文可以老嫗能解,而且你的用字本就該因你的聽眾而有不同抉擇!
